Cold Storage v3 Absolute Welcome to my 3rd Official remake of Cold Storage! To be honest i was working on this All Day Nonstop, with the help of some mountain dew and Lil wayne, of course. I began to realize that my other Cold Storage maps were pretty much exact in detail, aside from scale sadly, so i just began working on this map. I was actually in halo 3 for a good 2 hours today just getting down to each last measurement( measurement with fusion coils,guns, etc.) writing my lengths and diagramming on paper and the rest in reach forging this creation. Trust me, some of the map would have an extreme amount of detail, but i stuck with the basics, trying to reduce framerate lag, and conserving my materials. (im glad i conserved cause i nearly ran out!) The past hour i have been repeatedly testing my map with some friends in a customs lobby 4v4, with every single compatible game mode. They all seemed to work nearly flawless, and i had no lag whatsoever, aside from some other Cold storage maps i have seen made by others. This Map is exactly identical to Cold Storage in structure, and mostly identical in detail. I got many complements on the map from my friends, and even regular custom games players. Their is no disco ball effect, and every single jump that was possible in halo 3 is possible on this map. I had to improvise with equipment Halo 3. So here is what i used. Bubble Shield - Drop shield armor ability. Health regenerator - Hologram Power Drain - Armor lock Every Single spawn point is exact as in Halo 3. Every Single weapon is the exact same as Halo 3. Every Single Weapons spawn time is the exact same as Halo 3. If you are not familiar with this map, than please click on this Link for some info on the map, and a gallery of pictures from halo 3 Cold Storage - Halo Nation - The Halo Franchise, Bungie, 343 Industries and more Here is a weapon list in case you are not familiar with the weapons. BR(DMR) x 1 AR x 1 Plasma Rifle x 2 Shotgun x 1 Sniper Rifle x 1 Rockets x 1 Needler x 1 Frags x 6 Plasma Grenades x 4 Finally Pictures! You dont have to know the map Cold Storage to play this map, Give it a DL even if you have never played it before its still a great map. Any feedback on flaws or ideas please leave a comment, and im open to any suggestions of remaking other maps in the halo series. A thread sticky would be greatly appreciated.
Wow. This has really come a long way since v1. This project started out kinda rough, but now, I'd say that this is the best Cold Storage remake to date. The only major problem with this map, at this point, is the AA placement. Frankly, AL and Drop Shield completely butcher this map. Hologram's fine, but w/e. 9/10 on the remake
Thanks man, i know the armor lock and drop shield can really get in the way of things but i just wanted to make it as exact as possible. i thought they would be equal mediums to the equipment in halo 3, and actually can get kind of fun when used in king of the hill, crazy king, etc. Thanks for the feedback
Replace armor lock with Plasma Pistol. Replace hologram (regenerators) with health packs. These make a lot more sense than what you currently have. Alternatively, you could use a 1-shot GL for the power drain.
Well a power drain takes someones shields down, and so does AL. I will comment with another map with your thoughts in mind. Scalpem: ya alot of my friends never really like cold storage either, but they still found this map fun. I, on the otherhand have been in love with cold storage since halo CE.
Hello! This is a cool map, and it is good to see it improved from the other two versions. I like the top section and how you can just about jump to the other platforms. The lighting is cool, i like the aesthetics to the blue light. nice touch and all the little touches, like the cover on the floor, nice amount of cover too, not to much or too little, weapons seem fair and I like the walls and the glass room with the rocks behind. I have yet to test in custom yet but on forge it looks really well made. Great work. Will let you know how the testing goes
Thanks timmy, most gametypes play really well. Headhunter and one bomb are my favorite gametypes to play on this, but thats just me. Let me know how it goes, and thanks for the complements.
Wow! I didn't know your original map sucked so bad you downloaded mine and changed a few things! Did you think I wouldn't notice? When I was looking at my pictures I realized I forgot to color a block near the armor lock. Then I downloaded yours and looked and whatdoyaknow, yours was still default blue as well. Your map is even built in the same place as mine. YOU ARE A FAKE! A PHONY! A THIEF! You can't even do the work for yourself and I hope everyone realizes this now. EXHIBIT A MY MAP YOUR MAP Notice the uncolored ramp used for the wall on mine and on yours? YOU ARE PATHETIC!!! EXHIBIT B My Map Your Map See the gap below the door? You suck dude. This isn't even right.
Well we have a problem here. Blackout, you are claiming the map presented here is yours. Your going to need to PM me the details needed to prove it. I'm doubting it because the author does match the OPs gamertag. But if you can send me some proof I'll definitely look into it.
Just download both maps and look at the glass room. That is proof enough. He changed a couple of aesthetics, but not enough. Look at the creation date and you'll see who's was made first. This guy is a thief.
Before anything happens, look at the Original creator... and they do look similar, but look at the top of the picture (roof) on the first "Exhibit."
Very sneaky... Veeeerry sneaky.... Well it is late at night, and I have much homework to do so I cannot prove you wrong now. I will post back tomorow with proof of me not stealing your map in the slightest way. Anyways nice job creeping and getting much info, but tomorow you shall find out why you are wrong. Good day.
Looks like Nibs is handling this situation. I'll go ahead and take a second look tomorrow when I have some free time. I'm going to go ahead and lock this thread for now to prevent useless banter from bumping this map any further. When the issue is resolved you will either be banned or your thread unlocked. Thank you for you attention to this matter.