Zombie game concept

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Twelve, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. Twelve

    Twelve Ancient
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    Alright, so I've got an idea for a minigame. Basically, there's two separate rooms. The humans start off in a room filled with receiver nodes, while the zombies start in a room below/above with the exact same layout as the humans' room, except of course with sender nodes. The objective is this: The zombies must stick each other with grenades, and run through the sender nodes trying to suicide bomb the humans. The zombies will have sensors, so they can see where the humans are, while the humans will not have sensors, so they have to stay on their toes constantly. My main issues are:

    • What armor abilities to give to each side, because at this point in planning, it seems a little one-sided in the zombies favor with radar advantages.
    • How to force the zombies to suicide bomb, rather than just running through and sticking the humans.
    • Deciding whether I will give the humans the ability to kill the zombies or not, I'm not sure if it would be much use. It will obviously be a survival-type game, sort of like Matador.
    Any input will be appreciated, tell me what you think of this idea. It came to me while I was playing "Speed" in the minigames section.
  2. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
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    cant see that theres a way to force the zombies to use plasma granades just to stick each other for "suicide bombing" rather than just use the teleporter and throw them directly at the humans.
    how big are the rooms going to be?
  3. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Now what is the point behind this gametype? Is it a suicide grunt simulation?

    for once I might actually recommend you give the humans armor-lock as one of their abilities.
  4. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    No ^^^

    That would be useless. You could give the zombie's pistols and very little health, but there are some big issues with this.

    1. Honor rules. Unless you can think of a nice way to MAKE SURE people stick each other first. I can't think of a nice way to do it.
    2. Depending on the size of the room, humans could either back all the way up, or lots would die at once. You would need to make it very horizontal for it to work.
    3. If humans COULD kill zombies, they would and zombies would have a very hard time winning. If they couldn't, it makes the honor rule even stronger for zombies not to just run up and kill them with other attacks.

    It seems like there a lot of flaws RIGHT NOW but certainly not worth giving up on. Keep playing around. Try different ideas and see what works. Best of luck!
  5. Twelve

    Twelve Ancient
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    I had a thought. Make a small area in the middle of the zombie's room, with plasma grenades inside it and a custom powerup that gives the zombie that spawns weapon pickup. So basically this zombie will be the feeder, and they'll stick the other zombies without being able to move. The other zombies, once being stuck, will run through the teleporter and try to suicide bomb the humans.
  6. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    that actually sounds like a reasonable idea in comparison to all the ideas I was going to throw out there.

    also you might want to give the zombie room smaller in camparison to the human room. that way the zombies will have less distance to go to reach the humans before they explode. :)
  7. Twelve

    Twelve Ancient
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    Yeah, I really don't like honor rules, so I want to eliminate the need for them.
    However, it doesn't seem like it'll be very fun for the immobile zombie, all he can do is throw grenades. Maybe I'll just give him radar and not the other zombies, so he'll kind of coordinate the attacks as well.
    #7 Twelve, Feb 23, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2011
  8. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
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    Just got an idea how to make this really work.


    this is a way you could build the rooms. in the zombie room you can make one of them spawn in the middle right on top of a custom powerup.

    the custom powerup does not allow him to move and also gives him a high shield that recharges really fast to prevent him from dying. also enables him to pick up the granades all around him with a spawn time as low as 1 sec to keep the game going.

    the other zombies will be able to move but wont be able to do any damage or at least close to none and no weapon pick up. anyway they will spawn in one of the four paths around the "main" zombie as you see in the picture and then just go thru the teleporter right in front of them. the reason why the four narrow paths to the teleporters is a good idea is that its esier for the main zombie to hit them with granades rather then try to hit them in a round room in total chaos.

    the humans spawn in the middle in their room wich has teleporters in every "corner" and instead of using visual covers you could use shield doors ( maybe a mix of one way shields and usual shield doors) like shown in the pictures. the shields could make the gameplay more interesting and gives room from some tactics amongst the humans.


    hope you got some Ideas from this :)
  9. Twelve

    Twelve Ancient
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    That's probably the route I'll end up going DeStarfighter, thank you. As for Armor Abilities, what do you think the best configuration would be? I was thinking about giving the zombies sprint and the humans evade or armor lock, but I'm not sure. Maybe give the zombies evade? Idk. Imagine the fear of a human watching a lit zombie rolling towards them.
    #9 Twelve, Feb 23, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2011
  10. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
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    Make sure that the Zeds can't inflict damage, but the "seeder" can. That should make it so that the Zeds have to get stuck by the seeder in order to do damage.
  11. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
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    nice :) need to inv me when youre finished with this because I really want to test it.

    Im not to sure about using armorlock as it might give the humans a big advantage.
    they see a zombie:


    the instantly use armorlock and protect themself during the short amount of time the blast is deadly the zombie dies and are respawning in the other room while the shield recharges. I suggest using the shield doors as the only shields in the room and letting the humans have hologram or something. try to fool the zombies to blow up a hologram instead.

    one other thought. what happens with a zombie who goes thru the teleporter without being stucked? if the humans cant do any damage and the zombie as well they may just chill down there or something :p
    consider letting the humans to be able to kill a zombie but with reduced damage. . . or something
  12. Twelve

    Twelve Ancient
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    Okay, I've gotten the map pretty much done, and I'm currently tweaking the gametype. I gave the "feeder" zombie a plasma launcher as well, because they take a bit longer to explode than plasma grenades (only use about one bullet though, using three or four will make the grenades explode sooner). I've gone with a hexagonal pattern rather than octagonal, to properly and symmetrically use all of the teleporters. I've clearly marked them with brace "signs" that are all different colors. There's a couple things I've started to notice, just testing it with a few friends:

    • Zombies can become extremely confused if everyone doesn't have a mic, because only the feeder has radar. I will either give all the humans waypoints or give everyone radar, not sure which yet.
    • I'm not sure if I want friendly fire on or off. I like the idea of actually suicide bombing, which doesn't kill them if friendly fire is off. But if it's on, it's easy to accidentally miss when you're trying to stick a fellow zombie and kill them before they go through.
    • Humans like to block the teleporters. I would put them in the air, but it wastes time that the zombies could be using to run if they have to fall down, even if it is a short distance.
    • I can see another thing being a problem as well: I gave the humans the ability to kill the zombies from about 3 headshots with the Magnum, but (although this hasn't happened yet), I'm wondering what would happen if the humans decided not to kill zombies that came through unstuck/didn't kill anyone with their bomb. Then all the zombies would just sit down there unable to respawn as well. I would have to give the humans some incentive to kill the zombies.
    I'm also considering making the map get smaller and smaller as the game progresses, slowly dividing the map into six sections, getting closer and closer to the teleporters. So if the zombies aren't having any luck killing the humans at first, it will get easier for the infected to kill humans, and harder for the humans to survive.
    #12 Twelve, Feb 27, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2011
  13. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
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    I would really like to test this :) add me, GT: DeStarfighter . . . I also got a couple Ideas how to prevent the humans to stand on the teleporters.
  14. tyggerr

    tyggerr Forerunner

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    I'm not sure what could happen but I have an idea :

    Place grenade on fix on the Zombies spawn. Make them Save Heaven. Make it so the human are pretty much invincible when OUTSIDE the safe Heaven, and are weak when they are INSIDE the safe Heaven, so when the zombies carry the grenade he has to go near the humans to make it explode, and the only way of dying is to commit suicide with a plasma grenade.

    I don't think it had ever been tested, but this is an idea that could lead to another, maybe...

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