im thinking from an art perspective, man. I LOVE the look of Psychonauts If it's about the art of games, i couldn't care less about something like halo 2 or 3. Reach from an artistic perspective, is GORGEOUS. but the previous, meh. and windwaker is my all time favorite game, both game-wise and art-wise. It was such a risky move to cel-shade, but it ended up being the most polished game i've ever played. I still play it today, it doesn't look or play like it's outdated in the slightest. Truly timeless.
^ It's also the least fun of all the Zelda games (with the exception of the GBA games, didn't enjoy those much at all). Just sayin'
Majora's Mask is definitely the best of the zelda games imo, to this day it's totally unlike any other game out there. It's a stand out in all of video games, and a stand out in its own series. To call it "the least fun" is crazy talk, it's the only game i've ever played that made me feel like an all-knowing god-like savior. Sure at the small stretch at the start you're like a rat in a maze, but by the end you're basically jesus. Being jesus is totally fun. Maybe your experience with the game was like mine as a child, which was letting the moon crash, being terrified, then saying "**** this, nope. not doing this." Coming back to it in recent years, it's in a whole new light and i'm pissed at myself for ever passing up the experience.
I only voted for games I care about, and only two lost. Psychonauts lost to Halo 2, Half Life 2 lost to Portal. Which is understandable. Portal is a probably one of the most cherished games of all time, and Psychonauts won gamespot's "Best Game No One Played" in 2005. YouTube - Boyd's G-Men [Psychonauts]
Halo 3 was a much better game than Bioshock. It should've won. Also, ME2 has nothing on Oblivion, so it shouldn't have won. And, as much as I love Minecraft, StarCraft II should have won. Anyways, guess this whole thing just goes to show that mindless fanboys can flood polls just to watch their undeserving favorite game rise to the top. If any place in the world decides to do something like this again, they shouldn't be doing a poll for it. They should be doing the research and decision making on their own.
halo 3 > bioshock for an art exhibit? i think you're forgetting that this is called "The Art of Video Games" rather than "The Best Video Games"
Im sorry but I very well agree with these choises because I grew up on these games like star fox, B-K, SW SotE, and Goldeneye, but out of all of them Shadows and Star Fox should be up tied with Smash Bros or a Zelda game because they all were good but others were better. [br][/br]Edited by merge: But as any if this is the "Art" section of the place then hopefuly they are talking about good art for the system because there is no chance for 64
I'm confused by what you mean. I grew up with those games too, that does not mean they belong in the same vague generic category together. Goldeneye and Starfox 64 are two very different games, they are both great games and deserving of some sort of hall of fame but they do not belong together in the same category being voted on between the two of them. That's like telling people to vote on Leonardo's Mona Lisa or Andy Warhol's Campbell's soup art as best painting ever. They are both great works of art but are completely different types of art. You wouldn't vote on them like that and the same goes for these games.
I completly understand what you mean but I said what I said because I am talking about the graphics part not the gameplay if you understand what I am saying. I am sorry I did not mean to confuse you.
Then your point makes no sense at all. Graphics have nothing to do with the categories... Crysis has 1000% better graphics than Goldeneye, but I would still, in every way, say Goldeneye was the better game. Graphics are a side effect of the period a game was made in. You cannot compare the graphics of games from the 80s to graphics of the 90s or 2000s along with comparing how good the games were. You can do one or the other, not both.
...This thread was made months ago about the Smithsonian having a video game exhibit in which they allowed the nation to take a vote on what games will be featured in the exhibit. If you didn't see the categories then why argue? That is what this thread is about, the games in the categories given.