(Click on the Thumbnails to enlarge the pictures) Welcome to the map thread for my ForgeHub Throwdown submission, Dreamcatcher Dreamcatcher is a fast paced symetrical map, located at Forgeworlds Quarry. The map provides you with a mixture of a lot of gras and forged pieces, this leads to a lot of height variation and variety. Due to the colored ring above the map and the various unique locations, you always know excatly where you are. Dreamcatchers basic geometry is very simple. There are no needless aesthetics in your way, no fancy weapons on the map and no secret locations or anything like that. Dreamcatcher is all about competitive gameplay, it's about you and your partner. If you don't work together perfectly, you'll have no chance to win a game on Dreamcatcher because it is very easy to outflank your enemy if they are not carefull. But if they are, it is hard for you to gain the upper hand again, but it's not impossible, it's just a new chellange, everytime you play it. Power Weapons 1 Granade Launcher next to the rainbow bridge 2 Snipers on the balconies, 1 clip each 2 Frags top mid 2 Plasmas yellow walkway I have serious problems with my Xbox right now, I can't stay online long enough to take a picture, therefore, I only have a few pictures for you. As an apology I made a super cool high defenition windows movie maker video for you Watch it in 1080p ♥ YouTube - FHThrowdown: Dreamcatcher
I looked at it quick in forge quick, its nicely forged and aesthetically pleasing but its too claustrophobic in my opinion. Some of the structures are too close together and cluttered. It does look like the right size to have plenty of action for 2v2 though. Good work.
I did a forge through of this the other day because I'm doing the TG video (someone said you're fighting for me so <3). I really liked what I saw. The design, while small, I feel would work well with 2v2. If you ever get a working xbox we should play it. Add me when you do. I might download this so I can get a few games over the weekend with Cade or something. Best Regards, Your secret pen pal Rho
I enjoyed testing this map, and I'm interested to see whats changed since then. Great work, and good luck with the contest! Lol at "fasted paced map".
This map looks sweet and your aesthetics are amazing as always. This map looks super fun but like someone said it looks a little to cramped but only in a few lower leveled areas. Also, only the first thumbnail worked when I clicked, not sure if that happened to everyone else?
Same thing happened to me but I didn't worry about it because there was a video (and I've seen it before )
map looks gorgeous! cant wait to check it out man but i have to say i was appalled at the offensively non-metal soundtrack to the video. luckily i had some black metal playing in the background and muted the video, which vastly improved it =D
A great map imo and a good submission for the FHThrowdown competition... It is a little on the small side compared to other maps, but it isn't the smallest map by far either. Good job bro
Thanks for the great feedback guys ♥ My intention behind behind the lower and claustrophobic areas is simple. These parts are best ways the get behind your enemy, so I wanted to give you the feeling that you are sneaking through a ventilation shaft or through a bush, you don't really see whats behind the next corner, but neither does your enemy. In addition to that, I wanted to create a contrast to the very open top mid section of the map. I working on getting more (and working) screenshots for you, but that's a very long and annoying process, in the meantime I scrapped the thumbnail system and posted the screenshots the normal way.
Played a game of Throwdown on here yesterday, and it was pretty good. The only problem I had was a couple of major spawning issues. One of those in particular was when I killed someone sort of in the middle of the map, then walked towards on of the sniper platforms, and the same guy respawned right in front of me on that sniper platform. It might've been an anomaly, but it's something to looks into. Other than that, the map was fun, and I'm really glad you put Assault Rifles on it; they rape in Throwdown.
I was in the game that Ace was playing, and I found an issue. Your map has waaaaay too much Shad0w Viper to be even remotely balanced. Jokes aside, I loved the layout. The sniper spawn locations were my favorite part, just in the way that the area worked. I also really liked your architecture, it felt very LDish. Which is a good thing.
Thanks guys ♥ There could be a couple issues at the sniper platforms. I added them after the second round of testing and wasn't able to test them long enough, when I played it, there were no problems. I hope that only happened once ..
LD, you have again amazed me with your creativity and uniqueness. The way you use pieces of structure that look plain and boring and make them into something beautiful is really cool. The aesthetics look amazing and it really looks like an interesting map to play on. I also like how you blended natural enviornment with structure, it really add a nice touch, that makes it feel more...Natural and creative. Maps like that are my favorite, so keep it up. Can't wait to see more.