Help with a Pyramid

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DutchMaster22, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. DutchMaster22

    DutchMaster22 Forerunner

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    Im trying to build a mayan style pyramid for a map that im making and its not working AT ALL. Can anyone help me out with a list of blocks and some instructions that worked for you if you had any success with a pyramid in forge? A couple screenshots and/or short tutorial would be awsome!
    Here's a link to a picture of the style of pyramid im trying to make
    Im new to the forums so if posting a link like this is a violation please let me know and i wont do it again.
  2. Pwnography

    Pwnography Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You could probably use 5x5 blocks in the building blocks.

    I havent done anything like it, but its worth a shot.
  3. AKillerDogV100

    AKillerDogV100 Forerunner

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    Do you want to be abeo to use the inside?
  4. Drew Baye

    Drew Baye Forerunner

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    I was planning to do something similar for infection, inspired by the scene in the beginning of Aliens vs Predator showing the Predators fighting off the aliens coming up the sides.

    It's easy to do. Friend me on XBL, gamertag "Drew Baye" and I'll help you with it.
  5. Values

    Values Forerunner

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    Lol, already have one of these built. I used 4x4 shorts, but I Ran out at the top and it end up being finished with some platform, smalls.
    Those work pretty well also.
  6. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    If you want the ramp shown in the picture then make sure that side is on a 90 degree snap to angle. Otherwise you may have some trouble angling a block nicely. Other than that I would say that the Incline section will be your best friend here. I think one of the Bank peices will work nicely for the corners.
  7. Drew Baye

    Drew Baye Forerunner

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    I built one last night, left the inside completely open. I am planning to rebuild but will upload the file to my file share and you can check it out, use it if you like, etc.

    Been doing a bit more research on these things and also found this crazy hotel that might make a good basis for a map A Floating Pyramid Hotel? - Insta Travel

    I found some images of Mayan temples with what appear to be entrances at lower levels. Will post if I can find them again.

    Edited by merge:

    I'm finished roughing out the outer geometry and starting on the inside. Will be working on it again later tonight (probably after 10pm EST unless my wife hogs the TV) and also this weekend.

    I started by building the outside base using 4x4 tall, stacking them 7 wide and 7 deep around the outside (left the inside empty), then 6 by 6, then 5 by 5, then for the top two layers I used wall double and 4x4 flats to leave some inside space.

    On all four sides there are ramps going up made of incline 2x2 steep, with two of them side by side per level.

    It appears the Mayans made their pyramids with 9 steps, which has some kind of significance to them, but mine is currently 5, not including the room at the top. If I can spare the blocks I might add smaller intermediate steps later.
    #7 Drew Baye, Feb 25, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2011
  8. DutchMaster22

    DutchMaster22 Forerunner

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    thanks for all the help and suggestions guys. I got a pretty nice one built, 5 levels, open inside. Wanted to make it more authentic height wise but i ran out of building blocks in 5 levels. Looks pretty sick, ill try to post a pic

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