MLG Mlg Capacitor V.4

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Superflydemon, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. Superflydemon

    Superflydemon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map was Created for 4v4 competitive Mlg Slayer or flag. A lot of things have changed in this version. The complete right side has been changed getting rid of the small catwalks and steep ramps leading up to the tower. The rocket area has been reworked. Overall it the map has been re-tuned for the better making smoother gameplay and easy to access ramps without all of the confusion. Sniper has been reduced to one sniper that spawns in the middle on the right side and amo has been bumped up to 8 shots. Enjoy!

    -Created by Superflydemon

    Weapons on map: (all weapons are set to spawn as Mlg Settings)
    Dmr X4
    Needler Rifle X4
    Magnum X2
    Rockets X1 (+1 extra clip)
    Sniper Rifle X1 (+1 extra Clip)
    Hand grenades X4
    Plasma Grenades X4
    Plasma Pistol X1
    Energy Sword X1
    Evade X1

    Right side Completely rebuilt for excellence, Ramps are also re faced. sniper spawns in the center of this structure on the 2nd floor, the top is not accessible and is lined with a Soft killzone.

    A Back ramp has been added allowing another entrance in and out of the bases or flag points. Initial spawn points have also been moved down to this raised platform (Around the blue guy.)[​IMG]

    A lower Very narrow path has been added for quicker access to the opposite end of the map at the cost of the lack of cover. Also in the background the once drop that was rockets is now gone replaced with raised ground adding for a less confusing and better Angled bottom middle.

    Rockets spawn has been changed to this room with two entrances in front. Two ramps inside lead to the upper floor.[​IMG]

    Video walkthrough:
    YouTube - ‪Halo Reach MLG Capacitor V.4 Walkthrough - HD‬‏

    Once again, Jetpacks were never intended to be used on this map.

    -Created by Superflydemon
    Special thanks to T4inted fate
    #1 Superflydemon, Feb 14, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2011
  2. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    I commend you on your efforts. This is the second time I've seen you improve upon it. Is this your final effort or do you need more testing? I'd like to know how well it plays in action. Hopefully more people pay attention to this map, as the first version was picked for the first batch of maps from the community playlist. And did there always used to be walkways leading up from the evade room? That really is a cool idea.
  3. Legacy of Mercy

    Legacy of Mercy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I knew i recognized this map!

    Definitely one of my favorites for the first batch of community maps. I have the original saved so I did a quick comparison. I like the looks of the upgrades especially the rocket spawn change. Terrific job.
  4. Superflydemon

    Superflydemon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    yes, i am pretty sure this will be final. I feel that the map is now perfected, but hey i could be wrong. as for "walk ways leading up to the evade room" im not sure what you mean there really isn't a room for evade, you must be talking about the rocket room and it has COMPLETELY changed from the previous version and no longer even resembles it. But if you are talking about the narrow walkways on the sides of the bases no they didn't used to be there, that just came to mind in my last edit.

    Thanks for the support guys, its always thrilling to get some feedback. This map is always improving for the better, The original map put on the playlist wasn't my first version either, man only if you guys could see the first version ever...... oh what the hell here you go.

    The very first version of capacitor
    Hell, we have come a long way haven't we :)

    Sadly i have my doubts that this map will ever hit the playlist again, it makes me very disappointed because i would have liked to see the perfected version hit the community. But hey, i could be wrong we will just have to wait and see.

    Thanks again,
  5. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    Yeah, I meant the rocket room. Nice changes! I couldn't fully appreciate just how good the changes were until I had a closer look in forge. The design is just genius-- one side of the map has a high elevated path, but isn't dominate because of the extra cover underneath with rocket; the other side has a smaller elevated path with more LOS, but it's not dominate with sniper spawning there because you're more exposed.

    I have to say, what stood out to me when I first saw this map in the community playlist was the cool structural look where evade spawns. Nice work, it certainly has come a long way.

    EDIT: will there be any more forgetacular contests, and if so could your new version still have a chance of getting through? This would be great to have in the MLG playlist, as it would give ome variety to the playlist-- most people tend to just vote Sanctuary.
    #5 PeteTacular 42, Feb 26, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2011
  6. Superflydemon

    Superflydemon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks a lot man, it sure has become a good map. As for it getting on the playlist i have no clue if it will be on it again, i have never been notified by any bungie employees about the map once, and i feel i have no right to contact them and tell them to put my map up.

    As for mlg, i have posted this map up a few times, including this newest version on their forums, but no success. Mlg does need more maps, u sure said it sanctuary is picked 90% of the time it seems like.

    Edited by merge:

    Looks like the ended up putting the map on the playlist once again, sadly it wasn't the new version. I did however end up messaging Jeremiah to let him know there was a new version out so hopefully it will get put on in the future.
    #6 Superflydemon, Mar 10, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2011

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