Yeah at first I was just using them as lighted platforms you could jump on if they were set up in stair form but It looked weird and I just ended up using them as a light source. You can still jump on them if you want to though, they are a good vantage point.
Thanks and any feedback on the map would be nice. Possitive or negative is acceptable because you need critisism to improve maps thats how I ended up making a second version of Until Darkness and it came out much better from the orriginal.
LOL yeah it has a butt load of new stuff lots of asthetic stuff as well as objects that have meaning. The flares are a key to surviving the night so you beter grab one or you should stay by a mancannon for light. There is also one flame thrower in the ware house.
I got feedback from my friends. They liked how it got darker as you played and the new stuff you added like the overhangs and the barricade ramps made nice touches to the map. On the downside it seemed like during the final stage or night time it was so dark that most players got lost on the map and were walking into things. It was fun though sneeking by a group of zombies that didn't see you walk by it gave us an erie feeling. I almost crapped my pants once when one zombie came out from the dark and killed the guy next to me.
Omg the first one gave me many laughs and scares this one is gunna be even better!Downloaded and you get a bump in bungie 6/5!!
Thanks for the download hope you enjoy it. Also the guy above him Thanks for the feedback from after you played it. I'm glad you liked it and I'll try to put more lights or more well lit areas so theres less confusion although I'll leave it dark in many areas to still mess with peoples heads when they are feeling their way through the dark.
Oh man, this map is SO good. I played on it the first minute it was ready with Eyeless himself, and it was really good. The best part is definitely at the end, when its total darkness, you can't see a thing. I give this map 11/10
Thanks skittle the game was fun with you guys. I'll try to set up a lobby later if you want to play again I already have some friends coming to play if you want you can message me if you want to play again.
Non taken, the reason I did this is because I was the first to do it Even check my Untill Darkness version one on my file share it was made only a few hours after the new maps were released so I was probably the first guy to use the filters to replicate a day cycle. This is Version 2 of the orriginal map which was orriginal so this is kind of too. This version is much better than version one by the way.
Yeah alot of people have used the concept in there maps recently so its hard to tell if its a orriginal map or a nockoff. I'm going to move on to a new map probably on foundry or one of the new maps and I might reuse the idea of a map getting darker as you play but we'll just have to wait and see. I will probably post my next map on my own or I'll have "the other dark" do it for me again, hes good at posting maps.
Yeah, having seen Treehouse v3 and... something else, forgot the name, on Ghost Town, I expected that this was just another attempt at making a light-to-dark map. I was thinking about making one, but then I noticed a ton of maps with changing lights. Unfortunately enough, people are probably going to claim they came up with the idea.