@Weapon Layout; I only used rifles because the Throwdown Competition is supposed to be skill based Competition. Key word in there is COMPETITION, im willing to change weapon layout, maybe throw on some needlers, maybe a fuel rod gun or 2, ha. But in all honesty if FH picks this and says "Hey douche bag, you need to add more weapons." ill glady do so without being a smart ass about it. @AA's. Jetpack would fail because people like to go very high, and there is a kill boundary that is not so high. and people may go to try to get on top of boxes and pillars and go to places where they should not be a loud to go. Evade would just make the game play stupid. If one team has evade and the other team has no AA, that guy is basically a tank. Unless of course, you have a strong team shot and kill him before he can roll away, which again would make evade not so OP. @Top Mid/Videos. I know what you mean but there was a spawning issue in the videos. If you would have read my previous posts you would know that the spawning has been fixed and its a lot harder to hold top mid than a lot of people think. Holding top mid for more than a few kills takes a crazy good team shot and even at that, its still hard as balls to hold top mid. Top mid has next to no cover, so its still a bastard to hold. @Camo. We had OS there first but we found it was a bit overpowered and we might but OS back but im not entirely sure just yet. Again if FH wants me to change some stuff up, ill do so.
@Weapon placement, I've seen a fair bit of Throwdown maps that use a range of weapons, from Focus Rifles to Grenade Launchers to Gravity Hammers. They all perform pretty well. @AAs, in particular Jetpack, you could solve that by doing the Bungie method and sticking soft kill zones on top of roofs. As for Evade, I don't know, I really just threw that out there as a 'maybe'.
Like i said, if FH picks this and asks me to change up the weapon layout, i will do so. Jetpack i dont think would be usefull, i mean possibly but who knows, but again if FH asks me to make changes, the appropriate changes will be made