Name: Art Vandelay Description: After the economy fell , Foundry ration plans were soon abandoned and shantytowns were built inside to supply low-cost housing. Hello , everyone! Im About 6 Bushmen and my friend II J4CK II have made what we think to be a good assymetrical slayer map and we decided to post it on and now Forgehub. I decided to make a proper competive map for once instead of countless , horrible infection maps with armories and instant kill zombies etc and this is what me and J4CK came up with. Art Vandelay is a Medium-sized , One sided objective map which works well with Team Slayer , Objective and FFA gametypes. The reason why i decided to name it Art Vandelay was because it was Foundry's Project Name before it was originally released , when it actually was released it gave me the impression that it was actually was too open and something felt missing from the map so after 8-10 hours of forging + FFA playtesting this is what i came up with. this map fills that open space while providing a great game experience and is definitely worth Dl-ing. Naturally the best tactic to play this map on Slayer/Team Slayer Gametypes is to use the rules of high ground as they apply to this , there are deployable grav lifts placed in strategic places to allow players stuck the bottom level to get to higher ground/over large obstacles etc which provide for more fair gameplay and add an extra bit of fun to those using them =D. you can judge these maps by the Gameplay or Aesthetics but me , II J4CK and other plays think theyre great so look at these pictures or DL and tell me what you think. Gametypes: All except Infection Pictures: Top Of Lift Central Tower BackAlleys Of Central Tower Active Camo Rocket/Grav Hammer Spawn Turret Bridge Rockets to Turret Bridge Fast Lift behind By Central Turret Sword/Incendiary Spawn Weapon Info/Locations Quantity / Clips / Spawn Battle Rifle x4 / 2 / 60 Energy Sword x1 / N/A / 90 SMG x2 / 1 / 60 Carbine x2 / 2 / 60 Mauler x2 / 0 / 60 Shotgun x1 / 0 / 60 Sniper Rifle x2 / 1 / 90 Gravity Hammer x1 / N/A / 120 Overshield x1 / N/A / 90 Active Camo x1 / N/A / 90 Plasma Rifle x2 / N/A / 60 Needler x1 / 2 / 60 Plasma Grenades x2 / N/A / 30 Incendiary Grenades x2 / N/A / 60 Frag Grenades x2 / N/A / 30 Human Turret x2 / 1 / 120 Brute Shot x2 / 1 / 45 Grav lift x4 / N/A / 60 Spiker x2 / 1 / 45 Weapon layout The brighter the color the lower the level , just explaining how this works for people who might not understand please download this , play it and tell us what you think and then maybe we can work the feedback into our maps next time. We hope you enjoy this map and have a great time on it Your Dearest Forgers, About 6 Bushmen and II J4CK II Credits Creators About 6 Bushmen II J4CK II Playtesters Caboose Zombie TrippyTango II J4CK II SergeantSmeg69 IPokeSnails GimpyGorilla And Others Download Art Vandelay Here
I wouldn't say that at all. He gives a great description of the map. I prefer more text than none. Looks pretty interesting, I'll have to run through it to get a better idea of the layout.
like the map its very neat but in V2(if u make one) maybe u could interlock somee stuff to make it look groovy lol.but still very nice ill play i l8er
"Too much elaboration"?! That's a ridiculous comment to make. Intelligent map posting should always have a good description to it; anything that will give someone who is interested in the map a better idea how it plays. It looks like you've done well on that account, guys. Really nice post and the self-made map layout really seems to be catching on. I'll give it a DL and let you know what I think. EDIT: I can't find the DL link in your post. It looks as if the pic of you both with the plus sign on it should be the link, but I'm getting nothing. Am I missing something?
First of all, cool map. Second, why is your map called Art Vandelay, and third, why is your name About 6 Bushmen?
Sorry , but i was retarded enough to not post the link. Link is up now but its not named , it is my first map after all.
Nice looking map, everything looks pretty solid, and I see a decent amount of interlocking has been done. The grav-hammer hallway seems a little bare, maybe you want to add a couple of barrels or something to spice it up a bit. And are you trapped in the box when you go for the active camo, or is there something to jump on to get out that I don't see?
its a referral to the kill text message screen on the side of the H3 HUD , for example: "You were sniped by about 6 bushmen" there are crates to jump over the fence box and the active camo is in the back corner behind it not inside.
Great post man, especially for a new member! I am really liking the interlocking, and also that thing with the sword on it looks pretty nice.
Theres still 10 dollars left on the map but ive reached the item limit and ive tried cutting off pointless items. sadly this is the best i could get it without the reaching the item limit but i think it turned out pretty well though.
the weapon layout is a great concept, but yours is rather confusing :-X please don't flame me for that comment!
Having helped about 6 bushmen with the testing on the map, i would highly recomend it, keep em comin' purdy