Hey guys, This is my 2v2 Throwdown Contest submission. It's also my first reach map. So far the feedback has been pretty good but I'm sure you don't care about that kind of stuff. Weapons: Needle Rifle x2 Shotgun x1 Sniper x1 Armor Lock x1 Camon x1 Evade x1 Some people have concerns about the number of power weapons/armor abilities, but with shotty and evade set not to spawn, it works rather well. If you read this, then pictures are coming, if not, there are still pictures coming. BUT FIRST... VIDEOS YouTube - Compass Map Trailer : Rho YouTube - Halo Reach Forge Map : Compass Walkthrough PICTURES Special Thanks to: Reflex Kuroda Stevo Shadow Youtuber B3NW All my testers And anyone else who wants thanks Please keep in mind that these are just for the throwdown settings. Weapon layouts and things are very different in MLG CTF 5 FLAG DOWNLOAD COMPASS DOWNLOAD COMPASS 5 FLAG DOWNLOAD THROWDOWN
I'm usually not this excited about trying a map out, but Compass looks awesome. Great architecture, great pathways, it just looks solid all around. You've presented a map that just looks and feels like a place you want to be running around and fighting in. The areas are all unique looking, but not so unique that they don't belong in the same map.
Many thanks for the nice words Nice to get "great architecture" from someone with crazy swirly tunnels. Lol. Let me know how you like the map. I've cleaned up 2 sections a little so if you want to wait about 5 minutes for a redownload. Also, we are about to run a game or two on it, if you're interested. My gamertag is my username. Best regards EDIT: Download link is gone temporarily for an updated version EDIT II : Fixed
I really enjoyed testing this map because at first you had a lot of breaks, and breaking maps is the thing I enjoy doing the most :3 But you managed to fix everything which mad me sadfaic. But in all seriousness, the gameplay is quite fun on this map and moves round the map smoothly, it isn't static and it isn't erratic. Well worth a download!
Haha thanks for helping me break proof it. I'm glad you enjoyed playing it too. Thanks for the feedback. It is much appreciated. Best regards, Rho
As I mentioned in the lolbox, the earlier version of this map played well, but this iteration plays even better! I really did enjoy playtesting this map, its a load of fun to play on. You did playtest the hell out of it, and I think it really shows!
I'm glad you liked it. You were definitely one of the main testers so thank you! I've done tests on this map so much in the last few weeks that and you were there for most of them. We dominated once or twice towards the end too. Thanks again for you nice feedback. Best regards
Even though the rainbow wall is gone forever, it will always be remembered in my heart. Oh, yeah, and cool map bro. But in all seriousness, this map has come quite a long way since the original version. Flow circulates well, and the weaponset works well too. Fantastic job all around.
It will rest in everyone's heart (mostly) Thanks for the nice feedback on the map. I'm glad you like it. Your map is a pretty cool guy also.
The Rainbow wall was a great call out, I'm sad to see it go. This is a great map, and I'm glad to see it finally be finished. A great tactic I found out when playing with Furry x Furry was to grab the camo and plasma pistol and the other person to have the dmr and team combo that way. oh also. mfw my gt is on walkthrough video when you're going through your friends list.
Oh look at you bein all famous and stuff. Thanks for the support (on the map, and rainbow wall ). I'm glad you liked it and found some tactics that worked well. It seemed more or less balanced unless there was a HUGE skill level difference, and good lord was that plasma pistol awesome! Thanks for the kind words and feedback Best regards
Dude, I glad you finally posted this. I really liked testing on this map a few times. Good thing those spawns are fixed! Great job!
Aw, wtf? I swear I remember commenting on this... Anyways, I still sadfaic at the rainbow wall. Idk what I'll do without it... D: lol, seriously though, I loved playing this map the few games I did play on it. When I did play on it, it was breakable, so Ben, Saltine and I got down under the map I went too far and died though... Then you and your team never let me down there again D: The map seemed really fast paced and had a few bad spawns, but I assume that's because we were playing 4v4 The lift also failed, but I've told you that millions of times and you fixed it Anyways, this map is great. It's nice that it's asymmetric, symmetric maps get boring after awhile... It was balanced, too. For an asymmetric map, that is. Anyways, great job. Well worth a download. Good luck in the competition. <3