CWNED. So let's jump right in. SETTINGS: Weapons Primary: Concussion Rifle Secondary: Energy Sword Health Cannot be damaged by concussion rifles unless on foot. Energy sword kills anyone in 1 hit while on mongoose. Sticky grenades (4) kill in one 'nade. Teams Two players per team Best played with three or more teams OBJECTIVE: Main objective Drive through the objectives (Cones) fifteen times Details You can shoot cones away from enemy teams MAP OVERVIEW OTHER INFORMATION Well, for all of you that don't care about the story of why I made this and some other details to all of those sweet action shots. Otherwise, read on . So, I was playing Rocket Race with my friend Nikatorus, when we thought: 'This isn't fun.' Naturally, I wanted to change that. And so the idea was born. I worked on the idea for the map without success, I tried a traditional Rocket Race map, with arches and whatnot. Not fun. Then I tried it with a flat surface. Not fun. THEN I cut off an area of the gulch and made it there. Again, not fun. Finally, I had a decent idea. I built the map on the curve you see before you, added the cone objectives, and WHAM! Fun. The general Idea of Cwned is that Rocket Race is good and all, but it could be better. In Cwned, the objectives, being cones, can be launched entirely across the map, adding variety to gameplay. Now enough talk, or, type. Here are those schmexy action shots I promised you. Spoiler "Why isn't this in matchmaking?" ~i got a spork "LET'S PLAY THAT AGAIN!" ~UEG UNTOTEN "Put that on your file share or I'm stabbing you in the face with a fork" ~Ghost is Close YouTube - Halo Reach forge map: Cwnage (Mini game)
Okay, this is pretty cool, but, unfortunately, the idea is sort of taken. The only difference is that there are no mongooses. Here's the link if you're interested: - Coned!
First thing, If this idea is truly yours, and you dreamed it yourself without full knowledge of Dinosaur Drugs "Coned" than good for you. BUT If you decided to rip it off and add a mongoose twist, that's not cool, and you better be prepared to make a lot of enemies, including myself. Assuming of course that the idea is original, and that you made it up with a frighteningly similar name, I will give you my stamp of approval, but I'm watching you........... On the map it looks really well made,has a similar floor and wall of DD's Coned! Not bad, maybe I'll get a game on to decide for myself, a final judgement.
I completely understand if he and you both hate me, but I PROMISE that I had no idea, I just looked at his and I'm a bit depressed at how similar they truly are, because I'm fairly certain people aren't going to believe me. I've worked on this Idea for a few weeks, testing and deleting and raging and rebuilding over and over again. I didn't steal his idea, I promise.
I don't know, you might have thought of the concept independently, but the implementation of that concept seems oddly similar. The stadiums look exactly the same except yours is completely smooth because it is for mongooses where dino's was for infantry. The name is also a strange choice. So you are telling us you had no idea there was a map already named "Coned" so you chose the name "Cwned" because a w is a common way to spell it? While I believe you could have come up with the idea to make this a rocket race map I really doubt that dino's map/gametype had no part in the making of this.... Though I suppose it could be just a huge coincidence...
I believe you and I think I like yours more feels more fast paced but in other aspects also bland none the less very nice and I can believe you didn't steal it. It would be very easy to miss seeing that!
I could care less about if the creator of the map is lieing or not, can't you just like the map for what it is? If one person does an idea similar to others, can't that other person just make theirs better again or at least acknowlage it? Jesus Christ people, give the guy a damn break; he didn't want to cause a negative impact on people, he ONLY published a map. Ociee: Holy **** dude, you sound like you want to sue this person JUST for the map he made. And why the hell are you saying this crap like "your going to make alot of enemies" & "im watching you?" Acknowlage the map for what it is, sure its similar to "Coned" but is it 100% like it? And about the map. I really like this map, im going to give it a download Like "Coned", I really like how you have the cone as a destination. And realize that even if people hate you, just do what your doing now; I really like your maps & I think you can be well know around the community
thank god dante0909 made a point so what there TONS AND TONS of maps on forgehub THE SAME so give this guy a break and ociee you sound like a moderator well your not!! you dont have a nameplate so stop acting like one
I was about to mention coned But em... isnt the arena similar? Never mind, I do completely believe you
Okay, I do understand that idea was already out there, but you might've thought of it yourself. We can't assume you didn't just because there's already a minigame like yours. The mongooses did add a fun twist to the game, which I think is really fun and cool.
I am very relieved to find that you guys, for the most part, believe me. Thanks, and if there's anything you don't like about the map, do not hesitate to tell me. EDIT- this may be my computer, but just in case, are my screenshots working?
No they are not, CAPS LOCK, Might want to fix em by re-hosting them on a different site. And on the earlier discussion: It's a different implementation of Dinosaur's idea. It's only an issue if he outright copied it, so drop it.
Go ahead and lock the thread, my computer isn't giving me access to my service record on, therefore, I can't fix the pictures. EDIT: Nevermind, they just started working again.
This game is awesome! It's really intense and I have a really good time playing this with my friends. My only problem is the cones dissapear and then reappear sometimes.