Central Babylon

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ticky, Feb 28, 2011.

  1. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Central Babylon
    This is Part 1 of an Infection series called Babylon.
    Hello again and welcome to my first real infection map attempt. Infection has always been my favorite type of casual game in Halo. I had this idea in my head for a while and I know it's not super original, but I really wanted to make an infected city type of deal. I am working on a nice story/lore for the map before it actually gets released, so it will be good.

    Yeah I don't know if anyone thought this, but just in case, this is NOT a recreation of the city of Babylon if there is even one(?) lol whatever...

    My goal with not only the map but the gametype as well was to create a realistic feel to everything. What I mean by that is how the architecture is built and how the gametype plays. The map is set up like the center of a busy city that has been abandoned because of the virus and it tells it's own story as you wander around in the ruins. There are several torn apart buildings that have started to become remodeled, but never finished because of the virus. There is a street with flipped cars and a crane that was repairing a part of the street. There are bunkers with weapons in them that were abandoned by the military when the city was taken over.

    Ok, you probably want to see pictures but first let me explain the gametype, because it's what makes this fun.

    Start off with a magnum, and you can take two hits from zombies before you are dead. You have no AA to begin with, but some are hidden poorly around the city. You deal little damage to the infected's body, so STAYING IN A GROUP IS CRUCIAL for survival. Live together, die alone. But, aim for the head. Your health does not recharge so be careful. The weapons, vehicles and health stations on the map NEVER RESPAWN and have limited ammo so don't waste shots. However the AAs do respawn every minute. Your melee does close to nothing so don't even bother trying and stay as far away from the infected as possible. You do have radar, but only 10 meters of it. So far, there are only human weapons on the map.

    You are a standard infected. You crave the brains of the living for some reason. You have a sword, and evade. You will roam the rooftops of the city and will be able to drop on the humans to surprise them.You are slightly faster and jump slightly higher than a normal human. Your health does recharge, but slowly.

    The key to survival is teamwork. Whether or not you are an infected or a human you need teamwork to win.
    More details on the gametype to come. Now for pics:


    The warthog is in the street under the traffic light, which is broken.

    The Cafe. This is one of the few places where health packs are.

    The crane repairing the road.

    The building thats under construction.

    The map is ready for testing hopefully, so if anyone wants to help, let me know.
    More pics to come in the future. This is only a preview. Any feedback or comments would be appreciated. Thanks!
    #1 Ticky, Feb 28, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2011
  2. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    Hey, hit me up when we're both online. I would be glad to test another Infection map. But towards the map, looks really like an actual town compared to other city maps. Again, just let me know.
  3. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Sounds good dude. I will definitely be on tonight so go on then. We got a quick game in but not with a full party. it was fun indeed though.
  4. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This was really fun today, I wish it had lasted longer, tbh. I can't wait to play it again. You just need to add a concussion rifle so we can go mongoose flipping! ;) lol, at least I'm pretty sure you already have rockets and a mongoose...

    Also, I didn't notice during the game, but above you said that zombies are immune to headshots? I don't think that's a good idea.
    #4 Erupt, Feb 28, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2011
  5. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    Oh hey, I played this earlier. It was pretty fun and I agree, I should have lasted longer. I don't play infection much, but it was pretty cool of a map. I don't know what area it was but there was "stairs" made of colums and it was hard to go up. Yu can probly use a 3x3 short and use it's invisable side to create a smooth walkway, but keep the looks of stairs. If you don't know what I'm talking about I can show u some time.
  6. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    LOL yeah dude mongoose flipping. Yeah i fixed some things and now the zombies are not immune to headshots.

    Yeah I will probably do that but the only problem is that Im running low on building blocks... but I think I can scavenge.

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