Challenge: Forgevasion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by A Space 0strich, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. A Space 0strich

    A Space 0strich Forerunner

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    Running alongside my Survival challenge. This one is a test for the elite Forger. Invasion forge is complex but many of the options available are never used. My challenge to you is create an invasion map that is different. For example on the lesser extent a map where the Falcon is the core drop point would be applicable. On the other end of the spectrum, be creative, an example is a map I was working on called Aspho Point, based off the Legendary Gears of War event. Each team was split into two. A 2vs2 would occur inside a beachfront facility while a 4vs4 occured outside. The two battlefields never collided but the small team inside the facility's success would also advance the larger team outside, and vise versa. Get creative, and please dear holy lord above don't let this challenge or the Survival challenge fall to the bottom of the thread pile, forver lost. Entries close March 5th and as for rewards, I'll se what I can do.
  2. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Dude I've already made a map with the falcon thing
  3. A Space 0strich

    A Space 0strich Forerunner

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    well done, thinking of entering. try something DIFFERENT, enjoyable, something with pizazz, for example, a space battle from starwars battlefront 2 recreated in invasion would be fun. think outside the box. go wild. try my other competition if you can't think of anything, that one is based on survival such as infection, obstacles, or competetive maps with LOTS of cover.
  4. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This sounds like my kind of challenge. Expect an entry from me.
  5. A Space 0strich

    A Space 0strich Forerunner

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    alright good to see some takers, just to let you know, if you like this i'm gonna try to make a regular thing out of this.

    Edited by merge:

    4 days left someone post something so we can get this thread back into page 1
    #5 A Space 0strich, Mar 1, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2011
  6. Marinealver

    Marinealver Forerunner

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    At first I wanted to make an invasion map that started you on the island fighting through the coastline to capture the cave then you fight through the cave or grav lifts over montana/alaska into the canyon, to finally an air war from the canyon to the pillar collesieum/quarry.

    However I realised that the map is just too large for any infantry battles even with 16 players. Too dependent on vehicles, and no weapons would be of any use other than snipers, lasers, scorpian tanks, and banshees.

    Not to say that I wouldn't mind seeing a big team map that akes place over a couple forge zones. Say an alaska-montanna map or even a coastline canyon map with mabey a little bit of the island as a start/finish staging area.
  7. Values

    Values Forerunner

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    I already have an invasion map that I consider unique. Soon the preview will be up, hopefully tomorrow, how would I enter it onto this thread? I'll edit this post with the stuff once you tell me how to do it.
  8. A Space 0strich

    A Space 0strich Forerunner

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    Basically just post a short description and download link. If theres already a forgehub thread post a link to that aswell. Dont forgtet the gametype.
  9. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    This seems like a pretty good idea as it will hopefully push the community to produce more awesome invasion maps. Ive been working on one for a while that is very nearly finished. It is very balanced and holds a wide mix of gameplay. The first phase is outside with lots of vehicular fighting and after that the game moves into close quarter combat inside an underground bunker which has some small tunnels and cavernous rooms. Here is a teaser video of the first phase.

    YouTube - Bunker Complex (Phase 1)

    a link to the original teaser thread

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