This idea for my map came from my thread Adding Game Theory to Forge Maps. Basically the idea for the map is to have two separate games being played out on one map, that means there will be 4 teams playing each other (team 1 plays team 2 and team 3 plays team 4). The central idea for the map is to have teams in one of these games help a team in the other game complete their objective, which would increase the chance of that team that was helped to return the favor. If this is confusing I'll give an example: Two games are being played (CTF): -Team 1 plays Team 2 -Team 3 plays Team 4 The game so far is a stalemate. No team is gaining any ground over the other. Team 1 decides to press a "button" that opens a cache of weapons for Team 3 which will help Team 3 capture Team 4's flag. The consequence of this is by pressing the button Team 1 has opened a new route that Team 2 can use to capture Team 1's flag. If Team 3 is nice they will press a button on their side of the map that opens a cache of weapons for Team 1, but a new route opens up for Team 3 that Team 4 can use to capture Team 3's flag. This is roughly the kind of gameplay I want to create for my map. 2 separate play spaces for 4 teams, no team can physically go over to the other's map but they can help each other out via weapon drops, new routes being opened, etc. The immediate problem I find with this idea is that people are bastards. Especially in video games, anonymity seems to bring out the worst in people and I predict everyone will always choose the choice of "individual needs over group needs" if given the choice. So how do we give incentive to Team 1 helping out Team 3, even if there are consequences? The Idea My idea was to make the game an Invasion game, where there are only two teams. The teams would be separated to where there ends up being 4 teams fighting each other on two different spaces, but since there are only two teams in the game you'll have an ally in the next area of the map. Each two teams would have a separate objective to complete that doesn't interfere with the game experience of the other two teams. Furthermore, because of Invasion's game settings only one team in one area has to complete the objective for the other team to win as well. This could provide incentive to helping your ally in the other map to complete their objective, essentially choosing the "group needs" over the needs of your team. Another example: Invasion game (territories to start off): -Attacker team 1 fights Defender team A -Attacker team 2 fights Defender team B There are two maps being played: 1 fights A, and 2 fights B. Teams 1 and A can not walk over to the map where team 2 fights B, and vice versa, or maybe they can but it takes awhile to transition between the two maps which would leave your side of the map defenseless or attack-less. Some ideas I had for introducing Game Theory to the map were: -Weapon drops can only go to one of the attacking teams, either 1 or 2. Not both, and they have to decide who gets the ammo. -Power weapons on the attacking team's side are placed between the two maps where only one team can pick up that power weapon. -Vehicles spawn in a neutral garage and can only go to one team. -Team 1 can press a button that opens a new flanking route to the objective for Team 2, but at the cost of closing a route to Team 1's objective for Team 1. The Problems The issue with this idea is the battle buddy system. If one player is in one map and his battle buddy is in the other map both players could end up being in the same map. This could lead to everyone in the entire game playing the Invasion game on one map and not both. There is also a problem with spawning the teams equally between both maps. As I've experienced with my infection map, this issue isn't so simple, but thankfully MrGreenWithAGun was able to give me some tips on how to spawn players 50/50 in two places. If this doesn't work out I could just kill everyone off in the beginning and put their fire team spawns on each map but I want a fun experience with teams of any size, and killing everyone in the beginning doesn't create a good first impression. Map Ideas One aspect I want to include in my map that will hopefully make it different than the hundreds of other invasion maps out there is the re playability. With two separate spaces there is potential for 2 different Invasion games, and each Invasion game could provide a unique experience. Players will actually want to play the same map again (hopefully) in hopes of getting to play the other Invasion map and have a different experience with the same game. Some map settings I was thinking of including as the theme were: -A dam or a very high cliff, where one game is played on the top of the cliff/dam and the other is played at the bottom of the cliff/dam. -Urban (city) environment where one game is played on the streets and in the alleys, and the other game is played inside the buildings and on the rooftops. In Conclusion These are my thoughts for my map utilizing game theory. I don't have any pictures because I am still brain-storming the idea and looking for suggestions/criticisms (sorry if I broke a rule on pre-fixing a thread map preview without including any pics). Feel free to add any ideas you have about the map. In fact if you want you can take my idea and make your own map. I rarely have the time to forge anymore and this idea I have been thinking about seems like a really good game-type that the Halo community must experience, but I'll still be making my version of this idea.
I like the idea of separating the team into two squads. I think you should keep this idea, but make the rest simpler. You are right, people are idiots, so many times ideas like these are unfortunately ruined by other players (this happens alot with my maps). Your map ideas sound cool as well, and they seem like they'd support two separate fights well. Good luck with this
I have absolutely no idea whether this would work, but I think there could be some very creative things done in terms of maps and game types using the idea of four teams paired off into two separate groups fighting each other. For example, red vs blue while green vs orange, and although red and blue can't kill orange and green and vice versa, it's still a challenge to see which of the four teams will get the goal score first. I'd be interested to play test when you've got something working.
One team in two areas of the map will be very tricky when it comes to respawning, especially with Invasions 'Spawn on your buddy' respawning (unless this can be turned off). the concept is good, but will probably be unworkable. Im waiting for someone to create something completely innovative with invasion, like the next Grifball or Conquest. I hope its you as this concept sounds great but im 99% sure it wont work unfortunately.
That is an interesting idea. Makes me think of a Lightning game of CTF where you don't just have to win, you have to win first!
Here are a few ideas 1. Divide the map into two areas for four teams, or four areas for eight teams (or players in FFA). After a certain kill count or a certain amount of time has passed spawn a structure (bridge, man cannon, etc.) that connects the areas. If using four separate areas, connect two pairs at first, then all four later. This would result in a gradual increase in the pace of fighting over the course of the game. 2. Set up a FFA map and gametype so the map spawns each of the four pairs of players in a different area, small enough to force a relatively quick confrontation. No respawns, so 8 becomes 4. After a short period of time two areas are connected, then 4 becomes 2. Finally, all areas are connected and 2 becomes 1. 3. Set up an arena with a central combat area with a few obstacles for cover, and 6 viewing areas which are separate from but offer a clear view of the central area. No respawns. Spawn two people in the center, one in each of the six rooms. At regular intervals teleporters spawn in the six viewing rooms, so additional "challengers" are able to enter the arena. 4. Team Slayer. No respawn. Set up a map with 6 "containment" cells scattered throughout it. One red and one blue spawn free, three red and three blue spawn in the containment cells. Each is built with two switches - one that removes the door, one that blows up the interior. You have to choose whether to focus on finding and freeing your team mates first or killing theirs. This could very well suck for those spawning in cells, though.
I see you enjoy those tournament maps. Those are some good ideas. Taking your "connecting sides" idea, I'm thinking about joining the two separate maps into one at the last phase or a little bit into the last phase of Invasion. It would save me some budget and make the map less confusing.
I've already done this exact thing on my map Aspho point. The entire map broke when someone quit so it doesn't work aswell as you'd think.