Pearl Harbor

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ManRayX, Feb 21, 2011.

  1. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    pearl harbor
    Big Team Invasion for 12-16 players

    Pearl Harbor Trailer
    Edit: ManRayX Music:London Symphony Orch.
    Crank the sound, the middle part is lower in volume.

    YouTube - ph1.wmv


    Pearl Harbor is a three stage invasion map with Banshee flying Elites as invaders.


    >Phase 1

    Get past the bases air defenses to plant the bomb and take down planetary shields.


    >Phase 2

    Covenant Invasion craft spawns. Hold the landing zone beneath it for 30 seconds.


    >Phase 3

    Capture the core.



    The gunship sports two scorpion turrets, and a late spawning Falcon.


    Three reinforced Rocket Hog turrets are shielded to Banshee bombardments. Taking 4 to 7 direct hits to take one down.


    A team of 5 can blanket the sky with artillery, and hold off the relentless air raid.


    Overview of the spartan defensive base.


    Here’s a full run through on video.

    YouTube - PEARL HARBOR

    As you can see Elites spawn in the coliseum and fly to attack the Spartan base in Phase 1 and 2. The first attack wave takes approximately 36 seconds (with two rocket bursts ) to get into bombing range of ground targets. At 30 seconds a teleporter spawns to put Banshees just beyond the rock spires.


    Strafe the air field and other ground targets. Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack. Phase 1 and 2 are tilted towards the attackers having the advantage.


    Coordinate your attacks.


    In phase 2 and 3 attackers can spawn in the covenant troop ship. They can pick up some good power weapons and drop down the center beam of the territory they are capturing. 3 one way shields will slow their descent to virtually no damage as they reach the ground.


    Two scorpions and 3 rocket hogs…..with a coordinated effort an almost impenetrable defense.


    Lot’s of different variations but you get jet packs from go on both sides. So if you’re an attacker jet up the hole in the roof in the big covy ship, and score a skydive kill with a jet pack from above.







    Download PEARL HARBOR Map

    Download PEARL HARBOR Invasion Gametype

    Thanks to all who spent countless hours testing the map out.

    Thanks MRX

    #1 ManRayX, Feb 21, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2011
  2. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
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    If the gameplay is anywhere near as good as the screenshots suggest this'll be a great deal of fun. My instincts are it'll have a random vehicle smash-fest feel to it, but i hope to be proved wrong.

    Downloaded and will play next time I get enough peeps.
  3. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    while this is really good and i will Dl, i recommend taking some of the defender things out. like the Spartan laser, it could be played without the unfairness of it. the amount of anti banshee weapons and vehicles here looks REALLY unfair. There is no way this is balanced

    P.S. your spaceship kicks ass

    P.S.S. I think that you could take any part of this map much further. the design of the scorpion ship, the cove ship. Just try to make the map feel more harbory. it doesnt feel like a harbor
    #3 firedrone8, Feb 22, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2011
  4. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Rename this something else. It's tasteless to name this Pearl Harbor. It's a total slap in the face to the memory of all of the people who died in that attack.
  5. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    Thanks we tested this extensively and tweaked the weapons to tilt the first and second phase slightly in favor of the attacking Elites. You could try to bring the Banshees in low "fly under the radar" but you have to cross the two big guns on the battleship. Also the spartan laser gives the Spartans at least a chance of pulling of a stop. Get at least 10 players when you try it out it is optomized for 16 though so the more the better.

  6. GTA_Tom_V

    GTA_Tom_V Ancient
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    First, I want to say thanks for letting me be a part of testing this map. This is the invasion map that made me like the Invasion game type. I've been checking forgehub every few days since that day I was invited to your game and played this map with you guys, JUST so I could download it again.

    I really love the whole idea of the elites flying to the harbor, it was loads of fun and really in-game ego boosting until most of the attackers began getting shot down lol. Also, the rocket towers and scorpian ships are ingenious, I love it. It's also very aesthetically pleasing, it feels like a real Reach-styled harbor.

    firedrone8: It is pretty balanced believe it or not, There was one game where the elites won, out of the two games we played. It's really only kind of difficult in that first stage where the attackers fly to the harbor, after that it's more about which team plays better. Either way, this game is best played with more people. the more people you have on the attacker's team, the less the defenders can focus on each individual banshee, allowing a few to get through, which is all you need to get to phase 2.

    rusty eagle,adirtysportsmen: I don't see the map title as being "tasteless" or being a "total slap in the face to the memory of all of the people who died." It's just a name representing the game. Why is naming a map pearl harbor a problem? ....Nobody seems to care about all the hundreds more that died on D-day when they play their Normandy maps? A titles just a title. If the title should be removed, then all map titles named after real-life battles should be changed.

    ManRayX: If it really is a big deal then just change it to 'Gem Harbor' or something like that lol. Either way, I had a HUGE amount of fun playing this map, invite me to play Pearl Harbor again any day.
    #6 GTA_Tom_V, Feb 23, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2011
  7. Spenceb7

    Spenceb7 Forerunner
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    I was in the video there and I played this map a few times. I scraped low along the water as well but a few times I got picked off by the spartans. Overall this map is beautiful and easy to navigate around after you play the first or second time. The one problem I have with this map is the extreme amount of power weapons causing screen lag in the 3rd phase. It's not gamebreaking at all just frustrating when I had a guy one shot then screen lag and he's inside a building. :(

    I have to give you mad props on this one because, honestly, I can see this getting into matchmaking.
  8. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
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    Maybe you have a point, but since when did the fact that something may offend stop it appearing in a computer game? COD world at war games anyone?? What about the hundreds of thousands of young Russians and Germans who died in Stalingrad? That still gets depicted. Personally, I think if you have an issue with games depicting tragic historical battles, you should start a campaign against the games industry in general rather than one well meaning map poster on forge hub.
  9. Ratheld

    Ratheld Forerunner

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    Absolutley great idea!
    I understand the rocks but is there any other way? They look very sketchy...
  10. JackalAnubis

    JackalAnubis Ancient
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    I like the theme of this map. The ships and buildings are pretty cool as well. However when playtesting this the offense always seemed to be able to overcome the defense pretty easily. So maybe not the most balanced map, but still pretty fun to play on. If you plan on working on this map anymore I'd suggest making the 2nd and 3rd rounds more challenging for the offense.
  11. Robert Jonez

    Robert Jonez Forerunner
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    Map looks Great! May I suggest something for the Invasion Gametype? Maybe make the Anti-Air vehicles at the human base appear like after a minute (That way the Banshees can have the First Strike) just like what really happened.
    #11 Robert Jonez, Feb 23, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2011
  12. Scalpel Technique

    Senior Member

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    you will gladly be proved wrong

    Really? Come on mate

    You sir, have obviously never played a ManRay X map, it is very balanced and as fun as it looks. I just wish I could get into his parties more often, being Australian and having timezone difficulties. I love the style of forging that MRX does, the theme carries all the way through the map and gametype, I think his maps show the true potential of forge 2.0. Thanks for letting me have an early look Manray, I think Manray forges the right way, just for the fun and love of it, he's pretty laidback and doesn't have alot of ego.
  13. JD Horx

    JD Horx Forerunner

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    if you start a campaign against the games industry, you should start another against the film industry, another against music industry and so on...

    theres "pearl harbour" the film, the soundtrack to this film, "saving james ryan", the soundtrack to that film, the call of duty series, the medal of honor series, etc...

    there are so many films and games and music of this tragic war, in my opinion its senseless to forbid people to name something after a historic event of any war if the industry is allowed to do so...

    (and even if it would be forbidden to use this names, would it help anyone ???)
  14. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
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    I tested this map...although the map looks good it needs some serous work on the gameplay...the elites have way too easy objective that can be caped almost instantly which creates boring and annoying on the gameplay...
  15. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    The Response

    Guys this will be the only time I actually type this out from now on I will just cut and paste this response.

    #1 and most importantly did you play this with at least 12-14 players? I built and optomized this for 16 so at least 12 players are required for this to be more than "hey let me show you a cool map I found".

    #2 It's Pearl Harbor it's supposed to be unbalanced, I made it so the Elites would dominate in round 1 and 2 because it's a custom game. When you play regular Invasion in matchmaking the percieved balance is because you know where everything is. You've played the same Spire map 15 times so you know the layout, where the weapons are, and what tactics your adversaries. Custom Invasion you might only play a few times so I tilted it so you can actually see what a full game looks like. Phase 3 is shifted back to balancing both teams in a fight over the core.

    #3 This map has been playtested easily 25+ times since it was completed. The key to Defense is everyone (5 players min) working the scorpion battleship and the rocket hog turrets together to hold off the Elites. You will likely fail but you can't possibly tell me you didn't have fun. When I play this with the right amount of people and communication on strategy the other players are losing thier minds it's so good. Check out the responses from some of the playtesters, this is not a generic predictable map.

    Anime I thank you for your feedback keep it coming. You're an experienced Invasion forger. I had added just prior to release a few tweaks to strenghten the defensive side. There's a hill spawn above the base that allows you to DMR the Elites up on the tower in phase one for instance.

    Get as big a team as you can and njoy everyone.

  16. NobleBrutus

    NobleBrutus Forerunner
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    Amazing job with the trailer! Quite professional. Looks amazing, i've been working on a similar-ish map but more influenced by D-day. This looks amazing! I hope it lives up to the trailer when I get a chance to try it out with a big party.
  17. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    Thanks I'm pretty proud of it considering I made it on a really old version of movie maker. I had the music in my head even as I built the map. Editing it together was like forging. Weird how errors lead you in different directions creatively. DLed ur Trench map looks cool will try and get back to you.

    Thanks MRX
  18. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    You are both right in my opinion. I think the name should be changed, but for the reason that is may be based off the attack on Pearl Harbor, it doesn't even look like it. I think that it should be made separate, though you can claim it to be based off of Pearl Harbor. I have no personal issue with a name derived from a historical event like this one, but I could also understand why one would want it have its name changed, It could make it look like the death of many men and women is merely a game. And though we know this not to be true it may insult some people. In the end its up to the map's creator, though As far as I see it the only thing that makes this anything like Pearl Harbor is the attack/defend on the port. Other than that it is not anything like it -there was no core, no interplanetary defense, and certainly no banshees. In my opinion this should be renamed "Cove Attack" or something like that. If one wanted to ban names of this sort, I say attempt to do so, its your right after all, but I would reccomend that you do so on Forgehub, for reasons said earlier by JD Horx.
    #18 Audienceofone, Feb 27, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2011
  19. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    I am outraged that there has been claims that my map is not historically acurate as you can see in the photo from the national archives below there were indeed Banshees and an unholy alliance between the Elites and the Japanese Empire...


    That is how ridiculous this little tangent has become. It's called Pearl Harbor because..............

    screw it. If you cant figure that one out I cant help you. I'm not gonna change the name for obvious reasons given by many of my fellow forgers in previous posts. This is the last I will say about this amusing slant, but I will say one thing... I'm totally scrapping my "Auschwitz revenge of the jews" zombie map.

  20. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    Didn't know that the Japanese had banshees and hovering base ships in the war..Out dated texbooks...
    Anyway this is an awesome twist to a very deep and memorable conflict.
    Hands down what you did with the Navy destoyer was great, and the entire initial clash is epic! Defenders have a lot of means to hold their ground, but it's hard to single out a target amidst chaos. Perhaps that is one of the causes of the high casualty rate from Pearl Harbor in 1941. The map is interestingly forged, and you definitely nailed a harbor-like theme. I can see why this is a hot file, when you go balls to the wall with something you gain recognition in return. Nicely done!
    p.s. this also has a locked spot on my harddrive if that means anything =]
    #20 xSoGx Grim, Mar 1, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2011

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