K, I don't get it. What's the point of Respawn Zones? Where should I use them? What do they do? I really want to have good spawning in my map, but I have no idea what to do with respawn zones. Also, What are Safe Areas, can you explain those to me too? Thx.
A Safe Area is an inverse Kill Area; if you're not in a Safe Area, you die. (If the map has no Safe Areas placed, this does not apply.) Zones affect spawning probabilities. They can also be used to convert Neutral Respawn Points to team-owned points at run-time. (Make every Respawn Point on your map Neutral. Use team-owned Respawn Zones to cover the Points. Now, they're neutral in FFA but team-owned in team games.)
Respawn Zones are used to implement more advanced spawning to your map. A respawn zone must contain respawn points. You should have multiple respawn zones on the map. At least four for most sized maps. Basically when you die the computer has to work out the safest area to respawn you in. It will look at all the respawn areas on a map. If there are allies in a respawn area it will want to spawn you there. If there are enemies it will not want to spawn you there. In simple terms an ally will give +1 to a respawn area and an enemy will give -1. The respawn area with the highest value will be where you respawn.
Respawn zones keep track of anything that occurs within the area that they cover, and help determine where the safest spot on the map to spawn would be. they should only be used in team games. basically, if you place a respawn zone and set it to belong to Red Team, then by default it will greatly increase the likelihood that a member of the red team will spawn within the zone. If a friendly player steps into the zone, it will increase the likelihood again. if an enemy player steps into the zone, or a friendly player dies in the zone, then the chances of spawning within it will be reduced. Weak respawn zones are similar, except they do not influence the chances of spawning or not spawning as much as a normal respawn zone. Anti respawn zones reduce the chance that players will spawn within it (example: if an Anti Respawn zone belonging to Blue Team is placed in the red base, it will try to prevent blue players from spawning there.) Also, respawn zones =/= respawn points. Respawn points do the actual spawning, respawn zones merely influence respawn points.
You might want to check out an article on respawn zones that explains zones in depth and is based entirely on official bungie documentation.