Constriction A Narrows Inspired map Constriction is a map with a heavy influence from Halo 3's Narrow's. It is not a direct remake of any kind however it does give you that nostagia feeling; reminding you of Narrows. I suppose you could call it a spiritual remske(meaning it has narrows in it but also some cyclone in it) Constriction is a symmetrical map with a very similar setup to Narrows. It has mancannons like narrows also however they are different from narrows because they do not take you directly to the other side first. The mancannons on one side take you to the middle first then you have to walk a little until you can take the mancannon to the other side. This prevents the one big problem on narrows. People can no longer loop back and forth without having to go to other places on the map creating better flow and more action in more places. This map supports the new Bro slayer also This video was rushed so please forgive me rushing through the level YouTube - Exodus (a narrow's inspired map) Loadout screen Center of map Bottom under the center Side view Blue base #1 Blue base #1 side angle Blue base #2 side angle Under blue base Blue base back Red base Red base side angle #1 Red base side angle #2 Under red base Red base back Weapons Gravity hammer x 1 DMR x 4 Needler x 2 Needle Rifle x4 Plasma grenade x 4 Grenade launcher x 2 Sniper rifle x 2 Plasma Pistol x 2 Plewase leave comments and feedback
i love this guys maps im a friend of his on xbox live for about a year now and every map he makes i help him test this map is one of the best yet all so game play is great it has no lagg and it plays like narrows
You might want to change the name, there's a campaign level called Exodus in addition to a bunch of other maps (especially that one with the massive dam that was played in the recent SNF)
Does it really matter? its just a map name i don't see tons of people using it so im gonna use im NOT changing the name regardless Edit; There is ONLY TWO OKAY? including mine its not overused like alot of map names also excuse me for being grumpy im not very happy today Edit: of course like always my stuff gets ignored..................
I like this map. It is reminiscent of Narrows without being an exact copy. The only problem I have with this map is that the combat seems to be centered around the bases but other than that the map plays really well.
had fun playing CTF. Thought the underneath part wasn't used very much. Some long sight lines but fun
while i agree on the long sight of the bottom i did block it a bit but its hard to notice. When i kept running through the bottom there were players there so maybe when you went through noone was there because we all died @ spartan thanks for the compliments and i will maybe make a v2 to see if i can fix the base centered combat