
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by NinjaElf, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. NinjaElf

    NinjaElf Forerunner

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    Welcome to the Nostromo.

    This ghost ship was found drifting near UNSC controlled space. The crew is nowhere to be found. 8-12 players

    This is my first attempt at forging any type of map within Halo (and my first post to promote it). After 2 months and 5 versions of forging, fine tuning, and playtesting this map is finally finished. After spending a day watching the Alien Anthology I knew I wanted to create a ship based map, and this is the result. It is a symmetrical map with three levels. It fully supports all popular gametypes of Halo: Reach, old and new alike, including Bro Slayer.

    There are five main sections to the map:

    Bridge (Red Team Spawn)
    Laboratory (Blue Team Spawn)
    Red and Blue team spawn directly across from each other in their respective bases for team play. To the sides of each base are the shipping/receiving/docking room, and the recreational room.

    Shipping/Receiving/Docking (to the left of Red base, to the right of Blue base)
    Recreational (to the right of Red base, to the left of Blue base)
    And last but not least is the cryo room, which is accessible via ramps from the shipping and recreational rooms, or from holes in the main floor, which act as lift tubes for gravity lifts.

    Other areas of the map...
    Red Hallway

    Blue Hallway

    Weapon spawns are the following:
    DMR x4 (two in each base, bridge and laboratory)
    Assault Rifle x2 (just outside of each base in the hallway)
    Rocket x 1 (shipping room, no extra ammo)
    Concussion Rifle x1 (recreational room)
    Energy Sword x1 (cryo room)
    Plasma Pistol x2 (to the right of each base going to the third floor)
    Needler x2 (to the left of each base going to the third floor)

    The Juicy effect is turned on for only Infection related gametypes to enhance the color of the map.

    For gameplay, the side rooms and bases allow you to view the whole map, but there is not direct line of sight to everywhere. Either cover, or glass structures, were added so that you can see where your enemy is, but not necessarily spawn camp them in order to promote fair gameplay. With the exception of the bases, there are multiple exits from every room. Even then, it is very difficult to get a spawn trap within a base. Multi team is very chaotic on this map, which makes it fun.

    Feel free to provide feedback on any enhancements I can make. Unfortunately there were many more locations/rooms I would like to add, but due to the budget and object limits of Forge World I had to settle with what you see (wanted a drop pod room :( ).

    Special thanks to Cr4sh0ver1d3 for providing input on gameplay changes and aesthetic improvements.

    Edit 1: Just so people are aware this is not a remake of the Nostromo. It was simply used as an inspiration to create this map.

    Thank for looking!
    #1 NinjaElf, Feb 22, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2011
  2. M1k3

    M1k3 Forerunner

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    Veeery nice. i like your attention to detail, but i do have one question.

    did you make an outside of the ship?
  3. NinjaElf

    NinjaElf Forerunner

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    There is no outside to the ship because I wanted to focus on gameplay that was inside (plus the lack of objects prevented me from doing so). It also made it easier to keep the game boundaries where I wanted them to be by creating the map this way.
  4. RAVEN3927

    RAVEN3927 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map is very nicely pieced together, the asthetics are quite amazing and great attention to detail.
  5. Kupo

    Kupo Forerunner

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    Pretty cool, can't wait to try it out with my friends tomorrow morning.

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