I came up with this idea of having a thumper that would prevent infected from entering a human base. So basically you would have this platform on the ground filled with fusion coils (or other explosives) with a switch at the top that when activated would drop a crate causing all the explosives to explode. These Thumpers would be placed at the entrances for the base (it is surrounded by a wall with 1-3 enterances). This idea was taken from gameplay I saw in Half-life with the thumpers and the antlions. Except in this case the humans can't camp at the center of the thumpers waiting for the zombies as they could get damage (if not killed) by the thumpers explosion. The idea is to encourage the zombies to be more stealthy in entering the base. Reason why I am doing this is because a lot of zombie games have the zombies trying to berserk the humans (which rarely works), even in games where the humans don't have radar and the zombies have unlimited armor ability active camo attached they still go berserk. There will be ways for the zombies to enter the base other then via the thumpers however these paths will be difficult and designed only to help draw the humans away from using the thumpers allowing more zombies to enter the base. Would probably recommend up to 4 zombie players at the very beginning. Also this is designed to be sort of an objective/holdout style map (see: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/120465-making-maps-our-undead-hands.html by Plasma Blades) so what do you guys think of this idea and how do you recommend going about it?
why do you want to keep the infected out? that would make the game a real pain in the ass for the zombies (unless you planned on having many different access points which are unprotected) typically you would want to keep the humans out of the zombie spawn
Sounds like your typical one-sided and mindless zombie game where it's all about zombie kills and nothing about skill. Let's see how long it takes before all your zombies go inactive or quit the game.
Hear this^ Game modes like this can be insanely fun, but only for the Humans. There was a game a group of my friends used to play on Halo 3 called marmite scoop, where zombies had no shields, insanely low health and were really fast. However, Humans had an SMG and a Shotgun with a high ammo count, and we always played on High Ground. Long story short, everyone camped inside the tunnel, where it was almost impossible for the zombies to get in. Eventually, the people in the tunnel got overrun, but it took a long time. And almost everybody quit out and rejoined if they got infected. Morale of the story is that if the game is so one sided, its going to suck like hell once you get infected.
I'm not so sure. And instant dismissal like that seems slightly obstinate to me. A single facet in a map should not and does not determine how a game plays out. What if all the damage (both threshold and output) for both the humans and infected was raised. In essence, the damage directly inflicted by the players would kill in the same amount of time, but explosives would have a diluted effect. If this was built, however, I'd suggest setting the switch right next to the entrance. That way, if it fails to kill a zombie, then the person may as well have infected themselves. In addition, through the development of the gametype and progression of the map (in other words, how the game plays out), it would make the game better if this was strictly used as a last resort. For example, and I'm not sure how feasible this is given budget constraints, but say you developed a map where humans spawn in a building, unable to leave (or perhaps motivated not to by the use of a safe haven or ammo). It starts off with a single entrance. After a while, doors around the house open, causing the defense to get harder for the humans. As one of the final doors opens, this mechanism can spawn simultaneously. With so many alternate paths, the chance of an infected using that particular one would be slim, therefore rendering it less than efficient; more-so an interesting feature that on rare occasions is utilized in the map, but nonetheless a worthwhile feature.
i could see this working and be fun, but sort of pointless I got the vibe that the OP wanted a sort of unassailable base idea if you set this to drop a crate, it could be used to buy 10s (or whatever the despawn time is) but only be lethal if timed perfectly just don't set the respawn time too soon
If your meaning this like a trap it'd be great, but unless you give the zombies other entrances you should either make it so the explosion is stronger and the humans weaker so it's more important, or the humans and zombies stronger so it's less important. Or if it's only in one entrance set it up with a weird respawn time or a high runtime min so it's impossible to predict so zombies just won't avoid the entrance entirely.
Unless it can be reset instantly once the zombies outnumber the defenders they will have an easy time getting past it, as long as they don't try to rush it at once. I would be very, very careful with this. Done right it could be fun, done wrong it could unbalance the game badly.
The idea isn't to keep the zombies out rather to make them use less direct routes (aka holes in the walls, tunnels, using stepping stones to jump over walls). It is also designed so that humans must move back and forth to activate the thumpers. Other wise there will create a break allowing zombies to infiltrate. While the thumpers will be the most obvious way to enter into the base there shall be other paths that the zombies can talk in order to keep the humans on their toes. The thumpers are also designed to give the humans a false feeling of security. While they think that they have all the entrences covered a stealthy zombie can sneak into the base and assassinate a lonely thumper operator allowing zombies to access the base. The main idea behind this is too encourage the zombies to use stealth (unlike most infection games where the zombies go BERSERK the humans to death, which doesn't work very often). As a result the thumpers will make the humans rely more on teamwork in order to insure that most of the horde is held off by the thumpers and that no one is hurt. but with a lack of weapons and ammunition the odds of survival decrease over time. Added more info to the description. Hope it helps. Sorry for not making the description very clear.
So i am thinking of resurrecting this idea of mine. So does anyone have any ideas as to how to make it better?