Has anyone found a decent snowbound remake at all? It being one of my favorite H3 maps I hoped I would find a remake soon, but to my dismay none have come up. Do you guys know of any, or should I make my own?
Unless you want a flat remake you're not going to find one. The geometry of that level is hard enough to recreate along with the map itself. All of the ones I've seen are trying to remake the geometry with rocks and it doesn't work. Also, if you didn't know, there's a thread on B.net that has a collaboration of a lot of remakes.
I was debating a doing a remake the other week but having loaded it up in Halo 3 to check it out I decided I wouldnt be able to created one to the standard I wanted. The issues I clocked were as follows - The different gradients all through out the level would be too expensive, too ugly with forges pallette and would create too much screen lag on a finished product. - There are numerous gun turrets which would need creating with decorative peices to ensure aesthetic accuracy. Each gun would be roughly 200 budget, times about 20 guns = 4000 budget used. - Maulers played a big part in the maps gamplay and there is no logical replacement for these. - The interior of the bases would be very difficult to construct accurately and would cost a large amount of budget. The main issues all comes down to budget. Remakes are possible but they will have sacrifices in them, whether its gameplay, aesthetics, accuracy or a combination of them all. I would suggest to anyone thinking of making one that it would be a better idea to construct an 'inspired' by remake. This will account for all of the above plus the changes in Reachs physics and player manipulation.
Maybe you could use Rock as snow, add some FXs, make the bases out of purple color-tagged Structure and with a Purple Light in each of the bases, make cheaper turrets(Maybe make them using Covenant Crates) with a lot of distance between them so you have to make less and replace the Maulers with Shotguns that have no extra clips.