Court Yard Created by YOUR NAME HERE Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer Map Description This map is just a mini team slayer I thought up at like 1AM in the morning. The Court Yard idea I kind of got from Assassins Creed because that game has alot of details and court yards from along time ago so yeah. But I think I did i pretty good job on this map so try it out and give me some feedback, no map is perfect at the start. _________________________________________________ PICTURES Overview 1 Overview 2 Spawn 1 Spawn 2 Shotgun Hallway Sniper Hallway ACTION PICTURES Me sniping across map I got sniped beat down death from above snipe! the map maker, ME _________________________________________________ Alright I hope you guys like my map. Give me some feedback if something needs to be fixed OR you think something should get changed or anything. Okay thanks. Download Court Yard Download kill
I've seen a lot of "Courtyard" type maps and to me they all look the same. but i stil llike them all so good work
On the 1st screenshot, I see that part of a door is sticking out. That gives the feel of sloppiness. Then you tried to balance that with two barrels, if I'm correct. Otherwise, you did well on putting the map together. Good luck on future maps. ^^
Looks a little bland. Are those two pics of the same area or of symettrical areas across from each other? If they're the same, then you might want to consider expanding the map a bit, cause there might be spawning issues if the map is too small. Central courtyard needs cover, the whole map needs a but more creativity or spark, and I don't see any weapons except for the sniper. And people generally don't like when you post screenshots in forge...