Looking to do videos of your maps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Oli The G, Feb 21, 2011.

  1. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey, I have done map video submissions before, but I just got too bogged down with it.

    I'm back now though!

    Fortunatly, since I stopped doing maps, I recieved a Hauppauge HD PVR. Below is a link to the kinda quality (and a previous map walkthrough) that I get (it will get slightly better than that, I only rendered in 720, and didn't really tinker with the settings)

    YouTube - THE EMERALD SKULL Walkthrough

    So I can go from something like that to a full on edited video like this (but will be better quality now)

    YouTube - Halo Reach - QUIDDTICH TWO!!

    or this:

    YouTube - Halo Reach: Top 10 MOMENTS OF EPIC

    And my latest piece of epic, from this very thread

    YouTube - Skyjacked!

    I do have a few things though:

    Fully edited video may take a while to get through, so give me just under 2 weeks for those (it may be less, it may be more, I don't want to get bored with this, as it's just a hobby, and I do have GCSE exams coming up)

    Walkthroughs should take a few days to do. However, I will probably require a walkthrough or some hints.

    And the last thing I ask, is that you put the video in the thread, reccommend me and subscribe!

    This will work on a first come first serve basis (but if your map isn't good enough, or the kind of video you want won't work, then it will not be done)

    Go ahead! Just fill out this form:

    Custom Gametype?

    A Brief Description:

    Why It Should Be Featured:

    All Links
    #1 Oli The G, Feb 21, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2011
  2. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Can you detonae Plasma Grenades by shooting them?

    EDIT: OMG i'm in the second vid! Lol i got a Showstopper at 3: 28
    #2 artifact123, Feb 21, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2011
  3. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    you were playtesting that with me? Ossim, that was one of my favourite highlights of playtesting quidditch

    Might do a third one soon. And yes, you can detonate plasma grenades by shooting them...
  4. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    maybe you could make a video of my Emollitus series? three maps in one video
  5. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Send me the links and well see!
  6. soupoo

    soupoo Forerunner

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    It would be great if you could make a video for my very soon to release map, Flow.

    taken with my phone..
    YouTube - Flow - halo reach map tour

    DL Link: I will get the final one up very soon just needs 2 things literally
  7. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Right, destarfighter or soupoo, if you have any gameplay of your maps, please post them up on your fileshare, and I will download them.

    The more gameplay I can get the better!

    Lastly, any song requests?
  8. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    will post some when I get my xbox back ^^
  9. Scalpel Technique

    Senior Member

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    MAP NAME: Demonball Homecourt
    GAMETYPE: Demonball
    Custom Gametype? Yes

    A Brief Description: Demonball is a grifball inspired halosport, but it plays quite differently to grifball, it's been made so that you can make forge maps to play it on which don't have to be just a square box. There are two armor abilities, sprint and evade, which are unlimted, bomb carrier has limited armor ability for sprint only. Players have two weapon sets - hammer and G launcher or hammer and sword. The map - basically the players spawn on two opposite platforms and the bomb spawns in the middle down in a large bowl, you have to get the bomb out of the bowl and plant it on the other team's platform.

    Why It Should Be Featured:
    Its just a fun chaotic gametype, there's always some action going on and I really would like a video made because the map is huge and it pics on it dont really show the game off, all the players are really small.

    Links: I will be back to update these. edit: been really busy, here are links to the gametype and map, I want to get one more test in and I will be posting soon, I'm not sure if the new aesthetics I've added will cause screen lag, but I can always delete it. I've put alot of time and effort into this one, it's been a labour of love, it needs a kick ass video, so yeah, I'm unashamedly trying to promote to you as a video project.


    Oh I forgot, I got a rendered film, this is from a while back, the map and gametype have changed a bit since this, the main thing being I took out jet packs and the custom power up. Also you asked before about song suggestions, so this if just for your consideration if you decide to do a vid of my map. I was looking at this rendered film a while ago and imagining what would go with it if I was to ever make a youtube vid. I thought some early metallica would do it, and settled on for "for whom the bell tolls", it suited the vid really well. Here, try it yourself if you want, click on both vid links and play metallica in the background.

    rendered film link:
    Metallica youtube link:
    YouTube - Metallica - For Whom The Bell Tolls with lyrics

    edit: wow, didn't realise that the whole youtube vid would be embedded, anyways I did a run through of the finished map and rendered it so that you could have a look, I hope you like it.

    Rendered film, run through of the finished map.
    #10 Scalpel Technique, Feb 21, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2011
  10. JD Horx

    JD Horx Forerunner

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    MAP NAME: Pillar of Autumn
    GAMETYPE: Invasion:Autumn, Teamslayer
    Custom Gametype? Yes and No

    A Brief Description:

    In invasion mode, elites try to enter the pillar of autumn with their banshees, spartans defend. Much air combat in the first phase. Much close quarter combat inside the autumn in the second and third phase. In the third phase elites carry a bomb to the bridge and try to blow up the ship.

    In slayer its fun too.

    Why It Should Be Featured:
    Its an offbeat gameplay (aircombat with like 8 banshees and 2 falcons) on an really good remake of the pillar of autumn. im currently still working on it (little modifications for gameplay reasons) so i think that if you want to help me, it should only be a walkthrough to show the architecture and the design, maybe an aircombat scene...

    you find the link to the download in my signature...

    JD Horx
    #11 JD Horx, Feb 21, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2011
  11. soupoo

    soupoo Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Demonball looks fun.

    Got the final version of flow: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details

    i dont have any gameplay vids, but I sent you a fr if you would like to get some, or I will try to get some
  12. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Demon looks fun and all, but I will unfortunatly NOT be doing it (at least until I have the 2 I am currently doing finished) simply because I have already done 2 quidditch videos, both of which are similar to demonball, and I am looking to move on from it, which I really do hope you understand. Nothing personal, it's a good map.

    At the moment, I am looking to work on 2 maps, skyjacked and tower of emolitius

    Oh yes, and I would prefer to do a map that has not been released yet, simply because I find it much more productive to have it there from the begginging of the thread regime (but if your maps good, then thats not a rule a will neccessairrily (??) play by)

    And if you have any saved films of your maps, it will make my life (and the video) a whole much easier and better.

    Oh yes, and a friendly sub is nice.

    I'll update when neccessary

    Quick update before i forget! - A race map would be pretty good for me at the moment, i'd be looking to do a nice simple, clean kind of thing, possibly using the trailer music from inception, you know, diferent angles, changing angles to music, a nice clean video or something
    #13 Oli The G, Feb 24, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2011
  13. adirtysportsmen

    adirtysportsmen Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    MAP NAME: Middle-earth
    GAMETYPE: Invasion: Middle-earth
    Custom Gametype? Yes

    A Brief Description:

    Middle-earth combines four well-known cities from The Lord of the Rings into one map. The map spans all of Forge World and uses a system of teleporters, Invasion spawns, and vehicles for transportation. Middle-earth is only compatible with Invasion: Middle-earth, Invasion Slayer, and casual games of Slayer

    Blue team directives:
    I. Steal the core from Balin's tomb. Capture the core below the staircases
    II. Bring the bomb from Mordor to Rivendell or Helm's Deep
    III. Capture the territory in Rivendell or Helm's Deep

    Red team directives:
    I. Protect the core in Balin's tomb. Watch out for trolls
    II. Divide your forces among Rivendell and Helm's Deep
    III. Use the teleporters to aid your allies. Be quick to call out an attack

    Why It Should Be Featured:

    This map is too large to capture detail in a few screenshots. I could really use a flythrough video to show different aspects of the map, or to demonstrate the flow of combat. I may be able to provide a saved film of the map in action this Sunday, but anything you can come up with will do

  14. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    that middle earth seems good.

    3 in my list1!!!
  15. Values

    Values Forerunner

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    Note: Map is not yet released to public but is complete and tested.
    Map name: Age of War
    Custom gametype? Yes.
    A brief description: Age of War is an invasion map designed to take you through the stages of war starting from the knights and castles of the middle ages and ending in a post-apocalyptic cavern with humanity and other earthly inhabitants fighting over simple natural resources that are no longer abundant.
    The Elites begin on the a plain outside a medieval Spartan castle that has a nice blacksmith shop and stables that are worth dying for. If the elites cannot capture the castles stables or shop after two minutes, a 'catapult' comes to their aid. Once the objectives are captured, the black plague strikes, taking you into an all new age.
    Now the elites must carry a bomb into a Spartan drug cartel boat, docked by the lighthouse. If the elite special forces are successful in the destruction of the cartel, a nuke is dropped and the world comes into a post-apocalyptic cavern.
    The elites are now in a conquest like phase where they must capture the spartans puddle at the end of the cavern. The natural resources are now scarce because earth has been destroyed by war.
    Why it should be featured:
    Although this may seem just like another invasion gametype, age of war promotes all different fighting styles with unique gameplay and an underlying message. In each age, people fight with different forms of weapons, going from swords to ARs to plasma weapons. The gameplay is unique due to the changing battlefields and guns, while the map conveys one simple theme: war kills.
    Thank you for your time (:)
    #16 Values, Mar 6, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2011
  16. Scalpel Technique

    Senior Member

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    Hey man I kind of glad now that you chose not to do a video of my map, I want to do it myself, it seems like fun. You gotta do more vids like top ten moments of epic, I was so pissing myself laughing watching that. Good luck with the channel, when I get round to making a youtube account I'll have to subscribe.
  17. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello I would be really interested in getting a video made up of my newest map. It is a remake of black ops zombies level kino der toten. It has only been out a couple of days and it has had 500+ dl in a day. The newer version is improved and I am expecting it to be very popular. Also I think the video would be very popular too.
    kino der toten game type : kino der toten the game is zombies/infection.(forge hub post) It is the most accurate remake so far that anyone has seen on reach including the mystery boxes, and doors that u pay to get through and teleporter that needs switching on to use. If u play black ops u may know what I mean otherwise I may be going on.
    I can make videos but only with my phone and I can't add sounds and do a professional job like you could. If you do decide to take this on i would like the sounds of the black ops game used (zombies sounds game start & end etc) I have the sounds from an app on droid phone, but as I can't make, is little use. Thank you for your time

    Kind Regards timmypanic


  18. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ill try and get der totem done, but its 4th on my list. 1st is nearly done though. And scalpel, I wish you all the best. If you need any help, or if you want to purchase my old ezcap off me (the one I used for those videos) feel free to ask.

    I think I will go back to the top tens. I realy enjoyed making them. 5th on my list hehe. And my friend wants one doing, but I couldn't care less about him. Hes jealous because I know what im doing, and he sucks. He won't even stand the fact that my single core processor gets out 1080p. Hes trying to get the most expensive computer possible. This "genious" whos spent years studying IT thinks that to read email you need a quad core processor. But I don't know anything apparently. This guy wants to spend 2 grand on this computer, saying hes going to do so many things he won't ever come close to. He doesent trust single core processors because one he had 7 years ago had one. I told him its ridiculous money. His response? its my parents who are paying for it so ill buy whatever the hell I want (in his exact words)

    Anyway, ill get onto your stuff asap!

    Heres a quick trialer of the thing at number 1:

    YouTube - Skyjacked PREVIEW

    Ill keep updating!

    Edited by merge:

    In fact, ill give you a few pointers.

    Invest in software first. I use corel videostudio pro x3.
    Make the music set the theme, and let the map speak for itself.
    Have everything intertwine (angles, gameplay, music, etc) If it stands out or feels odd, dump it.
    Camera angles make life interesting. Static ones can work perfectly
    Edit to the frame if you need to. Holding changes in time with the music is good, but don't do it too much.
    Leave out effects. A cleaner, much more natural video becomes more engaging and clear. Also, if you pepper it with effects, your viewer will subconsciously think "hes peppering it up because it sucks"
    Get into a flow. Don't do it all at once, or just 5 minutes every now and again.
    Practice your shots. Let the viewer feel that they are there
    Pace your video! At the start, set a pace. Do you want a slow, calm feel, or a fast, furious feel? If you want a slow feel, try using occasional fades, music containing a few chords, and leave a barrier of nothing for a couple of seconds at either end of clips, and if you want your fast, furious video, keep it up. No barriers, change with music very often.
    PICK MUSIC EVERYBODY WILL LIKE! So no rap, no hip hop, no heavy metal. So many times the content of a video has been excellent, but because a rapper is there I just turn it of. Don't let it happen.

    And lastly, have fun with it. Use it as a way to express yourself. If I stop enjoying editing I stop that second. I take a break, play a few games, then come back in a couple of days. moments of epic was delayed by two weeks because of those reasons. And don't let anybody put you down. Be proud of your work. Even if your first piece isn't genious, don't despair, itll come over time!
    #19 Oli The G, Mar 7, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2011
  19. Values

    Values Forerunner

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    I'm taking that as a no to my map? I just didn't see a reply to my comment whether it was yes or no, so just wodering, lol.

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