Invasion game type and map. Attacking team must destroy base and generator to gain access to captured Death Star plans in order to retrieve them and return them to AT-AT. Also supports Invasion Slayer. I decided to build an ATAT one day in Forge, and realized that I could base a game from it. The map originally spanned from the water to the side water outlet and the core was taken to an Lamda Class Imperial shuttle. After some playtests, that design was scratched and a round circuit map was made to further incorporate the ATAT. Now the attacking team spawns inside the ATAT and uses teleporters to move to the ground. The first objective must be completed by capturing one of two zones so the gate opens to the Generator. Capture either zone at the Generator to open the base with the data core, and return that to the ATAT via a mancannon. A Revenant spawns in front of the ATAT at phase 2, and the defensive position begins shooting mines at the escape route in phase 3. Bungie Pro Game Video edit:I apologize for the incomplete post. Thanks for letting me know!
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looks much better with a little more pictures, please add some more it sounds really interesting. your at-at is well designed, nice job PS: did you test the gameplay ??? because you posted this thread in the aesthetic area, and im wondering if theres balanced gameplay with fun ?!?!?!
Thanks! I'll try to get some more pics up soon for you. It does play well. The first play through can be daunting until you learn the layout and how it plays. The last phase can be intense, as the attacking team can continually push. Should I put it in a different area? I put it here because it's themed on Star Wars, but if I should move it to a different area, please let me know!
i feel its a little cramped together but still i like this invasion map do the attacking team spawn in the at-at or on the ground it would be a pleasure to dl it