Coagulation With Falcons: Do you love the map? Hate it? Something missing or broken? PLEASE GIVE US SOME FEEDBACK ***UPDATE 5/10***: Final version just finished and uploaded! Here's the list of changes: 1. Improved front entrances to both bases. They are now very smooth, and accessible from all sides. 2. Fixed left ramps into bases. They are now accessible from 3 sides, and are much smoother to climb. 3. Added rock by the cliff on red side (next to where the "brute shot" was in Halo 2). 4. Further improved accuracy of the "rock garden." Not much was changed here, but more room was made near the camo, to better allow a warthog through. 5. "Indents" added to the struts on the bottoms of the bases. This was something we've wanted to do for a while, but our budget never allowed it. Now, players may hide just like they used to in Halo 2. 6. Fixed gaps in the canyon walls, and correctly aligned them with the safe/kill zones. 7. Removed Rocket Hogs on the default Coagulation. A separate version with falcons instead of banshees has been uploaded. One of the warthogs is a Rocket Hog on that version. 8. The Rocket Launcher's ammo has been reduced to 1 spare clip. It is now equal to Halo 2's Rocket Launcher Finally, I added a custom slayer with the correct settings for this map. If anyone wants to use the same settings for other gametypes (such as CTF, Territories, Assault, etc.) the settings are: Custom Powerup: Movement= 100%, Good Camo, Camo lasts 60 seconds. Base player traits: NO ARMOR ABILITIES, Primary weapon: Assault Rifle; Secondary weapon: Magnum. Jump Height= 110% (Assuming all players are "Spartans") Give Feedback please! Thanks, and enjoy the map! : ) ***UPDATE(OLD)***: New version uploaded on 3/5/11. Includes support for all CTF, Assault, and Territory gametypes. First version was uploaded on 3/3/11, and had over 100 downloads before taken off. Thanks for the positive feedback guys! This is my remake of the ever-famous Coagulation from Halo 2. Upwards of 20 hours were spent on this map, and as far as I can tell, it has the most detail and is the most resembling remake of Coagulation on Halo Reach. I spent over an hour on Halo 2 alone, creating a list of things to add and taking pictures to get the bases and environment as close as possible. Using that information, I took a simple Coagulation layout that I had already built on Hemorrhage, and turned it into the accurate masterpiece that it is now. I was a HUGE Coagulation fan in Halo 2. Understand that this was a very important project for me to accomplish; not for any sort of competition against other Coag remakes, but for my personal gain. I miss Coagulation, and I am determined to bring back the Halo 2 feel- as closely as possible. The rocks are set correctly. the bases have been heavily detailed (minus the un-raised terrain, I decied to improvise and use the budget elsewhere; gameplay has been fine). The spawn times of all the weapons are the same as Halo 2 (except the sniper). The sniper has been set to the same spawn time as the banshee (The banshee and the sniper are more powerful than their Halo 2 counterparts, so I did this in order to level the two out, and it has been working great). Finally, the rocket ammo from Halo 2 has been switched with the human grenade launcher (once again, had to improvise). Otherwise, everything is the same. IMPORTANT: While it is not mandatory, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND using a "Classic" gametype, with the jump height increased to 110 %, and the starting weapons set to an assault rifle and magnum. NO ARMOR ABILITIES. This ruins the Halo 2 quality. While testing with sprint on, people were all over the map, it was unorganized, and the weapon spawns and placements were not functioning correctly. Also, there is a custom powerup instead of a camo, as the default Reach camo is incredibly useless. Just change the powerup settings to "Good Camo" and the time the powerup lasts to 60 seconds. Weapon & Vehicle Information: Spoiler Sniper Rifle x 2 Spawn Time: 110 sec. Shotgun x 2 Spawn Time: 15 sec. Plasma Rifle x 4 Spawn Time: 30 sec. Plasma Pistol x 2 Spawn Time: 30 sec. Magnum x 4 Spawn Time: 30 sec. Grenades x 12 (frag) x 4 (plasma) Spawn Time: 30 sec. Human Grenade Launcher ("Rocket Ammo") x 2 Spawn Time: 45 sec. Rocket Launcher x 1 Spawn Time: 47 sec. DMR x 4 Spawn time: 50 sec. Concussion Rifle ("Brute Shot") x 2 Spawn Time: 75 sec. Camo/Overshield x 1 Spawn Time: 95 sec. Warthog x 4 Spawn Time: 75 sec. Banshee x 2 Spawn Time: 110 sec. Needler x 2 Spawn Time: 30 sec. Human Turret x 2 Spawn Time: 50 sec. Health Pack x 4 Spawn Time: 50 sec. Wraith x 2 Spawn Time: 180 sec. Halo 2 Weapon & Vehicle Information: Halo 2 Coagulation/Weapon Respawn Times - Halo2 Wiki - Halo 2 Multiplayer Guide, Maps, Weapons, Strategy Note: I need to give credit to my friend Rupertajm89, who helped me forge this. He did just as much work as I did and without him, this map couldn't have been so awesome. All openings in the canyon have been sealed off, in order to bring back that enclosed feeling. Note the Banshee "Carney Hole" in front of the top-left wall. Compare that last picture to this: Please note that the incline on the bottom left of the screen has been fixed, the map has been gone over countless times in search of errors such as this, and I can assure you it is nearly flawess! ***NOTE*** The Camo has been replaced by a custom powerup (still meant to function as camo, has to be set by the player under game options): Compare to this: I also used this overhead map to help with accuracy in between trips back to Halo 2: Compare to this: That's all ENJOY!
Map post's require pictures to go along with your description. I see you're new here, please look over the rules before posting again. I would recommend fixing it soon because this might get locked. Also, welcome to forgehub!
Amazing, I remember many hours lost fooling around on this map with my cousins. I've been looking for a good remake for a while, thanks for making one! 9/10 my only complaint would be gametype support, like CTF and KOTH. If you are thinking about releasing an update I urge you to add more variants, even new gametypes to Reach like Stockpile and Rally.
I'm downloading this because I preferred the bases and vehicles in Coagulation, but I can tell you that I don't recall the overshield in the middle of the rock garden. Maybe there was one there, but i know the one I remember being in the little cave with the water.
There was an overshield in the cave and an active camo in the rock garden, but I'm pretty sure he replaced the camo because of the way it works in Reach, at least thats what I would have done. I downloaded your map, had a quick Forgethrough and I must say that I'm impressed by the level of details, you brought back a lot of great memories
Ah, that's right. Still, if he's going for detail, I'd have liked to have seen the camo. The new gametypes from matchmaking addressed the camo and overshield issues, so I don't see the problem with putting them in their respective places.
Actually, it supports more than just team slayer, I just forgot to add the other games supported! Thank you for notifying me; I have already fixed the problem. Thanks for the positive feedback as well! [br][/br]Edited by merge: You know, im kind of embarrased to admit this but, I forgot that the camo was in the rock garden and the overshields were in the cave. I was so sure I had it right I never took note of it on my trips back to Halo 2! Thanks for noting this, I'm heading into forge to fix it now. i also noticed some very small details that were off, and i'm going to fix them and upload a final version of Caogulation within an hour. Thanks for the positive comments! UPDATE: I have just finished and re-uploaded the map. Hopefully this is the final version. Let me know if there's anything else to improve upon. Once again enjoy!
Thanks, I spent A LOT of time in the base garages, making sure they were as close as possible to the ones from Halo 2. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Alright guys, final version (hopefully) just uploaded. Everything you suggested should be fixed!
wow, such great detail. they really need to put this into the classic playlist. I can tell a lot of work went into it, good job. I miss coag
Thanks. I just hope this map gets the recognition it deserves. I put all my effort into making it a true remake. If you can, help me out and spread the word around so that people can see this map, i'm afraid they either won't be able to find it ("Hematoma" is much more popular however, it has been out for months) or they won't give it a chance.
Hey Dansq, checked out the map yesterday. Love the attention to detail in the basement, guess it was a bad week to release it since I just updated my map lol. Hey dont sweat it man, its not a competition, and I would never say anything derogatory towards you have a great map and congratulations on getting it finished and published. You should post a few more pics of the front of the base and another piece of advice I would say is dont necessarily use the Halo 2 respawn timers because they dont always translate well into Reach gameplay *Also in terms of your powerup placement, dont worry about it because they actually alternate between OS/AC so there is no way to get it just right. Everyone who plays the map in Halo 2 will typically say they are different. On my map I chose to have AC in the rocks and OS in the cave also.
Thanks man. Your map's awesome too, I just felt bad because I spent a full week getting this one right, and then you come out with a revamped version of your map. It's actually kind of funny that we timed it on the exact same day lol... On the gameplay part, I wanted to come as close as possible to the "Halo 2 Experience," so I decided to use the same timers. It works great in Classic Slayer, and not nearly as well in Reach Slayer with armor abilities. I guess that's where our maps differentiate, yours fits in better with Reach style gameplay, while mine was going for an old-style feel.
O well I wasnt necessarily saying the timers for Halo 2 are bad, what I meant to say was the timer system is different in Halo Reach than in Halo 2. In Halo 2 the weapon spawn time kicked in when a certain weapon ran out of ammo and dropped, in Halo Reach it starts when a weapon is disturbed or dropped, so its just a different way of counting not that either way is wrong.
I've played other Coagulation remakes that have done the bases like you have before, and I have to say the same thing about them to yours; the elevated bases are no good. They absolutely give the Snipers too much power; in both BG and Coag, the Snipers could only see the tops of each other's heads and the corner of the other base from their own base. With this set-up, they can see clear across the map, and the only places they can't see from the base are the places on the other side of the cliff/cave cliff. Also, elevating the bases like that makes getting the Flag pulled/Bomb armed even harder, since Attackers now have to fight upand in, rather than just in. It worked in BG and Coag because the bases sat in a deep dish that made the front door level with the rest of the ground, but not in Hemorrhage. Its not bad; it just will wind up having a lot of Sniper and range issues. Honestly the best "remakes" of BG and Coag are the ones that borrow ideas, rather than just copy the maps, like the one I linked and some of the ones I've seen on
To be honest I don't agree. I have been playing matches on my map for the past few nights now and the sniper is working perfectly. Having an elevated base was the whole point; I was going for an accurate remake of Coagulation; not Blood Gulch, or something in between. Sure, you are right about hemorrhage's terrain. That just made making this map a more challenging obstacle. How can you say this map has sniper issues if you haven't even played on it? And then you "advertise" your map by posting a link to it while basically saying that my map won't work because of an incline in front of the base that takes 2-3 seconds to climb? How would you feel if you spent 30 hours on a map, only to have it called "mediocre" because of "possible sniper issues?" Also, keep in mind that I changed the sniper rifle's respawn time to keep it in balance with the map. Halo 2 had a 15 second sniper respawn, my version of Coagulation has a 110 second respawn, forcing the player to use the weapon strategically, rather than just to camp on the base. Even if the base is camped, the longer spawn time gives the enemy team plenty of time to traverse the map before the sniper comes back. The banshee is also more powerful in Reach, so the sniper is often used to counter that. So, assuming that my map doesn't play well is pretty dumb, considering that you've never played it.
I'd understand because I know gameplay well enough to know what certain things are going to do without even having to play on them; that comes from thousands of hours of game experience. And I know what Coagulation plays and looks like; after all, its what I based MY changes to Hemorrhage on. And even in Coag, you could not clearly see base to base; one sniper could not watch the other sniper's spawn effectively. (Unless you were Blue Team and took the Ghost Trick up into the hidey-hole on the cliff) On yours, they can. That means one sniper can lock the other one down without even having to leave the base; a fairly serious issue. And I haven't played your version; but I've played the 15 other near-exact copies of the map that exist everywhere. And now that I have played on it, I can see a lot of other issues, including: - The Bases are even higher than I thought. You can see the whole damn map from either base. - There were no Rockets Hogs until Reach (or Halo: CE PC). - There were no turrets in either BG or Coag. - The front entrance to the base is now a 15-foot long inclined killing ramp. - There is a bit of frame-rate drop when turn to face the bases. - The ramps with rocks are not even at all.
Well all I can say is that I have had no problems whatsoever after changing the spawn time to 110 seconds. Believe me, if anything the sniper is underpowered, but I think I got it just right. Oh and show me a Coagulation remake that has as much detail as mine, because I haven't seen one. That's why I spent so much time making this one. Oh and for the record, I understand gameplay too. I have been playing Halo since Combat Evolved Released in 2001.