Map Title: Infinity Garden Inspirered by Firefight's Courtyard, made symmetrical. 2-10 players Download Map Description: symmetrical supports slayer and CTF recommended 2-10 players recommended FFA and team slayer, default and DMR starts work well, compatible with all armor abilities I've tested this map with up to 9 in FFA and 4v4 team, action was not too frantic, and very balanced. I've also played 1v1 and the map holds up. This map is inspired by the Firefight map Courtyard, but tweaked so that it is symmetrical with two color coded bases connected by a short bridge and optimized for FFA and team slayer. The layout was carefully crafted with lines of sight and map control in mind, every block, every rock was placed with intense scrutiny. It is meant to be a perfect marriage of streamlined efficiency, with clean artful aesthetics, but built with gameplay as a priority. Weapons: 1 sword 2 focus rifle 2 grenade launcher 2 needle rifle 2 needler 2 AR 2 magnum pistol 3 plasma pistol 8 DMR 4 plasma grenade 8 frag grenade Overview Exterior Blue base Interior Red base Red grenade launcher corner Blue rock garden (notice placement of rocks) Action in the garden Download Map
Something about the aesthetics of this map really intrigue me. I really like the style you've got going on with it. For some reason I'm getting a weird Japanese feel, it may be the rock gardens and the circular roofs of the two main bases, but man do I like it. Also, I was worried that there was too much empty space going on in the back corners, but then I noticed the teleporters. That adds a good incentive to go back there and really opens up the flow of the map. I really want to try this out with you. Will you be playing any games on it soon? I just got XBL for the first time in about six months so I'm just now starting back up with Reach and none of my XBL friends play it anymore Although i haven't played the map yet, it certainly looks simple yet fantastic. I would love to get a game on this soon
I've been wanting to do something with Courtyard for a while now, and i think you did a pretty good job on it. for the "bunker" that is hanging out of the main circular, i think you should add some more to kind of seems like its just floating there. I know you're going for a look like Courtyard, but i think you should add more to it if you have the ability. add some stuff to the walk ways for some aesthetics and cover. Over all it looks really nice. maybe add some more stuff, ad it would look even better. happy forging
@Ozarka - Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, there is definitely a Japanese aesthetic happening which I like. As for testing, send me a friend request (my XBL gamertag is the same as my forgehub handle) and I'll invite you the next time I'm playing it. @longshot619 - Also thanks for the feedback. I too have been thinking about how to adapt Courtyard for MP for a while. I appreciate your comments about the bunker, it was one of the last things I added, and I agree, it doesn't do much aesthetically, and almost clutters up the clean aesthetics I have going on elsewhere. However, it definitely improves gameplay, introduces a vantage to attack the grenade launcher spawn (which anyone who's played firefight on Courtyard knows is a strong place to set up and defend). It also adds another way to enter the bases. As for adding more, I like the clean aesthetics, and simplicity. Forge maps that are too busy are frustrating to play on because you're always bumping into stuff when strafing around in a shootout. I prefer more open layouts, I guess that's just my preference, but it also helps with performance since more objects means more frame rate lag, which I am always conscious to avoid as much as possible. Thanks for the feedback, I'm eager to get comments on actual gameplay.
A newer version has replaced the old with a few bugs fixed, like the weapons with fixed physics are all normal now as well as the map now supporting more gametypes.
INFINITY GARDEN Infinity Garden is a small, two to ten player map that offers a type of a gameplay surprisingly similar to Halo 3. This is not to say that this map feels outdated, but possesses a nostalgic feel to it that will have more experienced halo veterans feeling right at home. Much of the actual fighting takes place on a flat, fairly open floor that offers no cover except a few rocks. The rocks and small structures heavily encourage grenade spam. Unfortunately, without armour lock on Infinity Garden, players will fail miserably, and this makes for an unenjoyable game. This also heavily affects the replay value of this map for the worse. Much of the gameplay feels very forced too. The weapons laid out are mainly mid range. Although there is very little to break up lines of sight, nearly all the fighting ends up taking close quarters, leaving players disappointed with the lines of sight and feel of game play on offer. Players will spawn just a few feet away from a glaringly obvious energy sword that totally dominates this map. Players will often rush towards this single energy sword next to their base. The holder of the energy sword will often end up camping in the smaller rooms, giving a team an unfair advantage that could easily win them the game. Again, this makes gameplay dull for the team that holds the sword, but frustrating and annoying for the team without it. Infinity Garden is also created for several gametypes, the most enjoyable being capture the flag, which allows plenty of room for tactics, and forces teams to co-operate closely, which creates an enjoyable, immersive atmosphere. Other gametypes such as king of the hill have been added, but this has not been created with so much effort, as there are just three hills, all right next to each other which does not make for an enjoyable game. Even still, Infinity Garden just lacks a wow factor that makes it something to keep on the hard drive for more than ten minutes, yet alone enjoy. The creator of Infinity Garden clearly put a lot of thought into the layout of the map. All areas are accessible from at least two paths, and this helps to counteract camping. All of the paths are equally used and equally defendable and attackable, meaning that the more skilled player will rightfully succeed. The weapon set is also rather unusual. Whilst there are few weapons on the map, many of them are totally useless, and actually put players at a disadvantage both when finding them and using them aswell. None of the weapons laid out are close quarters weapons, such as the assault rifle or pistol, but are instead medium ranged weapons such as the DMR and Needle Rifle. These are mostly useless, as at their optimal range opposition players can just walk into a nearby, covered building. No weapons give a team an advantage, so are merely a waste of time. However, the stupidest weapon at the players’ disposal is the focus rifle, with one being available for two teams. Why the creator of Infinity Garden put a long ranged weapon on a small map is truly bizarre. There is one point in which it may be useful, but this location requires a jet pack to get there, offers few kills and has no protection, so any player will shoot them down with ease. Worst of all is the energy sword. On Infinity Garden, it is just too over-powered. A player with the energy sword is next to invincible, and given the small covered buildings camping often occurs within them. The only combatant to this camping is grenade spam that is nearly as bad as the lift room on sword base. The sword has also been placed right in the middle of the map, right next to spawns. It should have been moved further away from each spawn so players will actually have to fight for it, or better yet removed altogether. Outside the buildings, relatively little cover is added, which makes surviving difficult. Even though occasional bits of cover have been added, such as rocks at either end, they are not at all useful. Moreover, they promote camping and yet more grenade spam. In game types such as king of the hill, this cover succumbs to an even bigger failure. All of the three hills in Infinity Garden are either uncovered and completely open, or offering those rocks as the only safe point. As for the spawns, Infinity Garden is rather average. Because of its fairly small size it employs weighted spawning, although not correctly. Players will often find themselves spawning just a few metres away from the enemy. However, neither team is put at an advantage because of its symmetrical layout, which is pleasing. Apart from that, there are several skill jumps that are rather effective if used correctly, especially in gametypes such as capture the flag, oddball, and even slayer. There is a good amount of them too; not too few, not too many. If players are willing to look, Infinity Garden is willing to reward. Although Infinity Garden has an open top, there is no way to escape. This is mainly because the area surrounding is covered in death barriers, be them soft when close to the map, or hard when too far. However, most of those areas are unreachable without gametype changes, as the map area is so high, and offers no place for escapees to walk up, or rest on if using a jetpack. The rocks surrounding a few sections have been cleverly left without barriers to allow jet packers to reach an area with more sight, but not escape from the map at all. Also, because it is a small map, trying to escape in the first place is next to impossible, as they will be left out in the open, and a very viable target indeed. Infinity Garden is certainly one of the nicest looking maps out there, keeping a natural feel to it despite using a rather large amount of metal pieces and structures. This is backed up by lovingly forged buildings and walkways, which is smooth and clean, even when interlocking walkways into the ground. Players can traverse the map without having to clear unintended obstacles. However, on the lower levels of the map Infinity Garden cannot make up its mind. It constantly changes from grass to grey, and even has randomly thrown in rocks in the corners. If this bottom level had had the same attention as the higher levels, then Infinity Garden would easily score a 10/10 in this category. Infinity Garden is a re-imagining of Courtyard, and feels like a cross between that and Halo 3. Although nothing new has been added to the table in that respect, it is still one of the few competitive maps that feel different to the standard set available with the game, which makes it definatly quite original in that respect. Enjoyment: 6x3.0 = 18/30 Balance: 6x3.0 = 18/30 Durability:10x1/5 = 15/15 Aesthetics: 8x1.5 = 12/15 Originality: 7 x 1.0 = 7/10 70/100 FINAL SCORE Understanding the Review Hub's Ratings Have a question about your review? Review Hub Community Feedback
@Oli The G Thank you for the time, effort, and comments. I will certainly take another look at the spawns as well and the KotH markers and the aesthetics around the bottom of the map. As for the sword being over powered, I'm not sure what would be better. I need a neutral power weapon, sniper was massively over powered (hence the focus rifles), and I like the Grenade Launchers spawning where they spawn. Shotgun is worse than sword (at least you can block it, and AL totally destroys sword). I guess that leaves rockets. I actually haven't tried them, so I'll give that a go. As for the lack of CQC weapons, ARs, magnums, PPs are all over the map, on quick respawn timers, so I'm sorry you didn't find them. Thanks again for your time and comments, they will result in a better map.
From the comments I got during gameplay (when I get my sauces I ask everybody playing, not just myself) and they said it may just be best to get rid. But if you take out the sword you end up with no risk - reward area that is meaningful. I think a grenade launcher or plasma lawn chair would be the best. Try a rocket launcher too. Also, try making a new area in an under-used area of the map, dead centre to encourage teams to move about more before heading to that battle. But again, when trying out these ideas get people to play it and tell you what they think. As for the CQC weapons, I was trying to make a point that you have a map with plenty of opportunity to support medium range fighting, aswell as short. It is not the weapon layouts, but the fact that all the medium range weapons are essentialy useless, and that people spawn with an AR and pistol in gametypes like slayer. Intended or not, nearly all the gameplay is CQC. That forced feeling is what I was getting at. I did come across CQC weapons, but I found myself and others not picking them up, because they are of no advantage to the player. THats not just me, it was all the other 8 people I was playing with. By the second game nobody went near them, because gameplay is so often a case of CQC, get a kill or two then die. A streak is very hard to get, so restocking on ammo rarely happens. This is also because dead bodies are near you to supply you with those. I picked up a DMR once, tried it, and got nowhere. So I went back to CQC. I admired the skil jumps you put in though, as they are very rewarding, and weapon layout and setup could be worked into that somehow hopefully. I know this may sound like nagging, but that is what we do at RH. We pick up on smaller details so you can have a better map overall. Its glad to know I helped, and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask me. Best of luck with the map, its very good.
Thanks again for all the great feedback. I've tried a version with the plasma launcher as the neutral power weapon, and it actually plays great. The sword is quite dominant, and its removal moves more of the action out of the bases, which is good. I should be updating the thread with a v2 soon. Thanks again to everyone who commented.