Infected Invasion!

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Talons013, Feb 26, 2011.

  1. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    Wow that thumbnail image really jumps out at you dosen't it? (heh funny zombie pun) Anyway...
    Hello all of forgehub!
    I’d like to welcome you to my second map post and one that Im rather proud of…

    Infected Invasion


    You probably just came to find out what the hell infected invasion is. Well ill tell you. It is the perfect hybrid of infection and invasion into one balanced game that is fun and competitive for everyone to enjoy.

    Now you’re probably wondering what the hell is infected invasion EXACTLY because that wasn’t much of an answer. It is simply a game of invasion where the attacking team, the elites, takes upon the role of the undead. The Spartans act as the survivors and defend a holdout against said undead (see what I did there?) With classes fit for both teams, you can easily kill each other with a passion. ^^

    All the phases are territories with different timers and settings to provide divers game play in each one. The phase timer is set to 3 minutes for each phase. Here is a description of each one and I will give an overview picture followed by close up pictures to paint you all a better picture of how the game works. (see what I did there, again?)

    -The first phase takes place outside and has two territories around supply crates on the far sides of the front of the house. Set to 20 seconds with no recovery timer, you must defend your munitions before the infected can “capture” them and advance the game to its next phase. It is rare that the game ends here so just hold them off for as long as you can.


    ALPHA crate

    BRAVO crate

    -The next phase has a classic theme of defending barricades. With the two territories set to 10 seconds with a complete recovery time, the humans must keep the undead away from the two boarded up doors by shooting from both the inside and outside of the holdout. The survivor’s classes are slightly upgraded for ranged combat, allowing everyone to shoot from afar, or in this case behind wooden blockades. This battle comes down to the wire so don’t get too cocky!




    -The final phase is the most chaotic of them all. Taking place on the rooftop of the holdout, the zombies get a new loadout to choose from. One that allows them to climb the building to cause mass chaos and take control of the territory. Speaking of which, is set to 15 seconds with a 10 second recovery time. There is also some stairs to allow the Humans and infected to get to the top. But don’t fret fellow survivors as there are spawn points on top and one of YOUR classes gets beefed up too.
    This phase will decide who wins the game. And as if there wasn’t enough pressure, this struggle is always shifting from winning to loosing. The round isn’t over until the invisible man with the deep voice declares whose winner!




    Now that you all know what’s going on, it’s time for some loadouts. After all, how can you stop hordes of the undead or eat your dinner without knowing what you’re going to use to do it?



    Survivors will always have two classes to choose from when battling the Undead, all of which have sprint as an armor ability. They include three guns only and will evolve to fit the phase the game is at. Here is a rundown of your weapons.

    Shotgun - A great choice and will always be available in any given phase. But don’t try to conserve bullets! Shoot them once from afar and then shoot them again. A pointblank shot leaves a zombie standing with zero bars of health left but you’re still dead.

    Magnum - The trusty side arm of the game. Again will always be available for every phase. And even though it’s just a pistol, it’s also the long range weapon of choice. With a scope and small crosshairs you can wound a zombie for a fellow Spartan, or save their damn life! Just don’t think you’ll be able to score as much as others. It takes 9 shots to kill and… well… the clip only has 8.

    Assault Rifle – Fully automatic fire power! What’s not to love? This weapon is available after the first phase and has two settings; burst/controlled mode for midrange, and spray/pray mode for close quarters. Both have their attributes.

    Loadouts: tier 1

    GUARD – Shotgun, plain and simple.

    MARKSMEN – Magnum, help your teammates.

    Loadouts: tier 2
    GUARD – Shotgun, Magnum, yipidy doo! You got a pistol.
    MARKSMEN – Magnum, Assault Rifle, you get the job of shooting them before they get to us.

    Loadouts: tier 3
    GUARD – Shotgun, Assault Rifle, the class of choice for this phase.
    MARKSMEN – Magnum, Assault Rifle, nothing new but still a decent choice for shooting them while they’re climbing.



    Elites take on the role of the Undead, so they get loadouts that suit that part of the game. Each with its own way of playing along with weapons and armour abilitys, you’ll be able to take on the Humans with confidence that you’re class is balanced out to fit its role. Sadly they stay the same and you only get a new one after phase three is initiated.

    Loadouts: tier 1-3

    ZOMBIE - Energy sword, evade. Slashing claws and a mobile attribute, what more do you want! (om nom nom) Oh ya…

    STALKER – Plasma pistol, active cammo. You can’t tear apart a survivor in one slash, but you can be invisible, spit, and kill from behind. The most dreaded class by the survivors in that you can easily kill a scout checking to see why the bravo under attack alarm is going off. Just don’t get caught or you’re dead, well, more dead but still.

    New Loadout: tier 3
    Air Assault – energy sword, jetpack. You can climb the building the survivors are holding up in and slaughter them from all angles. The only problem is that you’re a noisy climber.

    And of coarse some standard traits that everyone has:

    -75% movement
    -100% jump and gravity
    -limited armor ability
    -unlimited ammo, reloading still required
    -no picking up weapons
    -no shields, immune to headshots
    -no radar
    -health: secret (It’s a perfect amount that I can’t remember)
    -betrayal is ON (along with booting so don’t even think about it)
    -4 second respawn time
    -limited armour abilitys
    -the pictures you see don't actualy cover the entire map, just the action area
    -what else is there… hmm
    -Oh ya! only your allies see your name and service tag (Whats that shady figure?)

    Well that’s about it. How about a Video filmed by the one and only Zow Jr? You know, the guy who makes all those Mario games that you love so much? Well he’s a good friend of mine and has helped me a lot with the testing and getting gameplay for you guys to see and make that final decision of moving you’re lazy fingers to download the game and map. Here it goes!

    The first parts a little slow but has a bit of story to it that I don’t think will hurt… will it? Anyway the game play kicks in when the music picks up and is brightened so you all can actual SEE what’s going on. The map may be dark, but youtube makes it darker. (stupid youtube screwin with my FXs)

    Infected Invasion


    (It has taken 3 days to post this.)

    well thats not true, ill still make stuff, but I will be sad :(
    #1 Talons013, Feb 26, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2011
  2. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I rate 8/10

    2 thumbs up dude. I love the amount of creativity this has, infection themed but in invasion game mode. smart. Everything looks pretty balanced, I only have 1 question I saw the elites have guns too. Are those to counter act the spartans firepower or is it a special power up option, kinda like left 4 dead with the random tank selection online.

    Note: At 1:38 when the phase changes, you should of had muted the clip volume and kept the song playing. (just advice) but nice video through. Ill give this a download.
    #2 Grif otaged, Feb 26, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2011
  3. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    thank you. The video is'nt mine. If I had the capture card and editing programs it would have turned out diffrently but me and Zow are proud of it.

    the "infected" only have the plasma pistol for the gun. this is there because the class that it's in is invisible -_- you don't want a zombie thats invisible with a sword. this makes it an assasination hunter class. the plasma pistol just fills the theme of spit and helps to annoy/distract survivors.
  4. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
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    Amazing I wasnt the only person to have this idea...if only I had actully finished it instead of stallin so much...very nice though and very creative the way I was going to do it was different so this is pretty cool...
  5. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Yeah... thanks for that dude. I didn't notice that at first. Mistakes happen. I will be more vigilant in the future.

    BTW Talons, glad you posted this Bro. But... I'ma PM you. Anywho, duuuude I LOVE this game! No joke I. LOVE. THIS. GAME!!!!! It's amazingly balanced, the maps looks incredibly decent for an infection and invasion map, and it's loads of fun. Each and every phase is totally balanced.

    Phase 1: Spartans shotty and magnum can take down infected quickly with combined fire, although for sword zombies, it's an insta kill. FOr the Invis, assassinations be where it's at! (oh and I think health is 300. It's the only health that makes shotty two hit while keeping the sword 1 hit.

    Phase 2: Prob the most controversial phase. Its thin objectives plus open space, but if the zombies use strategy, they can pull through.

    Phase 3: THe be all end all phase. Zombies get JETPACKS. Thankfully the humans only have one objective on a chokepoint roof.

    10/10 from me. Nice job buddeh. oooh and AH GET MAH ARS! (ARS, cuz DMRs are for noobs)
  6. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    Well im glad you express this NOW rather then when i asked for you're complete and total feedback in the party! lol im just joking. I am very pleased with how well this turned out, ballence wise, and everything else. I fixed what you were talking about in the PM. And of coarse there's one matter that I have to address...

    a "chokepoint" roof? You remember the game right? infected climbing from every single angle immaginable. Ya, I wouldn't classify that as a chokepoint but thats just meh. *shruggs shoulders*
  7. Artemis

    Artemis Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That's actually an awesome concept, you have my download. This would make for an awesome recreation of Halo Evolutions: The Mona Lisa.
  8. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Really nice. I might actually try to make a few of my infection maps campable of running this gametype if you don't mind. :)

    Now is there way of making it that the spartans upon death can't respawn until after the round is over?
    #8 robbieagray, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
  9. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, I've pondered this idea as well.
    But before I download this, I do want to ask one thing (if you still play it). Can you go through a single round, end the game, and tell me the overall KD's of both teams? Because honestly, while the idea is refreshing in this sea of monotony (in infection maps anyway), the follow-through seems very.. weak. To say the least, it seems incredibly unbalanced and unthought-out. The spawning and varies "perks" for each team isn't exactly favorable to the zombie team. Frankly, the design seems like it would be great for the humans and very depressing for the zombies.

    Like I said, the idea is great (I don't mean to write this as an antanagoge, it's just the way it came out), but it seems as if you tried to post it just to insure that you'd be the first to post such an idea. In other words, it doesn't look as if planning went into this.

    Give it some work, perhaps make another map, and I'll give it a spin.

    Best of luck!
  10. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    I am starting to think that it makes more sense for the humans to be the one invading (left4dead style).
  11. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    Ah yes, but you haven't yet played the game my freind. You only replyed based on the post. If you can ever get a game of even teams then play it. You will soon learn that the humans and infected have the same chance of winning and loosing. And please don't ever acuse me of making a quick post just to get something innovative up on the internet. Im an honest map maker who will never lie just for the sake of a download. I care about the players enjoyment.

    I have thought of this. then I thought of the elites corner camping with energy swords. Its not a bad idea though and I am currently working on a map for it.
  12. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not necessarily the post, more so the video (the post had me pretty convinced). Especially the end, at the rooftop holdout. There seemed to be quite a few swords lying there. Granted, it does look hectic, but still unbalanced. I think that there should be more ways for the infected to get up. As you said, the jetpacks are noisy, and the only other way up is the stairs. It doesn't look like this map used up too much budget, so perhaps you can add surrounding buildings for the elites to jump from. Also, I would suggest "hiding" the spawns. Maybe you can add some height to the central building so that you can put some spawns in the ceiling. In my opinion, it kind of ruins the realism aspect of an infection game when you get to see the enemy spawn.

    And the reason I believed it was a quick post was because there seems to be some simple mistakes, but perhaps those were just overlooked (or intentional for some reason). For example, in the second and third picture, the blocks are off the ground meaning the players need to jump to get on top of them, which ultimately is detrimental to the flow of the map. Another example would be the territories, the first two are the default circle shape, not necessarily probematic in itself, but they hang off the crate platform which looks slightly sloppy.

    That's the impression that the post gave me; and I'm telling you this because if I saw it, I'm sure I'm not the only one. A couple simple fixes could make this creation exponentially more successful.
  13. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    -You only see the swords there becaus they glow. If you can actualy see it, there are about just as many human weapons there too.

    -Nothing is "floating" or requiring the players to jump. It just looks that way in the screenshot and I didn't notice this untill you brought it up.

    -The circles are there on purpose. I didn't want the humans to just simple blind fire on the platform the crates are on. Plus it's really evil to be a stalker zombie at this location which always adds to the fun. ^^

    -I said that the jetpacks were noisy to state a fact and to add to the humor of the post, it also makes it more ballenced.

    -It's rare to find an infected actualy using the stairs so they're mostly overlooked. even when an ocasional stalker starts to assasinate the suvivors, it's more likly that players will still shoot the climbers rather than puppy guard a stupid stair well. the stalkers are latter dealt with once they finish/are aassasinating and or setting off the alarm.

    -I did not notice any mistakes in the post that I might have put in accidentaly. If you want to point them out you can.

    Thank you for your conserns. I really do appreciate them and will be happy to awnser anymore questions :) ...If there are anymore that is.
    #13 Talons013, Mar 6, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  14. Values

    Values Forerunner

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    Very inventive my friend! I regret not reading this sooner..
    Anyways, the gameplay was very intense and worth while, especially the final phase, even though the zombies have jet packs >.> but really, it makes an awesome game nevertheless. Grats dude, this deserves more attention than it is getting.
  15. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    I also kind of have to agree with Plasma Blades with the fact that their should be more ways for the "zombies" to reach the top of the building in phase 3 other then the stairs and via jet-pack.

    Something is just telling me that someone needs to make a guide for this gametype style (infected invasion). Because I can see it being a major gamestyle in the future (if done right). :)
    #15 robbieagray, Mar 7, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2011
  16. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Lol if you have complaints on the video, give em to me. THere were prob as many ARs and shottys as there were swords my friend. This game has surprising balance for its seemingly human tilted gameplay. None of the classes are oP, the jetpack at the end is a big balancing class, the circle territiories at the beginning keep humans from camping and blindfiring into the distance. The small terriritories in phase 2 are my only complaint, they should have some room so they dont have to be right in front of them, while still being in humans LOS. and believe me humans in Phase 3 are to distracted killing humans to kill stair bound zombies. Thats how blue team won one game a stalker came and hid in the territory the entire time while we were outside killing zombies. The game is balanced hectic and fun and one could only realize that by playing it with the required party size. (plus the spawns are out of site until phase 3 for humans, zombies got it easy with hidden spawns the entire game. They are never in a spawn campable position)
  17. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    One thing I might like to recommend is trying to draw more interest to the capture points (especially if you convert it to humans invading) is by putting some of the weapons that the humans are going to be getting in the next loadout in the territory. That way it flows more realistically. :)

    And sense no one can pick up these weapons it is a win-win. :)
    #17 robbieagray, Mar 10, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2011

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