A new in-game trailer was released today and I've watched it a lot, and I am super excited. I just thought I'd share with y'all. The Elder Scrolls V: SKYRIM This is probably going to be the GOTY in my opinion. Bethesda is always making games that exceed the standards for current games. That's why they have games at the top of "Top Rated" in the Game Marketplace on XBL. With the new game engine, I expect nothing less than a perfect rating. Killing dragons, crazy sword fighting, magic, ughhh.. I can't wait for the release on November 11, 2011.
i have never been so excited for a game in a series that i've never played. that looks fantastic in every way shape and form, that **** is far more intense than anything i've ever seen from an RPG. I need to ****ing play through Oblivion ASAP.
yeah man this game looks insane.. ive been watching for new information everyday through google news. if you play oblivion remember it came out in 2006, so the engine isnt the best (and combat is wierd). nonetheless, i spent over 100 hours playing oblivion. there are a ton of quests, and skyrim apparently algorithmically makes them suited to a class you develop. whats cool about oblivion is there are a lot of factions, among them my favorite is the Dark Brotherhood, and it was rumored to be in Skyrim as well. i hate being patient for this game to come out.
I suppose this will tide me over till a new fallout is released, but I really dont dig the setting, I have never been a lover for medieval/fantasy worlds, but for the people that have been awaiting this for quite some time, it looks like you will be getting your moneys worth.
I can't get enough of this trailer, I really can't. I played Morrowind and Oblivion to death and loved them. Maybe I should play through Arena and Daggerfall just for fun to tide me over til the release haha. But back to the trailer, the music sends chills up my spine (in a good way) and the scenery looks unbelievable. 11/11/11 can't come soon enough.
That trailer was amazing, though I hate the fact that it made me so pumped for Skyrim and the release date is still almost a year away D:
yeah man, ive watched the trailer some 30, 40 times. im having trouble finding games to hold me over. the thought i have in my head of this game makes all other games seem like crap. i feel you guys. i want to play this game NOW. until them, here's a funny video about Skyrim: Harry Partridge: Skyrim
meh. I just laugh at the thought that there are going to be people buying this game because of how good it looks visually.
so thats where everybody got that from! 0.o I cant stop watching this. Ive been waiting for the next Elder Scrolls since I beat Oblivion. I can already sense this being the GOTY.
And they'll be pleasantly surprised that they've bought a game that plays well and has enough content to last for months.