I actually have a list of people to kill if I ever get a time machine. It started as a joke with a friend but prevenge sounded very satisfying to a lot of people in my school. In total I should make about twelve dollars. Mainly I think I'd go back and just tweek random things to see what difference they make far off in the future, and go back and change what I've changed until I've made the best possible outcome for as many people as possible, with enough pain left in life for people to appreciate the good.
be a time hero. prevent assassinations, kill the man that killed john lennan and (justin beiber) tell metallica to do this cool sound then pull a bill and ted and meet lincon and stuff and finally, hang out with megan fox as a kid(when she was ugly) then when she is older do her!!!!!!!!!!! but the best one, kill all involved in doing 9-11 :') edit: i got a better one, capure the people involved with 9-11 and let evrey single person in the USA punch then once then take them to when the sun explodes so they die
I'd destroy it because I'm content as it is and I don't think society would benefit from a time machine. We would probably fight over it, change history dramatically, lose hope after seeing each others fate, or something of the like. Plus I don't think it's humanly possible to create a time machine. Oh, and this.
Well, I'd go back in time, and wouldn't change a damn thing, because going back in time would only create a paradox. But, it would be interesting, to see a few fantastic events. - the birth and end of the universe - Early life forms - The construction of fantastic pieces of architecture * Meet a few people -Leonardo Da Vinci -Jesus -Napoleon Bonaparte -Adolf Hitler -Fredrick Nietzsche -Karl Marx -Mozart -Einstein -etc. - Then, to the Future. Where I would..... -**** bitches. -Get money -Come back and live a lovely life. Going back in time cannot change the past or present, but it may alter the future, since the future has not yet been experienced. So, let's say, you try to kill hitler by going back in the past. You would probably... A) Fail and die in the past. or B) You would kill him, but his death would appear to be a suicide, and history still wouldn't change. Basically, you can't fight paradoxes. You can't change the past or present. But you can alter the future, much in the way that each decision you make, every day of your life, alters the future.
Here's my stance on paradoxes. It's like equilibrium; whatever you do, nature will somehow correct for the paradox in order to avoid it. edit: Also, I would just go back in time, meet some people, and troll some other famous people.
1: PWN religion 2: stop Justin Beiber's birth 3: find man's technologically strongest point and distribute it back to earlier generations
I would do the obvious, which is tell myself the winning lottery numbers of course but I would also give myself some relationship advice on some really badly missed opportunities.
I have Time Machine! Bahaha. Sorry, I just had to. If I had a Time Machine? I'd probably want to be in a nice bubble of oxygen and go back 14 billion years to watch the Universe come into existence. Of course, if I had a time machine, I would also have a long enough life span to bring photos and show my colleagues.
Build an extremely safe bunker in secret location. Go to future find out what year NOT day or month only what year I die. Go back hide the time machine live my life when the year comes Get the machine when the year comes relive(or watch from afar) best moments of my life. Then become complacent with my life and die happy. So I don't sound lame at the year I'm gonna die I would then kamazi explode with the time machine attached to my back(so no one else gets it) jumping out of of a plane naked on a moto bike while on fire with bunch of fire works super glued on while doing back flips Just because of your gonna die you better of to die in style
I would take a **** on the top floor of the World Trade Center on 9/10/01. I would meet Auguste Escoffier, because he is a badass. And I'd give all of my homework from school to my past self, so he'd have more time to do fun stuff instead of doing Exel spread sheets all weekend.
Um, I think the more rational thing to do would be to try and stop the attack on 9/11 rather than brag about the location of your feces.
As much as I'd like to change history, and it has already been stated by someone to fix 9/11, I feel its better to leave everything the way it is. I also find joy in simple things.