New Machinima: Assassin: Need Voice Actors

Discussion in 'Reach Screenshots & Videos' started by LZ Ravanger, Feb 20, 2011.

  1. LZ Ravanger

    LZ Ravanger Forerunner

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    Welcome, this is my board for Assassin, a Machinima I hope to develop soon. Currently I am writing the Prologue and once thats done I will need voice and body actors to produce the video.

    The video will be played through Halo Reach so body actors need it to help out.
    Currently my script starts in Halo 3 Blackout, but that will change when I find a spot on Halo Reach to put that scene.

    The main idea of the machinima is complex, there are many plots going on at once after the prologue. The main plot of the "Act 1" is finding out the mysteries of Alpha Site, but there are subplots like where Mike actually went, and if they are alone on Alpha Site.

    Sign up below for body and voice actors or just post helpful ideas. This is a long term project so I may ask for voicing long after the deadline.
    DEADLINE: Sunday, February 27th

    Actors & Test Lines:
    (Names subject to change)

    Tyler Aura (Auditioned for)

    Unnofficial Leader
    Takes Charge
    Proper Speech
    Semi-Deep Voice
    Age 23-25


    Choose your beds. 1 person per bed. Additional items not provided. Come prepared next time.
    (That starts the video very mellow, he tells it to the other 3 soldiers)

    Focus guys. This is a test, not a game.
    (This is during the first virtual scene, he is breaking up an arguement)

    Jon Do (Auditioned for)

    Fast Language
    Medium Pitch Voice
    Age 19-21


    Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go.
    (Almost a stereotypical line, he rushes Captain Carter as he starts up the V.T.R.)

    What exactly does this accomplish? We already know I'm the best racer here.
    (This shows his arrogance and starts the small arguement between Rob and Jon that Tyler breaks up)

    Rob Goldsmith (Auditioned for)

    Fast Language
    Slightly Deep Voice
    Age 20-22


    Sorry Captain. I wasn't taking the training seriously.
    (After a big mistake in the first test)

    When d'you become boss?
    (Rob rebels against Tyler's bossy actions)

    Captain Carter

    Professional Language
    Deep Voice
    Age 29-31


    Okay, soldiers. Welcome to Alpha Site. I'm Captain Carter, but I'm sure you know me from briefing before you arrived here. Now follow me. Single file.
    (Meeting the soldiers in the first scene)

    I was impressed with your driving skills in the first part of the course, but I was unimpressed at the end. Rob, your carelessness and ignorance would've cost you your life. And what happened to you Mike. You were in second for a while and couldn't keep the position. Not very impressive. What do you have to say for yourself?
    (Captain Carter talks the most in the prologue, this section is a test on whether or not you know how to break up a block of text. Read this with pauses in your speech where they seem fit)

    Medical Officer

    Professional Language
    Calm / Shy Voice
    Age 24-26


    I don't know, I'm just a medical officer. You can talk to Sergeant Joseph.
    (Very shy voice here, Tyler just asked what is going on here?)

    East, 50 meters. If you head up the rocks behind us, you won't be seen.
    (After Tyler asks where Sgt. Joseph is)

    Sergeant Joseph

    Army Language
    Deep Voice
    Age 28-30


    Thank you for joining us on the battlefield Tyler. Your squadron will be a great asset to
    this fight.
    (This is the first lines we here when the scene changes back to the UNSC, we assume

    Tyler has introduced his squadron)
    We are trying to gain enemy intel which is stored in that spire. The intel stored there should help us stop their transport lines and ease our victory in this war.
    (What is the goal of this battle, Tyler asks)

    General Elite

    Formal Language
    Prologue Antagonist
    Empowering Voice
    Age Unknown

    Spec Ops Elite

    Formal Language
    Deep/Quiet Voice
    Age Unknown

    Lines: (The General and Spec Ops Elite talk back and forth here, so their lines are together)

    General:That soldier isn't part of the battalion we've been fighting. How did he manage to enter the battlefied? We've cut off all outside contact.

    Spec Ops:Operations is currently evaluating this as we speak.

    General:Get close to that soldier, he isn't like the rest.

    Spec Ops:Do I have permission to engage?

    General:Only if it is best for our survival.

    Spec Ops:I shall do my best.

    (This is the first time we see the elites, and right before Sergeant Joseph is introduced)

    Ok, lot of information here, anyone who wants to send in their voice overs, please send them in a PM. If you want to contact me live I have Skype. Skype name: LZRavanger

    I will contact everyone after the deadline on whether or not you got the part.
    Any questions, please ask.
    #1 LZ Ravanger, Feb 20, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2011
  2. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
    Senior Member

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    Have you made any Machinimas before?
  3. LZ Ravanger

    LZ Ravanger Forerunner

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    nope, trying my first now, but I've been working on it with a group.
  4. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    If you need a voice actor i might be able to help. Just seen me some lines along with a note stating how you would like me to talk and I will see what I can do.

    However I must mention that I am attending college and thus I might not have much time to do so. also my account is presently silver so i can't help you over LIVE. However I will see what I can do and I will send the recordings as an attachment via email if you need.

    hope your machinima goes well. :D
  5. LZ Ravanger

    LZ Ravanger Forerunner

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    3 New Roles Added

    All 8 still need voice actors
  6. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    I was planning on doing some as well. I'm up to be a voice actor for you. Do you have skype? I have a medium deep voice(I think). Also, Do you have good editing software, because I'd love to edit it also
  7. LZ Ravanger

    LZ Ravanger Forerunner

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    i added u on skype, I'll audition you when you get on.
  8. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    I plan on either doing the voice for Rob Goldsmith or Sergeant Joseph. I will inform you when I have further info.
  9. LZ Ravanger

    LZ Ravanger Forerunner

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    Audition for Joseph, cuz Rob has a part, I'll update who is taken.
  10. Eww Your Skinny

    Eww Your Skinny Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'll try, now I'm 14 but my voice sounds like Morgan Freeman so lemme see who I should do, and if there are any goofy dumbasses or gay guy (I have a gay voice that I shouldn't have, I'm straight it's ok, check my computer history if ya want lol) but ya
    my gt is my username I'll attempt spec ops elite I'll have to try the quiet part though, at least your not making them sound like yoda in other machinimas lol
  11. FFM

    FFM Forerunner

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    I'd help, but I'm too young and don't have XBL Gold :( which sucks cuz i would make an awesome medical guy
  12. LZ Ravanger

    LZ Ravanger Forerunner

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    u just need a computer mic. u only need xbl to be a body actor.
  13. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    Sorry that I had to bail. Good luck finding actors. It seems like a pretty extensive thing, and could be really good if it's executed right.

  14. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Alright I'll see what I can do. :)
  15. TympanicMetal

    TympanicMetal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I i can almost exactly copy the Halo Reach anouncer voice in terms of sayin: ''killing spree'' ''overkill'' and all other sprees pretty much.

    But i don't have high quality recording equipment so i can't help you out sorry.
  16. ILOVEGAMES9988

    ILOVEGAMES9988 Forerunner

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    I would like to try out for one of the elite parts. I have been told that I have a deep voice, and I CONSTANTLY get mistaken for a 20-30 year old on LIVE.
  17. LZ Ravanger

    LZ Ravanger Forerunner

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    ok, well if u want to audition add me on skype, LZRavanger

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