Comming soon, or sort of (As soon as I can hash out these forge sandbox physics)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Marinealver, Feb 28, 2011.

  1. Marinealver

    Marinealver Forerunner

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    Sorry but the video hasn't been rendered yet, so I guess I am going to have to post it tomorrow. Well at least I can post up some screen shots on this project I am working on. I've got big plans for this map and this is only the start (2 weekends of forge misery and headaches uggh!)
    Video is up I'll edit post it here.




    #1 Marinealver, Feb 28, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2011
  2. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So you have a drop pod...?
  3. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If it's a drop pod, why does it drop you into the water?
    #3 jameslieb1, Feb 28, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2011
  4. Marinealver

    Marinealver Forerunner

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    Drop pod with a drop down door. All set to activate after the switch is tripped in sequecne. Hope to make 4 of them in a map.

    I have it over water because that is the aproximate location of an idea where I want to place it in a map varient I want to make. got a long ways to go before it is finished.
  5. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    I'm pretty sure it's a display of a concept, not a map. The point was to show the activation of the drop pod via switch.

    It seems like a great idea to integrate into a map. I'm sure something like this could be really cool in invasion. It's definitely not the first drop pod, but it is a cool idea to be able to control it like you can.

    I'm excited to see what kind of uses you have in mind for this

    Best regards
  6. Marinealver

    Marinealver Forerunner

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    I have a plan for an invaison map idea, Got a rough sketch but first I need to make a relible delevery system AKA the drop pod. I know it is not the first drop pod map, but if you can find one that looks like a real drop pod (not on its side and not just a crate) I would love to see it. Couldn't find one so I decided to make one myself.

    Also had an idea of hitting a button for a door to slam down before you drop off. So I had to be real selective with the explosives as Reach allotments for items are slim.

    Well I posted the video and constructions along with the thousands of problems I had with it HERE
  7. Eclipse240

    Eclipse240 Forerunner

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    Rifte's drop pods could be your answer though, exept it has no crate, but it works really well, maybe u could make the crates on the water ahead?
  8. Marinealver

    Marinealver Forerunner

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    I got it to where it dose work, but just not at the consistency I want it at. But if yoou could send me a link of where I could download it. So far I have seen 3. I have seen the drop crate, I have seen the 2 baracades held up by a power up or weapon, and I have seen one that has 2 small baracades on a crate but it is hard to get in. So far I have been combining all those ideas into this contracption.

    As for mine I am going ot do a few height adjustments tests to get better consistancy. All I need to do is place a grid and adjust it up and down to see how much of an effect it will have on drops.

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