I've been trying to upload a gameplay video of my map Sentinel, and I have a video all rendered and ready for Youtube. Every time I have uploaded the video the sound gets desynchronized immensely. For the first 5 seconds or so it is fine though. Anybody know a fix? The Video was rendered through Bungie Pro, it's in HD, and is about 8 minutes long.
dunno. Try downloading it, rendering it with movie maker or something then try again alternatively, I could render the file for you with my hauppauge
I tried to re-render it with the crap that is Windows Movie Maker. It just made it worse. Would you render it for me? I'd be one grateful Spartan. Here is the link: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
ill re-render that file with corel videostudio pro x3, and ill have it for you in a few hours. I'm in the imddle of an english essay atm!
How long did you leave it? Its possible the video was still processing. Upload the file you got from Bnet (set it to private just to test) and leave it a few hours before checking
I left it maybe 1 hour. If you think it may work if I leave it longer than I will try it. I'll leave it for a day, maybe two just to be perfectly safe. Hey thanks. If it doesn't work I'll take you up on that.