MLG Kratos (MLG map)

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Nitro, Feb 27, 2011.

  1. Nitro

    Nitro Guilty Spark

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    Kratos v1

    MLG Map Submission

    Forged by: TLN NITRO


    On the outskirts of Athens, was a place where the greatest warriors of all time came together to fight, Kratos. “Kill or Be Killed” was the motto of Kratos. Warriors would train their entire lives to fulfill the greatest of achievement, live to fight another battle. For centuries, Kratos, was known for epic battles where only few would come out unscathed. For those great warriors who lived to tell their stories, trained the next Great Warrior and that is how the legend of Kratos carried on.


    This map is heavily based off my first Halo Reach map, Archos. It is a symmetrical map with two bases with highly intense middle battlefield. Some influences remain on from Archos, but with better definition. The map structure was made with less than $4000, with weapons carried the balance just a little under $6000 left. I would like to thank my biggest influence SaLoT for correcting my flaws but showing me the path to great forging. In addition, the other individuals that helped me test this map iUndrground, Curse0fTheGoat and more I thank you for depicting the map and making it what it is today.

    Download Kratos v1

    Plays all MLG Gametypes to include test v3 and below
    I will make this a social type map later after further revisions

    4 – Frag Grenades
    4 – Plasma Grenades
    4 – DMR
    2 – Needle Rifle
    2 – Plasma Pistol
    2 – Magnums
    1 – Rocket Launcher (Only on CTF)
    1 – Sniper Rifle (Team Only)
    1 – Grenade Launcher (FFA Only)
    2 – Health Packs

    No AA were added, did not function well during testing

    Map Overview

    Red Base Overlook

    Top Mid

    Mid Side

    Blue Base

    Back Red Base

    View from Red Room

    Video Walkthrough
    Coming Soon​

    ***For any suggestions or comments please reply***

  2. its LEB

    its LEB Forerunner

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    This looks like a fun, simple, competitive map. I say simple because it seems like a basic inituitive layout- two main bases, a middle, and walkways to take you around. Why do you have the grenade launcher in FFA only, and no rockets in slayer? Those are unusual choices because mlg team slayer almost always has a rocket launcher, and mlg zealot has the grenade launcher. This looks like it would be great for some frantic stock pile action, and ctf would probably be great. Ill make sure to check out the video.
  3. Nitro

    Nitro Guilty Spark

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    I thought about adding it for TS but i didnt want it to be too overpowering but I will consider it thanks

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