I thought it would be fun to make an infection map with a pyramid, with the defenders at the top fighting off infected coming up all sides, like the scene with the Predators and Aliens on the pyramid in the movie Alien Vs Predator. I was reminded of it by another post here, someone asking about making a pyramid. So my son and I set to work on it today (sort of - he mostly just jumps around shooting at me while I try to place objects) and it seems to be coming along well. Outside views of the pyramid from above... ...and the base of one of the ramps There are multiple levels inside the pyramid, connected by ramp bridges, and a large, arena-like area in the lowest level. Currently there are only two ways in and out, at the top, but I'm trying to figure how to incorporate a set of lower entrances without screwing up the look. It's still a work in progress, and I'm also planning to expand on the outside with pillar-lined walkways and some other things outside. If anyone is interested in testing with me please friend me on XBL at gamertag "Drew Baye"
Looks very good. Will it use the regular Infection gametype, or are you making a custom one? And will the humans start at the bottom and make their way up, or do they spawn up there? I think it would be pretty cool if they started out being chased up the pyramid, then had to hold out up top. Just an idea. I'll definitely help test, though. My GT is coolaid55. You can add me, or I'll try and get on tomorrow and add you.
Looks like the Temple of Warriors. Aside from that, if you're setting it up for infection, you should give the zombies jetpacks after a set amount of time. It would add more variability to otherwise monotonous gameplay. On top of that, the area should be completely closed off, the zombies should get there through receiver nodes. Damage resistance should be increased so that they could get about 3/4 of the way up before they die (and that's if the humans start shooting at them immediately). It'll add a sense of pressure onto the humans so it feels as if they're actually fighting for their life. Just some thoughts, message me if you want help.
I was planning to use the regular infection gametype, but I like your suggestions better. Will message both of you when I'm able to get online next (wife gets bitchy if I play Halo too often).
Woa this looks cool. If the interior of the temple is as complex as it appears from the screens you may even be able to set up other gametypes on this map. Cool work either way though.
Taking a cue from Natetendo83s comment we've spent a bit more time working on the interior, and added a pair of doors on the third tier of the outside on either side of the ramp to improve flow through the pyramid. The interior has four levels: 1. Top level, accessible through doors on opposite sides of the top "block" of the pyramid, with two ramps going up to the top of the pyramid and two going down to the middle level, one of each on opposite sides. An opening in the middle of the floor allows you to look or jump all the way down to the arena in the bottom, an opening in the roof allows you to fly up to the top of the pyramid (w/ jetpack). 2. Middle level, accessible from two stairways coming down from the top level and two stairways coming up from the bottom level, one of each on opposite sides. Viewing windows (glass cover) allow you to look down into the lower level and arena. 3. Lower level, accessible from two stairways coming down from the middle level and four doors from the outside, overlooks a central, sunken arena. 4. Arena, accessible from two sides of the lower level, or from dropping down through the roof of the pyramid or the opening in the top floor. A man cannon in the center of the floor will send you all the way up through the roof. There is still a LOT of work to do, especially with some exterior structures around the pyramid and interior and exterior aesthetics, but so far I'm pretty happy with it. If anyone is interested in checking it out or testing with me send me a message or friend me, I'm "Drew Baye" on XBL. Planning on working on it for a while tonight after 8pm
The only thing that worries me about this map is potential sniping issues where the zombies never get a chance to reach the top. so as a result I would actually recommend atleast having the humans spawn on the ground level and moving toweard the top.
Infection I'm thinking of having the infected initial spawns outside around the first level of the pyramid and respawns in the inside in the arena (bottom-most level) and the defenders inside on the middle level. From there the defenders can head up to the top, or down to the lower level to try to stop the infected at the doors (four to the outside) and from coming up out of the arena. Ultimately it will depend on how it goes in testing. The initial plan was a pure infection map, and it is still being made mainly with that in mind, but going to try to see if some other game types work well with it.
I like how the map looks really clean and the inside looks vary playable i would make humans spawn in the bottom of the map like the other people sayd or remove headshots from the zombies
i am not sure if he is creating a specific game type for this map or not. However I do have to agree that headshot should probably be removed just incase the humans start spawn sniping.
Updated screenshots Definitely going to be included, both regular and "krazy king". For regular KOTH I'll probably put the hill at the top - there are two stairways from both sides going up to the top as well as a hole in the middle of the floor for access from the man cannon on the lowest level. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Was able to get a bit of work done earlier tonight, mainly aesthetic stuff and some tweaking. Added covered bunkers on the ground just in front of the bottom of the ramps on two sides for some cover from the ground Changed the object highlights to yellow Removed the shield door from the opening through the roof, added some ledges to bridge the gap between the inside areas in the top floor Replaced the colosseum wall that was the arena floor with a more decorative floor, made with a 2x2 flat (over the man cannon), Y platforms and a few 45 degree corners to fill in the gaps Also added some cover (glass sails) to the ramp bridges coming down from the middle to the lower floor over the arena What started out as an idea for an infection map has taken on a life of it's own. I only planned to make the outside, and maybe the top building accessible, but there was so much open space in the interior I figured "why not?" The main plan is still for infection, with the infected starting outside on both of the sides with doors, at ground level, and the defenders inside, in the middle level. From the middle level they can run for the top, which will probably be the easiest to defend, but it might be faster to run to the bottom and use the grav lift. In the time it takes them to run straight to the top the infected can almost catch up from outside and will be arriving at the top set of doors just as the defenders reach the top of the pyramid. If they head down to the grav lift they can get to the roof faster, but any zombies who enter the lower set of doors will be right on their heels. If all the defenders run up the stairs, and none head down, and if the infected head for the grav lift first, there is a possibility the defenders could end up with a surprise when they hit the roof. Going to have to test that tomorrow. So far, the modes I plan to include are Infection (probably with a custom gametype) KoTH and Crazy King Slayer (FFA, Team, Multi-Team) Headhunter (FFA and Team)
If your budget permits it, it might be wise to place some rocks outside of the pyramid so that it would be safer for players spawning outside. Also if you did this right it might add a bit more of a Mayan feel to it. If you use any Screen Fx (not that you should) Orange would probably be the best to use for this map. By the way nice screenshots.
Robbie, Thank you, both good ideas. I'm going to add some rocks, and I am also going to try combining the orange and "next gen" effect to see if I can get that kind of "300" look [br][/br]Edited by merge: Took Robbie's suggestion and added rocks around the outside of the base of the pyramid Tried some different FX, but most ended up looking pretty bad. I'm not sure why Bungie even included them, since quite frankly, most of them do not improve the looks of a map. Played around with colors, ended up deciding to use "yellow" and added a yellow light on the inside, as well as replaced the colosseum walls that formed the floor and angled sides of the arena with Y-platform pieces and 2x2 blocks. Also added a bunch of medium railings as trim around doorways, which I think makes them look better and also gives a little more cover to duck behind when entering or exiting some of the doors. Set up KOTH hills and Headhunter drop points last night, as well as neutral spawns and respawn points, but no weapons. Am probably going to set up all weapon spawns individually by game type, with consideration for position of objectives and spawns. Planning to set up Infection next, as well as Team and Multi-Team slayer, and some Juggernaut-specific weapon spawns. If anybody would like to help test this weekend please let me know!
This map is coming together very nicely, love the rocks around the outside. Any ETA on the map release?
Sacrifice was just a temporary name - decided to call it Blood Ritual because I think it sounds more unique and sounds more violent It's been submitted to the Testers Guild and I tested tonight with a few people and it's coming along really well. Waiting for the Testers Guild feedback and after I get a chance to read and implement suggestions for improvement it will be released. The supported modes now include: FFA, Team and Multi-Team (four teams) Slayer Infection and Safe Havens FFA and Team Headhunter KOTH and Crazy King Stockpile Oddball Juggernaut The infection modes have Next Gen and Purple SFX for a "night time" look, there are two additional power weapons in Juggernaut (the Juggernaut rapes all in the close corridors without some extra firepower) and I've blocked off two of the hallways to change the flow a bit in Stockpile The BETA is in my fileshare at Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details All constructive feedback is greatly appreciated! Hopefully between the forum here and the Testers Guild I'll be able to tweak it to provide good gameplay in at least most of the modes and have it released within the week.