Well, here it is. Several of you asked me for this, so I made it. I don't know as if it plays quite like you remember, and the spawn system in Reach is not very nice to this map, so you might have an occasional spawn near an enemy, but it is still a fun map. For best experience, please follow recommended gametype suggestions. Recommended 1v1 gametypes: TEAM SLAYER Recommended 2v2 gametypes: TEAM KING OF THE HILL STOCKPILE 3-PLOT TERRITORIES WEAPONS: 4 DMRs 2 Needle Rifles 2 Plasma Pistols 1 Shotgun 1 Needler 2 Plasma Rifles 2 Magnums 2 Spikers 1 Overshield SCREENSHOTS:
changes pants. Glad to see this got posted. I remember how excited I was to hear this would be getting ported over as well. It's safe to say Vertabraille is as beautiful as it ever was, and aside from minor spawning hiccups, plays just great. Loved testing it, tsb.
This is a remake of a map I made when Foundry was still popular. It was a favorite amongst many members. It was featured a long time ago. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/featured-maps/31291-vertebraille.html
I haven't see the halo 3 version of this but it looks pretty sweet. I like the walkways in the center with a area you can fall into. From the pictures, the colors seem pretty sweet. is there a Fx in it, or am i just crazy?
An excellent map remade...excellent-er in Reach. I love the changes that you made with this version, and it's a bad ass 1v1 map. I expect no less than greatness from you, and you never disappoint.
The map is set up with spawns designed for Red vs Blue. If you play regular slayer where there are no team colors assigned, I cannot guarantee how it'll work with the spawning.
FFA Slayer is pure kill stealing, so it makes more sense to have TS for a 1v1. Trust me, you just need to play more MLG to get it.
This was a good time during testing. The layout is enjoyable, and easily memorable. Navigation was intuitive, and gameplay was fun and fast-paced. I hadnt realized you posted this already. =)