From: Major Nelson's blog. Sufficed to say I am very excited about this. I've wanted "Katanga" as a gamer tag for a LONG time, and now i get the chance. If you want to check if the gamer tag you want has been revived: Follow this link (Replace "GAMERTAG" with what you want)
Aww crap. I've not been on in with a Gold for months due to college, are they gonna delete me do you think?
A very little bit more inforomation; According to the comments below the article, Major Nelson is talking about it on his podcast. At least, I assume it's his. I don't follow him to be honest. Hopefully by the time that airs, we'll have a bit more information about the specifics of what counts as a "Dead Gamertag", and the time-scale they plan to revive the gametags in. Until then, I'll just hit F5 on KATANGA's gamercard until it vanishes.
If It's a blank page just saying the GT, but there is no avatar person or bio info does that mean it is not taken?
Oh hell yeah. Since I joined xbox live the GT Neoshadow has been taken, and it too was a dead gamertag used on the original xbox. I probably should have kept those MS points....
I believe it is a parked gamertag if it has no info. Usually means they haven't logged in in a while. I was wanting the GT God, but apparently Jester the modder owns it :/ Jesus is also taken I think if it says "Oops what happened to this page" means that it is available. As long as you aint typing some stupid **** in the url..
Damn worthless piece of **** still squatting on the gamertag I want... [br][/br]Edited by merge: Finally was able to get the one I have wanted... horray!
lol Diamond Version, Pearl Version, Platinum Version, HeartGold Version and a whole bunch of other Pokemon Version tags are available. Anybody want to start a group thing? Oh, and I still have claim to the Cacturne tag
I've got my mind on one, but it still isn't available yet. Plus I kind of like Grifachu, it's the most original gamertag I've had. All my others had numbers or stupid "XI" stuff. And AViTRiD was dumb. I could always change it to Ira Glass though...