MLG Living Seed v1.2 Hey fella's ! Heres v0ltecpr0 again with my first halo reach MLG map. Supported by ofcourse all MLG gametypes. Weapon List: 10 x DMR 2 x Sniper Rifle 1 x Custom Power-up Well forget the talk and lets head over to the pictures! This is an overlook of the map u got a huge circular arena in the middle surrounded by 4 (nearly) simillar bases. Every base is a different color so u got the green, blue, red and yellow base (helps with the call outs). And this is the arena filled it up with some gras and rocks, this is the Custom Power-up spawn. Here u see the sniper spawn (the bridge at the left) and a bridge to the blue base. This is what the base looks like from the outside. THis is what the base looks from the inside. And ofcourse an action shot! Well i have to say this was a pretty easy map to build although i think its a really cool and original map. So well test it and leave a comment, because my maps can always get better! Just finished my Krusty Krab map! Take a look if you like
mcclintonsl personally I found that comment to be a little offensive. Mabey you can make a map and demonstrate your creativity to us? On the other hand I really like the look/ feel of this map. It kind of has a classic arena look to it, and I really think you did a great job! Keep Forging!
That's your own fault. His statement is pretty much fact, and using tin cups in rock gardens is a staple component, not a creative aspect in its own right and it shouldn't be evaluated as such.
from the few pictures i saw the line of sight looks limited unless you come outside of the outside ring. in that case may you could open it up a bit to increase the gameplay if its a true issue.
Still I like the map and even though the tin cups may not be original I like how they bring color to the map. It is a good map but the lines of sight are lacking.
Looks pretty good, bu if you were able to open up some of those oathways to the middle because it seems like the middle is the only "dance floor" for open movement and escaping. If you have the budget i would suggest opening up the map for a more 'open' playstyle. I really hope you do make some changes because i think this map really does have potential. Good luck