Underused/Never Used Spot?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Twelve, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. Twelve

    Twelve Ancient
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    Has anyone made a map here? It's on the ocean side of Montana, right next to the big crevice between Montana and Alaska. It's pretty symmetrical, it seems like it would be good for a small doubles map.

    Some rocks I threw on there, just to see what could be done. I think a neat map could be made here.

    Another shot showing the relative symmetry.
    #1 Twelve, Mar 6, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2011
  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Hmm, I've actually been trying to find something to do with this little area myself, how strange that you thought of the same thing!

    I completely agree with you, it does seem like a wonderful area to place a nice little map. What exactly where you thinking of making there when you realized how good of an area it is?
  3. Pwnography

    Pwnography Ancient
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    Thats a nice area, another good area is the beach. No one ever really uses the beach or the cave that leads from hemmorrhage to the beach.
  4. J HaDlEy 616

    J HaDlEy 616 Ancient
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    I was thinking of forging in the cave area recently, possibly an assault or 1 bomb map but after awhile I lost interest in it, the lighting in that area is so tricky to control, but if someone did it right it could be an awesome little map.
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    I made a map that was literally on the beach, and used it (and the floor) for some neat aesthetics like a pool, a sandy room, etc, but it ended up having too Manu problems with lighting and the fact that the water moves through objects. It basically killed the entire project.
  6. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I built a map (Speleology) in the cave. It was my first real forged map in Reach after a previous abortive attempt, and I'm still pretty fond of it.
  7. Twelve

    Twelve Ancient
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    I really haven't seen any maps on the coastline, but I have seen quite a few in the cave. Most of the cave ones are pretty cool, but there's a lot of cool spots on the coastline, and the cliffs next to the coastline are kinda nice.
  8. cyclonewolf114

    cyclonewolf114 Forerunner

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    theres a couple areas of forge world that noone really uses properly / cool/awesome/evt

    the first is the area that you pointed one.
    second is the pillar. Everyone tried to forge the tope but never the sides or the bottom.(i did a side of it)
    and lastly is the area next to the cave leading to blood glutch. Its the one area with really small land use there but i have seen only one person even try to forge there.(mainly because its a tricky area but if used properly , could be masterpiece)

    just my two cents

    also you gave me a great idea for a vehicle use map around that rock area.
    I gave been looking for a good area for one but always seem to have trouble.
  9. Maverik

    Maverik Forerunner

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    another area never used is the cliff above the sandy stretch of beach across from the island.

    as for the area you mentioned, off montana, ive built a UNSC shipyard on it, using the rock in the water there as a platform to build the small construction building on the other side of a small, relatively cheap UNSC ship im featuring in another map as well. when i get the chance to post pics ill post that map.

    HMSGOVIER Forerunner

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    I made my first invasion map in there,

    There is alot of pottential for putting a map there and ive been looking for more ways to do that also.

    Go ahead and play about with that area, its pretty underused and the rock wall is pretty good for making some things. all you need is your imagination.
  11. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    For a reason I can't explain, Ive never actually thought myself of forging there, although it looks like a fantastic spot for smaller maps.

    Ill probably do my next assymetric doubles map there...o_O

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