King of The Goose

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Bryce The Jew, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. Bryce The Jew

    Bryce The Jew Forerunner

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    King of The Goose is a Game I have been working on. It takes place in a boxed in Arena with a mongoose in the middle (Which is the hill) and one team on a side of the arena (Two teams, Red vs. Blue) The objective of the game is to see which team can stay on the Mongoose the longest.
    Here is a link to a preview of the game on a new map I created for it.

    YouTube - Halo Reach- King Of The Goose

    Now one thing with this video is some people Think the corners need to be blocked off. The reason I have not is because the game is sort of like "Tug Of War" where each team is trying to get the mongoose on their side of the Battle Field. The corners are a reward for the team that can get the mongoose back there. "Corner Camping" is quite easy to defeat. Working like a team for this game is a big thing.

    Here is a link to the New Map for it. (The Map you saw in the Video) : Halo Reach : File Details

    Pics from game play: (Sorry pics aren't very good)



    I am excited to hear all of your responses!

    Thank You for your time,

    #1 Bryce The Jew, Feb 25, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2011
  2. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Simple minigames tend to be the funnest, and this kind of game is really no exception. It's fun for the most part, but it does get very annoying when someone decides to drive the mongoose into their team's corner and have everyone else stand around it protecting it. Perhaps mix up the spawns a little to have a little less of a "griffball style" spawning pattern.

    Also another little annoyance was the mongoose flipping all the time. Now, i know that's part of the game, but it could be made a little less worse by adding a flat floor rather than the hilly grass terrain. Or maybe make the arena slightly larger?

    You could also try mixing up the gameplay a little bit, maybe with some sort of obstacles or ramps spawing around the edges of the arena later on in the game (rather than just the golf balls).

    All in all though, it's still damn fun to play. Had a blast even with a pretty small party.
  3. Bryce The Jew

    Bryce The Jew Forerunner

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    I can tell you only played the new map and not the original. The original is flat, the new one was just to help keep it fresh.
  4. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    this needs pictures or its gonna be locked. Just a heads up. And I am NOT happy with your forum name.
  5. Bryce The Jew

    Bryce The Jew Forerunner

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    1. I just tried adding pictures but It doesn't seem to be working.

    2. The fact that you don't like my name is quite racist. The fact that I am part jewish (Through race) is just a fact. I'm showing it with my name. Would you have had problems if I had put it "Bryce The White Guy"? I don't think so.
  6. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I wuld have actually. I'm jewish, and I don't like it when people say "the jew" in it, because it is actually a common racist insult to say "you jew," therefore I dislike it. I apologise if I have upset you, but it can be taken offensively, as I just have. I sort of understand where you are coming from, but when your chosing a name you still have to be in the slightest bit considerate.

    That is all

    Oh yes, and for pictures theres a thread somewhere, ill link it in a second
  7. Bryce The Jew

    Bryce The Jew Forerunner

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    Well to be honest the fact I'm calling my self a Jew being part jewish shouldn't effect other people. (Well that is at least what I thought) To be honest I'm not very much jewish but I love that part of me. Though when it comes to people making comments about jews being dirty I really don't care. To me it is just a joke just like any other "racist" joke. I laugh at all of them no matter if I am the race or not.

    But yeah dude it would be sweet if you could send me that link. I noticed I was having trouble uploading a profile pic, and pics for this thread before.
  8. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Stay on topic, people. Otherwise, infractions will follow suit.
  9. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    The map itself lacks skill. Its basically a box with a few un-aesthetically pleasing pieces phased into the wall coliseums. I played it and I just think it lacked fun and other things. The main point is simply tug of war and just too unorginal for me. The map needs a major upgrade. Possibly adding an additional game type with concussion rifles?

    the .5 is for the mongoose
    #9 serumembryo, Mar 9, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2011
  10. Bryce The Jew

    Bryce The Jew Forerunner

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    Here is your main problem: To get the full idea of the game you need to play with 8-16 people. I recommend playing on the original map because it is the best. Then don't judge it just by the map's looks, The map wasn't supposed to look really amazing. It was supposed to have it's features but mainly be focused on the game play. The game play I've heard time and time again is just flat out fun.

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