
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Shamrock20, Dec 23, 2010.

  1. Shamrock20

    Shamrock20 Ancient
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    There's a fight brewing at the old Forerunner power station

    Let's get to it, shall we? This multi-tiered map occupies the water-filled gorge that lies just off the edge of Hemmorhage in ForgeWorld.


    We'll start at the bottom and work our way up. The circular canopy structure in the picture below serves as the "hub" for the lower part of this map.

    Just below the canopy, you'll find yourself in the middle of a four way intersection.

    To the "north" end of this intersection, there's a mancannon that will throw you to the higher end of the map. The walkways leading "east" and "west" will take you to the side base structures that are built into each wall of the gorge. But first, let's go "south".

    Moving down the ramp you'll step into a shallow pool of water collecting at the end of a tunnel.

    As you make your way through the tunnel, water will be flowing through, rising and falling at about knee/waist level. When you emerge from the other side, you'll step out onto a winding walkway just above the water's surface. (The mancannon mentioned before is visible just above the door you'll exit the tunnel from.)

    Exiting the tunnel, your view will be something along these lines:

    Move through the stone archway, and you'll be heading up a wide incline that leads into the large base structure ahead.

    Once inside, you can hop on the grav lifts to reach the second level.

    Exit to the curved ramp that winds its way around the rocks, and you'll find what I like to call the gazebo.


    From the gazebo you can move straight through and up the tower that reaches the map's highest point.[​IMG]

    The highest level of the map is also accessible by way of the mancannons on each side of the gorge.

    Speaking of the sides of the gorge... If you chose to go "east" back at the intersection under the canopy, your path would take you this way:


    Or, If you chose to go "west" back at the intersection under the canopy, your path would lead here:

    Or, if you have no interest in travel, and would prefer to lay down some fire from above, check out the sniper perch that sits along one of the gorge walls

    Or, perhaps the one on the "jet-pack-accessible-only" island, which also doubles as an explosive storage area. (can't have snipers just owning everyone now can we?)

    So there it is. Have fun with it and let me know what you think.

    Per usual, there are a variety of weapons to play around with on this map. For more serious games, some of the power weapons could easily be swapped out. Also, I'd recommend the jetpack loadout for this map. It's already pretty easy to get around the map quickly, but the jetpack increases your travel options significantly. Of course, it often makes you more of a target.

    P.S. --(Map now also supports CTF, Assault, and Territories gametypes. Guessing this map would also be great for Infection and Invasion type games, but to be honest, I don't have much experience with laying those out.)

    #1 Shamrock20, Dec 23, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2011
  2. madcow015

    madcow015 Ancient
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    I have tried to make a map in this area of Forgeworld but I couldn't make a map with as good an atmosphere as this one. I love how the structures blend naturally into the surrounding rocks and water. The structures themselves for some reason remind me of a mixture of Kashyyyk and Kamino from Star Wars. Very interesting looking - Dl'd.
  3. Okwaho

    Okwaho Forerunner

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    Hmmmm, very interesting map, love that section of Hemorrhage. Like the way, as stated by Madcow, everything feels natural and blends well. An all around solid map, worthy of many downloads and games. I'll give it a go when i get my copy of Reach... ( how sad, huh?)
  4. Shamrock20

    Shamrock20 Ancient
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    Apologies if this is in any way inappropriate. Certainly not my intention. Wasn't sure if this qualified as a "version 2", but I recently updated the map:

    • Map Download link is new
    • I added support for several new gametypes. Multi-Flag CTF, Neutral Bomb Assault, Territories, and Team Slayer.
    • All team based games now have initial spawns for every team color available.
    • Added a new hill location for Crazy King gametype. A hill can now randomly appear out on the explosive "sniper island"
    • Fixed thumbnail image so it doesn't display the image size.
    Again, sorry for the post on my own map, but I wasn't exactly sure how to treat a "map update".

  5. TXTCLA55

    TXTCLA55 Forerunner
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    While i like the idea of it, some of the walkways seem much too narrow for some combat, other wise excellent map.
  6. Shamrock20

    Shamrock20 Ancient
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    Legitimate concern, given what's shown in the screenshots. But to be honest, my friends and I haven't had too much trouble finding room to square off. There are several walkways, but most of the action seems to migrate upward toward the dish structures grouped near the highest part of the map. These areas are pretty wide open. Plus the sight lines are really good pretty much all over the map, so you can usually engage your enemies from wherever you are.

    Mostly we're playing free for all Slayer, Crazy King, or Juggernaut and there's not usually any problem but I could see how things might get a little bunched up at times during a team based objective game though.

    Good feedback. (My next map actually has very few walkways. Keeping things wide open. Getting some vehicles involved, etc...)

  7. Shamrock20

    Shamrock20 Ancient
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    Map has been updated to accommodate additional game types, and issue with Territories not working has been resolved.

    Download link has been updated.
  8. ProfessorPoison

    ProfessorPoison Forerunner

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    all around a nice, clean looking map. i like the fact that you included water in the map as well. two things that i might change if i were you. 1 there aren't any crates and objects to hide behind, i would add some. and 2, there arent any large open spaces to do battle on. if there was a large "open" space to have large scale combat on it might be a little more enjoyable... ? but still a DL for me, nice map.
  9. Shamrock20

    Shamrock20 Ancient
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    I hear what you're saying Professor... and thanks for the feedback and the DL. I guess I just didn't see a big need for crates. Most of the map features adequate cover opportunities, whether it be one of the many buildings/structures or the rock formations on the large ramp section.

    The upper platform sections of the map are actually pretty wide open. Granted, they probably are not big enough for the "large scale combat" you're looking for... but if crates and larger scale open area combat are what you're after, might I recommend you check out my latest map Bridge, which features both.

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