
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by FuN Fortress, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. FuN Fortress

    FuN Fortress Forerunner
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    Stasis is a small, six-person map that is best played on free for all gametypes (although team games are playable if one wants to have one). Aesthetically, the design of the map itself is supposed to resemble a type of Forerunner power generator or power plant, occupied by Brute inhabitants (with a Gravity Hammer and a few Spikers present). It is a type of generator I made up called a 'Stasis Generator' (for which the map is named), and features plenty of 'power lines' and 'fuel cells' (made from the Strut object) running throughout the entierty of the map, yellow being charged energy being distributed and purple being used power cells or expended energy circulating back to the central generator to be recycled. Geometry-wise, Stasis was inspired by the maps Epitaph and Sword Base from Halo 3 and Halo Reach respectivlely.

    A single lift at one end of the map joins together an area of the map that effectively divides the upper level into two portions, broken only by a central bridge a short distance away (on which the sniper rifle spawns). The 'bridge' is actually the top of the Stasis Generator, around which the map is built (as this is where 'energy' is sourced from in this type of 'power plant').The upper level itself is strongly-reminicant of Sword Base, with two sections of the upper level facing eachother, one side being accesed by an elevator shaft. Unlike Sword Base, measures have been taken to reduce the 'campiness' of the 'yellow lift'-inspired elevator, such as the area it takes you to in the first place being greatly increased in size. One can camp the exit of the lift (no matter how looked down upon it is), but control of the entire room with close range weapons is near impossible as the player can take fire from the other side of the upper level, or succumb to a few well-placed grenades. Opposite
    the 'lift room' is an area known as the 'Computer Room' or 'Control Room'. With its distinct computer displays, covenant supplies (including an overturned crate), has a very 'embattled' and 'occupied' theme to it. A few spawns are placed in this room, and the Gravity Hammer lies at the entrance closest to the ramp from the bottom floor.

    The lower level of the map is a design all its own (not resembling either of the previously-mentioned maps), with the two 'undersides' of the two upper rooms, and a center area broken by a few generators. Under the Control Room lies a series of power cells (again, made from the struts) in a
    sort of 'charging station', in which their 'charge' can be seen from the computer room itself (the color of the struts is visible from the Computer Room). Gameplay-wise, the 'Charging Station' (or 'ramp corner') is an area with not much to mention, a few portable shields and a needle rifle are present here, as well as a few spawn points. Adjacent to this area is a ramp which takes you right up to the Control Room.

    In the center area of the map lies the Stasis Generator, with a Spiker on either side of it. The Rocket Launcher has been placed on a few underground-going power cells just in front of the generator. The 'center' section of the map is for the most part very open, with the Stasis Generator providing plenty of cover from enemies on the other end of the center space.

    Though crowded, the main generator provides for plenty of cover and effectively cuts the center area into two sections (a front and back as opposed to a left and right). Under the 'Lift Room' (or Storage room) lies an elongated U-Shaped hallway which connects to the back, middle, and front of the center area. At the center of this hall is a small 'Foreman's Helm', with a window which players can use to pick at players on the other side of the map. It's generally used as more of a hiding area or an
    area used to outmove opponents who are in the same hallway.

    Under this observation window is a small storage cellar, with a shield door (2-way) separating the center area and the rear hall. The door allows for quick escapes and clever tactics to be played on those either at the center area or chasing down the underside of the lift room. Finally, in the 'back' of this hall lies the elevator that takes you to the top level of the

    Now that I'm done with this wall of text, here are some pictures:

    The 'Stasis Generator' for which the map is named.

    The 'Rear Hall' under the Lift Room that is broken into three sections in a U-Shape (this corner is the corner RIGHT next to the lift in the back of the map, with the Foreman's Helm being the ramped area in the center).

    The 'Foreman's Helm' (center) and the lift that takes you to the 'Lift Room' (upper-left). Notice the cellar area under the center ramp with the shield door. Effective for tactical players.

    The Sword Base inspired 'Lift Room'... With me with a shotgun (FAR away from the lift) in the same room... With a ton of dead people... It's not what it looks like...

    Actually, in that video, the player with the turret (his body is in the upper-left corner) had killed one person, and had been killed from the grave by that same person. A body directly below his is his own, but much older (it 'despawns' in the video soon after I enter the room). The orange guy in the center was the only one I killed. The sheer size of the Lift Room makes camping with a weapon such as the shotgun difficult, as control of the entire room with a close combat weapon is very hard. Also, the concussion rifle spawns here.

    A close up of the Gravity Lift. My good friend designed the shield door sections (he insists that it's ugly even though he made it, but it works and that's all that counts) that force you into the Upper Floor so that you don't get stuck (as simple a technique as it is, I can't make it work on my own).

    A close up on the Foreman's Helm and cellar area.

    A large view of the entire center area with the Stasis Generator in the center. On the left-middle side of the picture is a small block in the ground, the shotgun spawns here but was taken at the time the picture was taken.

    The upper floor with the Epitaph-inspired elevator and U-Split shape.

    A close up on the 'Epitaph Lift'.

    The ramp which takes you from the 'Charging Room' to the Computer Room.

    The computer room. The monitor represents other 'power plants' (being lit by the teleporter exits).

    That's it for the long description of Stasis, following is an inventory of the map. If you ever need a small 6-person map to play while waiting for your custom game lobby to build up, give Stasis a try for a quick slayer game.


    Rocket Launcher: Spawns behind the Stasis Generator (if facing the 'Epitaph Lift'). Spawns every two-and-a-half minutes with no spare rounds.

    Sniper Rifle: Spawns directly above the Stasis Generator (the proximity to the rockets hasn't been an issue, since the rocket launcher runs out of ammo after only two shots, leaving a sniper with no spare weapon should he be caught in close combat, reloading, or out of ammo) with one spare clip. Spawns every two minutes.

    Gravity Hammer: At the top of the ramp that takes you to the Computer Room (leaning on the threshold of the door). It spawns every two minutes (when replaced by weapons due to the gametype, it will have one spare clip only).

    Concussion Rifle: Spawns on a block in the Lift Room, with one spare clip and a two-minute spawn time.

    Shotgun: Spawns opposite the Rocket Launcher in the rear portion of the map's center with one spare clip. Spawns every two minutes.

    Needler x4
    Needle Rifle x3
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Plasma Rifle x2
    Spiker x2
    Plasma Turret x1
    Plasma Grenade x4
    Health Station x3
    #1 FuN Fortress, Feb 25, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
  2. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
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    Congrats on getting this posted. This was a blast to play on, especially in free-for-all. I really liked the weapon set, and you did a good job making sure no one spot controlled everything. I like the addition of the shield door by the ramped platform, and the frame its in is really cool looking. I remember the "Epitaph" lift being a little bouncy when exiting. Any luck fixing that?

    Anyways, nicely done on the map, and happy forging!
  3. FuN Fortress

    FuN Fortress Forerunner
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    Thanks, and I tried to fix that lift up, but the objects used to create it would mean I'd have to tear down that whole wall and redo it hahaha. I may do that in a later version, but yesterday I had the plan to move the lift back into the wall and have it bounce you out onto the upper platform instead of straight up onto that shield door. Thanks for helping so much getting it tested.
  4. madcow015

    madcow015 Ancient
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    Wow I love what you did with the monitor - a display of the entire powerplant network... I've made monitor screens before in my maps, but I had never thought of doing that. It even looks like you used rocks to show 'satellite imagery' of the terrain - very innovative. =)

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