Okay, here's my first ever Forge Map! A little background on 'Cavern': This was created for a Uni Project [Currently doing Computer Game Design fdSc] and has been criticised and tested by my lecturers and classmates to get to this point. So far it seems to be best played on SWAT and Slayer, we have tested it on Objective gametypes however it isn't really suited to it. It was designed with the usual Halo philosophies - Multiple 'manual' routes to floors, and multiple 'assisted' routes to floors. In the first draft of this map there wasn't a Room on the upper floor - however I wanted to play with the idea of having a Man Cannon underneath a one-way shield, and in playtests at Uni it seemed to work out quite well, plus the room filled a lot of unused space. It's a fairly simple map, and unfortunately as of posting this I haven't uploaded it since I don't have a HDD [Should have it uploaded by tomorrow night]. Looking for as much criticism as you guys can give me from looking at the pictures - It would be appreciated!
I could report you for spam, but meh whatevs. Anyway, I like how you used the mix of indoor forgeworld and outdoor forgeworld in the map. I will say though that the map does look plain without any real 'pazazz' so to speak. For me, it looks like a regular map that I would download, look around at then never play again
This reminds me of caged, it looks amazing with the banisters and i like the place that you have built it. there is a wall double that looks stangely out of place but idk. Ill give it a download and play a few games. p.s. you make maps on your uni course!!
Thanks for the feedback! Berb - I see what you mean there. This was mainly designed to show my understanding of basic Multiplayer design philosophies to my lecturer - which I'm pretty sure I've done quite well. However, like you said, it's plain / boring / dull. I think I have a solid base for a map, and with 8+ people it's quite fun; so my next objective will be to make it more pleasing to the eye. Thanks again for the feedback dude [br][/br]Edited by merge: Right, back with a bit of an update. I've complete re-worked the building on the second floor by adding ramps either side, cover on the upper floor and a completely re-work grav lift / one way shield mechanic [We've had some amazing 'Oh My God' assassinations from it, I'm really happy with how it works now]. I've also created a two-floor base on the opposite side which adds some A-symmetry to the map, however in playtests it always seem to be the opposite base that has the 'High Ground' effect. Anyway, updated shots below and I should be able to upload the Work In Progress map this weekend. I'm going to re-work the area in the final two shots, as I'm not happy with the amount of open space there, and once I'm happy with the map itself I'll work even more on the appearance of the map.