Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IxGUNxSLINGERxI, May 10, 2008.
arbiter has a weird past click here if the picture does not work
That's umm nice to know GunSlinger... Want to elaborate?
I found this picture and I thought I would share not much to elaborate
What Reynbow's trying to say is, wheres the picture?!?!?
Oops I guess it didn't work I'll fix it
pic deosn't work
Okay I see... Yeah umm how can you fail at picture posting!
it works now you happy =/ ?
hahaha it still doesn't work so this thread looks like serious spam.
Let me be of some assistance I seriously don't understand what's so hard about embedding pictures...
I want that 'I'm angry' shirt. lol
ok when i embed it it stays up there for a little while then decides to pack up and leave
lol, I love Another Halo Comic Strip. I haven't seen any for a while now...
i just noticed on the 60's shirt it says glass windows not planets lol
I had a look, and it wasnt worth the wait.
That's hilarious. I love the 60's one!