I made this map primarily for Slayer and I need mainly a name for it, secondly, I would like some critique on it, and thirdly, I need a description. I list description last because I could probably come up with one if I had a name. Critique, I know, would mean to go to the Competitive Forum, but I can't post there because the map must be "complete" or they'll lock it. Any Help is appreciated. Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
No, I haven't taken any screenshots of the map, that's why the thumbnail is the Forgeworld Icon. I'll be sure to add some ASAP, though
It doesn't. I posted it there and they told me to put it here to find a name, and then I could put it back there once I had one
No, you posted it in the Reach Map boards, which is for finished and named maps only. Reach Forge Discussion is here, it is for discussion of any forge related topics, this board is for general Halo Reach discussion which isn't forge related. However, as Pyro said, there is a specific thread for helping with map names which you could have found with a quick search.