
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Shamrock20, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. Shamrock20

    Shamrock20 Ancient
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    Bridge Base

    The Bridge

    Yes, there's a bridge... and no... that's not all there is.

    (Originally posted in Casual Maps. It was suggested that I also post it here, since it's set up for several gametypes.)

    The bridge may be the visual centerpiece of this map, but trust me, there's so much more to see here. I've packed a lot of goodness into the bases that anchor each side of the gorge. Multiple paths into and out of each base, vehicles, and plenty of choice locations for snipers, mid-rangers and close quarters fans alike. By far the biggest map I've ever Forged, this asymmetrical map is perfect for larger scale conflicts, objective based games, or some good old fashioned Team Slayer.

    The inspiration for this map comes from some of the best maps in Halo's 3 year history. Think of it as a bit of Valhalla and Standoff mixed with a little bit of Narrows. No, it doesn't look like any of them, but it does borrow some of the design elements that made those maps great.

    Obviously, there's a big bridge in the middle. Hence the name.


    On each side of the bridge, you'll find a base. Architecturally, each base is different, but both have their own charm. The base in the pic below is a single level base with a covered bunker area just down the hill out in front of it.


    Each base has access to 4 Mongeese and a standard Warthog.


    On the cliff side of the bridge, you'll notice that the base has multiple levels.


    The mid level gives you a great vantage point overlooking the bridge.


    For an even better view, the uppermost level is accessible via the mancannon atop the tower on the left side of the base, or via the ramped staircase that works its way up the cliff on the right side of the base...


    These two routes up to the top give players options, and also help to keep any snipers from getting too comfortable up top, ya know?


    Back down on the ground level, on each side of the bridge is guarded by a turret, which can be a great deterrent against any vehicles that come charging across the bridge. (Particularly handy for Capture the Flag or Assault games.)



    But wait, you say. "Won't I get shredded out there in the open on that bridge?" Well, yes, that's a possibility. But like Halo 3's Narrows, you can also make your way from side to side by traveling under the bridge.


    So there it is. Have at it. It's set up for almost every gametype, so whether Slayer, CTF, KoTH, Juggernaut, Headhunter, Oddball, Territories or Infection is your thing, you should be all set up for a good time.

    Oh, one other thing. If you fall off, you'll die before you hit the ground. Something to keep in mind. Let me know what ya think friends.

    #1 Shamrock20, Feb 25, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2011
  2. soupoo

    soupoo Forerunner

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    I will DL when I get home, I've had my eye on this spot and the goodness a bridge could bring to it for a while. I like the layout and the aesthetics are clean, there is an obvious theme to the map.
  3. Killah786

    Killah786 Ancient
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    Yo... THIS IS AMAZING!!!!

    im definitely getting this a download. other than that... this is one of the nicer maps that i have seen lately.... it is so well put together aesthetically, structurally and balance-ally... lol

    p.s. just to let you know, your thread name can only have the map name... nothing else... you have your name
  4. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    The forging in this map is really neat. The positioning of the bases, especially the one on the rockface match the contours and edges of the cliff, making it seem like the bases actually belong there rather than being plonked there by some haphazard forger.

    Aesthetically, it's pretty nice too. I can see some of the inspiration from the popular Halo
    3 maps, the bridge has "Narrows" written all over it.

    The openness of the map is what appeals to me most, i just don't like encolsed claustrophobic competetive maps. Maybe i'm just wierd like that. Well done. A nice forge.
  5. Blindsid3r

    Blindsid3r Forerunner

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    wow why does this map only have a few hundred views? This is definitely worth much much more. Excellent work here, love the looks and it appears to be a lot of fun. I personally am a huge fan of base on base combat, this map is under rated and under viewed.
  6. Robert Jonez

    Robert Jonez Forerunner
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    looks very well done. Ive been working on something like this for a long time only in a different are. But still nice work!
  7. Shamrock20

    Shamrock20 Ancient
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    Thanks. I appreciate the feedback.

    One other thing to note, related to the base vs. base setup of the map. It may not be immediately apparent in the pics, but there are multiple ways to attack each base once you're across (or under) the bridge.

    For the single-story base, you can:

    1. Cross the bridge and enter the base through the front doors
    2. Cross the bridge, then veer right and make your way through the rock tunnel that accesses the tower side of the base.
    3. Go under the bridge, then stay left and work your way up the rock ramp that accesses the lower bunker area. Continue up the left side to enter the base from the warthog garage entrance.
    For the multi-story base on the cliffside, you can:

    1. Cross the bridge, then veer left into the tower. Mancannon on the top floor leads to the highest level of the map.
    2. Cross the bridge, then veer right into the round structure. Ramps will lead up to the highest level of the map.
    3. Go under the bridge, then stay left and sneak under the tower through the tunnel formed by the base support struts.
  8. Nachus

    Nachus Forerunner

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    Sadly I haven't been able to play on your map yet, but after a quick walk-through I must say I'm looking forward to it. The first thing I noticed after spawning and hoping on a mongoose is that its difficult to control vehicles on the steep grade (as I crashed on the canyon floor); and honestly this is something I appreciate, a lot of maps I've played use the vehicles as a sort of power weapon upon which you mow down your enemy's, which is fun in its own right, but it's nice to see using them more as a strategic maneuver, ie. getting across the bridge without a hole in your head.

    Second thing is the aesthetics the map is pleasing to the eye but doesn't focus to much on how it looks, a lot of what make the map fun to run around in in forge, is the same stuff that you'd take cover behind in a game. The best maps are the ones that are very pretty with excellent gameplay, yours is moderately pretty, a sacrifice (looking at your budget) you had to make given the size of the map, and the focus on gameplay.

    Thirdly, balance (please remember I haven't played a game yet); the map is skewed in favor of blue side, it has more, and better cover, better weapons, and their initial spawn is closer to the power weapons in the middle. This would be good for one bomb and one flag but not for much else.

    I also have one major qualm with this map, and that is the weapons heavy underside of the bridge, four weapons, four grenades, to much; also putting a shotgun within feet of the plasma sword rubs me up all sorts of wrong.

    Overall, I like it, and am look forward to some games on it, I really want to try some one flag or team snipers on this thing, I think they would be the best.

    Edit: Holy wall of text thats longer then I thought.
    #8 Nachus, Feb 28, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2011
  9. W4R5 CR34T10N

    W4R5 CR34T10N Forerunner

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    This map looks amazing! Im giving it a download now. the guy above me pretty much hit any and all of my concerns. So i will just make mention of how much fun potential there is for this map!

    Great job!
  10. Shamrock20

    Shamrock20 Ancient
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    Thanks Nachus. Great feedback. Don't worry about the wall of text, you brought up some really great points and offered plenty of constructive criticism that I can use to make my future maps better. I appreciate the in depth review. At any rate, it's certainly more helpful than the person who only said, "I like bridges."

    Couple things...

    Actually... no argument here. In its current state, the map's weapons are probably most appropriate for a more casual game experience (hence the reason I originally posted this map in the Casual section.) and some of the power weapons should likely be swapped for more standard fare when playing more competitive game types.

    Honestly, the sword/shotgun placement was something I wasn't personally a fan of either, but in a weird way, managed to rationalize things this way: I figured on a map this large, nobody would ever want to carry two close quarters weapons, and therefore would be forced to choose either the sword or the shotgun when moving under the bridge. Plus, I was just trying to give people a few compelling reasons to venture out onto those precarious little platforms down there. (And secretly I thought it would just be awesome for King of the Hill chaos in a small space when the hill moved down there.)

    But yes, you're absolutely right. Too many power weapons down there. A weapon swap wouldn't be a bad idea.

    Couldn't agree with you more. I think this map would rock for Team Snipers.

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