Hey, its your favortie person again, the man who left your website for nearly a year as a result of abuse and harassment from one your moderators. the truth is, im here for only one purpose. to show you something. i posted this thread on bungie.net about a week ago, you see, and it may be to your liking. i will link it, for it is too long to post in a thread here. it is about a map idea that i got, well it is really bungie's idea, more like me reminding them about it a while later, about an old concept of sandtrap, prior to halo 3's release. they talked about it in an old BWU titled: post mortem, if any of you want to search that and discuss it here after reading it. so, i am calling on the most passionate community of custom content to vote on a potential future DLC map, as well as potential forgeworld. did i just perk you up with that last bit? well, i will link you my thread. sorry i this brakes any rules, not too sure how strict your moderators are, but anyways, here you go. Bungie.net : Halo: Reach Forum : Reach DLC idea: the old Sandtrap concept. ***PLEASE EVERYONE READ***
I'm sorry but just because you make a thread to suggest an idea for a map doesn't mean that they'll make it. They probably have ideas to what they're going to make, and I doubt they'll listen to any suggestions.
its okay, and i wasnt even thinking they would make it... i just wanted to see if you guys like the idea or not.
hmmm... couldn't find any screenshots on it. But one idea is how about you suggest it to one of our friendly forgers and see if they want to make it in forgeworld. or you yourself could make the map in forgeworld.
I have been talking about something like this ever since Halo:Reach came out. I would absolutly fall in love with a sandtrap/sandbox forgeworld in my map selection box. combin this desert area with a mountain range in the backround that leads to something like avalanch or another, better frozen wasteland... you got my vote on this.
I doubt we'd ever see another forge world type dlc. I'm not saying it can't happen, but Bungie is done with Halo and 343 has announced there next game.
And if they add a new one, they prolly wouldnt make it sand-themed since we've ardy had sandbox. Cool idea, though
It would be nice for one last Forge map to keep the community going longer, although Forgeworld is already so large and diverse, I'm not too sure it would happen. I'd settle for another smaller map like tempest with the full forge pallet. Frame rate is much less of a problem there.