Im looking for 3 other players who are up to the challenge to beat Halo reach 4 player co-op legendary. The goal To first above all, make new friends and have a blast. earn sum credits along the way. Also after watching the halo reach 2 hour video thing on waypoint months ago, I heard them say a eagle comes down and lands on your helmet at the last cutscene. Heck maybe thiers a bonus cutscene after that, like form halo 3. THIS IS THE BONUS 4 PLAYER COP-OP CUTSCENE FROM HALO 3 BELOW YouTube - Halo 3: 2 Secret Endings After Credits in HD You can call that a bonus or secret ending. All those words fit the purpose Rules 1- No five year olds or guests 2-Must be dedicated to this event. 3- once we start a mission you MUST not leave the game. If you have to leave please at least finish up the mission in progress 4-Be cool about this. Dont yell and scream becuase a player dies alot. 5-You MUST have a MIC or else you will be allowed to play. Starts at 9:00 p.m (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) To join me in this add me on xboxlive or send a msg on xboxlive. gamertag = Grif otaged And thats it, I hope to see you here with me. Ill host these events every weekend, All weekend. : ) Uploaded by grif