
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ♥ Sky, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    This map is my first proper attempt at creating a small map, designed for competetive gametypes.

    If you can't be bothered to read the story of the creation of this map, and just want to see the pictures, click [jumpto=pics]here[/jumpto]. (You don't know what you're missing out on!)


    It all came about whilst I was sitting in a very boring class at college, and I had some paper to hand. I started drawing some random shapes on the paper to pass the time, and then the idea hit me. I had been wanting to create a completely new map from scratch, and as I seemed to be going nowhere with any of my other projects, this seemed like the right time for a fresh start.

    Here are a few pics of my initial ideas, based on the shapes that I was drawing. (Sadly I seem to have lost the piece of paper that spawned these ideas)

    [SIZE=+1]The initial sketch:[/SIZE]

    (All the notes on the map relate to spawns and weapon placements)

    [SIZE=+1]The final plans:[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=+1]Red = Solid Wall
    Blue = Raised Area
    Green Arrow = Inclined Area (points down the incline)[/SIZE]

    This map was initially meant for 4v4, but as I was forging, I realised that it was going to be too small, and I was about to shelve the idea and come back to it at a later date, but when I next checked FH, I saw the advert for the 2v2 Throwdown contest, and that made me realise:
    So the next day, I re-loaded the map and continued my creation, and I'd like to say I'm very proud of what I have achieved.

    I recommend to anyone who as an idea for a map to draw it out on a piece of paper, and then work from there, it is a massive help, and if you're like me and always forgetting things, it may help you to remember.

    [SIZE=+2]Whats in a name?[/SIZE]

    Now, you may be wondering where the name came from, well so do I... It came about whilst I was looking for a googlewhack whilst bored at college yet again. I had found a random word generator and was just clicking on the new words button when the words Intimate and Information appeared. I was currently working on the map at the time and was stuck on a name. When I read them to myself, they just sounded good together, but it didn't occur to me until later that I could make a word out of them, and so I stuck them together in random combinations and the name of my map is the final result. Now, I don't know why they came together like they did, but thats just the way my brain works... (and if your wondering, Intimate Information on google comes up with over 26 million results)

    [size=+2]Map Design[/size]

    This map is very small, only 20 x 20 units (with a little extra for the initial spawns). This means that the map can feel very enclosed and compact, which is exactly what I was aiming for. The celing is also very low, and this is because the map is designed to work with the Throwdown gametype for the Forge Hub Throwdown competition, and as the gametype includes no armour abilities (e.g. jetpack), I decided to limit the height of the map as I realiesd that it would not affect the gameplay in the slightest, as you can jump from anywhere and not hit your head, even though the Throwdown gametype has a slightly higher jump height than the standard settings. The other reason behind this map being so small is that the Throwdown competition is a 2v2 contest, and I wanted the map to enable the players to get into the thick of the action as quickly as possible, and the layout and weapon placement reflects this.


    As mentioned eariler, this map is designed to work with the Throwdown gametype for Forge Hub's Throwdown competition, and so the flow of the map will ensure that a heated and close fought battle can be had, and that the end result will be an enjoyable game for both teams. Early on during creation, this map suffered from quite a large amount of spawn killing. This problem has been resolved by the use of multiple spawn zones for each team, using the spawning theory/method created by Stevo. The weapon layout of this map was also set out to enhance the gameplay experience. The Rocket Launcher and Shotguns have both been placed so each team must fight for control of them at the start of the game, as both shotguns are almost the same distance away from each base, and can both be easily accesed by both teams at the start of the game. Th rocket launcher has been placed so that the teams must cross each others line of sight to get to it, which makes it a very risky option to go for at the start of the game, but if this risk is taken, and the player succeeds, the reward makes the risk seem very worthwhile. Control of the rocket bridge is essential to game victory, as it provides easy access to the rocket laucher and also gives a height advantage to the players up there, but it is alsovery open, with no cover, so is therefore very hard to control.

    [SIZE=+2]Weapon List[/SIZE]
    2 x DMR - 30 Sec - 2 Clips

    4 x Needle Rifle - 30 Sec - 2 Clips

    2 x Plasma Pistol - 30 Sec

    1 x Rocket Launcher - 150 Sec - 0 Clips

    2 x Shotgun - 150 Sec - 0 Clips

    4 x Frag Grenade - 15 Sec

    4 x Plasma Grenade - 15 Sec

    Enough with my endless gushing, onto the pics.[aname=pics][/aname]


    [SIZE=+1]Rocket Bridge/Initial Loadout Cam/Centre of map[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=+1]Inital Spawn Area(Colour coded)[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=+1]Below Rocket Bridge/Centre of map[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=+1]End of rocket bridge towards Shotgun Spawn[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=+1]Top of Ramp down towards Elbow Corridor and Shotgun Spawn[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=+1]Elbow Corridor, around Centre of map[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=+1]Shotgun Spawn towards Ramp and Red Spawn[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=+1]Rocket Bridge towards Ramp and Spawn[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=+1]Overview of map(No Roof)[/SIZE]


    [sub]P.S. I know the rocket launcher image is wrong, i cant get hold of the correct image at the moment[/sub]

    Happy Forging
    #1 ♥ Sky, Feb 25, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2011
  2. AARC Forgers

    AARC Forgers Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    looks awesome. its simple clean and strait forward. my suggestion would be to take the time to take the roof off and extend the walls up so to improve the feel of the map. maybe extend it up three more and then put a soft kill over the entire map just in case. it would increase the quality of the map significantly
  3. Exon12

    Exon12 Forerunner

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    this looks amazing, il give more feed back after i play it.
  4. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    I know I added the section about this map being designed for the Throwdown contest after you read this thread and posted a comment, so I would like to direct your attention to the Map Design and Gameplay sections of the thread that I have added. Hopefully they will answer all your questions.
  5. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is cool! Some of my best forges started out as yours, drawn out.
    The design is simple, but you have stuck to your plan and it has payed off.
    I like the round central room, the choice of pieces used. Glad to not see and colousseum walls lol. The rocket central is well placed , in your pic u have pic of grenade launcher tho. But can see from screen shot that it is a rocket lol. Looks really good in forge, nice for small team battles, just what I needed. Nice work :)
  6. MyWhiteFlag

    MyWhiteFlag Forerunner

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    Question, does the screen lag in the center room? Your using 5x1s and Wall curved which both have lights so problems may arise in splitscreen games? Also, is there only two ways to reach rockets? Anyway DL'd for further study.
  7. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    Sweet map! I really like the geometry and accessibility of all weapons from many areas. I'm glad that you have developed a perfect spawning system, as little maps like this can easily lead to spawn-killing... But you've obviously avoided this.

    Agreeing with timmypanic, I like your choice of objects - especially those Coliseum windows because they seem to brighten up the map and make it seem bigger than it actually is.

    The only issue I'm concerned about is perhaps there are two many weapons? The power weapons are fine because they have no spare clips and respawn every 2m30, but having 6 precision weapons (each on a 30sec respawn time and default clip size) is - in my opinion - too much, especially for a 2v2.
  8. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Neatly forged, creative, and looks like you tried to make it fair for both teams. The only thing I think might be a problem would be framerate. You used some coliseum glass walls, I'm not sure how many. But, is there any lag? Otherwise, this map looks great. Oh and I like your drawings, they were very descriptive.
  9. MyWhiteFlag

    MyWhiteFlag Forerunner

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    Just checked it out. Framerate is not a problem for this map.
    If I were to make a suggestion it would be that Rockets and shotguns are overkill on a 2v2 map. Replace the shotguns with weaker weapons (maybe move the plasma pistols to were the shotguns were?) and I'd consider replacing the Rockets.
    Also the elbow corridor looks kind of bare, maybe add some sort of aesthetic detail?
  10. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    Many thanks to all those who have replied recently, I nwas amzied to see when my map had another comment after I thought it has been consigned to the depths of the Forgehub forums, never to be seen again.

    Thank you very much for your kind words, they are much apreciated. :)

    Thank you as well for your comments. During testing, I found that due to the long respawn times and the use of the Throwdown gametype, it meant that the power weapons did not dominate as they are on long respawn timers which means that as soon as the ammunition has all been expended for the weapon (which usually doesn't take long, considering the size of the map), the gameplay shifts quickly back to short ranged firefights with DMRs. All of the power wepons also do not come with any extra ammunition, so each wasted shotgun shell becomes a significant loss to the team using it, as it is such a short ranged weapon, the opposing team will easily be able to gain an advantage by using longer ranged weaponry and the lines of sight to start dominating again. Also, I wouldn't like to call my spwaning system perfect, I just think that it was designed in a manner to stop one team from dominating the entire map.

    There is no framerate lag at all on this map, simply because it uses so few objects and the central area prevents too many objects from being on the screen at any one time, so even on splitscreen, there are no problems apart from the lights disapearing.

    I was considering adding something into the elbow corridor, and I may have done so after I took the pictures that you can see in this thread, I'm not very sure, as I've not played Reach for a bit now as hardly any of my friends do. As for the weapon placement, everyone seems to think that the shotguns and rockets on a small map is a bad idea, but throughout testing, they did not break the flow of the map or allow one team to dominate.

    Thanks again for all your comments. ♥Sky

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