YouTube - Ender's Game: The Hourglass COMING TO LIFE: The map requires: gravity: 50 movement: 150 jump height: 300 Evade is the only equipment used and it is required to traverse the entire map. Super Weapons abound the map but aren't very useful. This is how i see the map: it, itself, is a template for any type of game you want to play I am xenocide aka vCOOKIE MONSTAv
thanks man. i've got all kinds of gametypes ready like: One Shot One Life, a varient on King of the Hill, wish people would respond. forgehub seems to be the douchehub
no pics means way less response just sayin edit in post, not just links also i dont get the map it is a gia t hourglass, I get that but I dont see gow you can plAy on it if you have a custom gametype couldyou describe ut plz
I have two links. One shows gameplay footage and the other is a post of many images. The images don't do it justice though. Add me and I will show you. Everyone that has played it (20 people or so) has really enjoyed it.
This caught my eye because I'm in the middle of reading the book right now. I haven't gotten very far in terms of the actual battle room but it's been mentioned. Hopefully it plays well. It certainly looks fun. Great job so far Regards, Rho
the books are brilliant. if you haven't gotten to the battle room yet while reading you can't have gotten very far at all reading. keep on. the books are truly brilliant. this map is inspired by the battle room. it can't be exact even if i wanted it to be because there is no zero gravity option in halo reach. the lowest setting is 50% i will post the images and settings right now, in the main post. i believe the images do the map no justice at all because the map is not actually a map but an "hourglass room" meant for freedom of movement. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Original post is supremely updated!