Is there a way to make it that with a custom power-up that the player can't be harmed by other players but as soon as the custom power up wares off they instantly die? I know that their sued to be a shield drain and so I was wondering if their was a health drain that I could have applied to the player while he is invulnerable to other players shots.
Hmm...I don't think so. I mean, if you had the guy with the powerup in a different area than everyone else, you could spawn a hazard like a killball to kill him. Other than that, I'm thinking no
I think he's right. You can definitely use custom to make him invincible, but unless you have something like a killball, or kill barrier spawn after it wheres off, I think that's all it will do. However, it's worth messing around with. I've never had a need to do it and therefore am no expert. If you find a nice way to do it, let us know. Sounds interesting.
so is there a way to make it that as soon as the custom power-up wares off that the player is instantly killed?
If the player is forced to pick it up at the spawn, you could make a kill barrier spawn one second after wards. That would do essentially the same thing. However, I'm not sure if you can set it so it only kills one team. Good luck. That's all I've got.
Cant make kill barriers spawn on a timer, they are there or they arn't. Also a power up would not protect him from a kill barrier, because thats what kill barriers are for, prevent people from going into that area.
true even armor lock can't protect someone from a kill-barrier. However the use of the the custom power-up wasn't intended for the player to die just as they spawn just to kill them when it is depleted. Which sadly enough can't happen.