What's the point of providing feedback if you're going to deny everything? I'm pretty sure sound quality goes beyond your camera. Stance has a lot to do with any instrument, especially the voice.
Im not denying anything, I flat out said that the camera being a piece of **** is a problem, and im aware that stance affects how you sound, but based on the things he said, I seriously doubt that was what he was getting at. If im wrong then I will agree with that one 100%, my stance and my breathing both need alot of work.
SEEEE YOU ASKED ME TO GO IN DEPTH!! -Sound Quality: Get a band... Play your own music on a stage, or somewhere with room -Stance: Don't stand there looking at your freacking computer when you should look at the camera -Music Quality: Read Sound Quality -Background: Get a better background, not just your room, find a giant piece of picture paper and get a good background on it and hang it up behind you -Lighting: Get Stage Lights -Lighting Effects: There are no lighting effects. -Different Places: Walk around a bit, don't sit there not looking at the camera -No Microphone: Get a mic stand at least -Less Red Face: Quit making it look like your constipated and can't get it out..
I am in a band right now, this is something I do in my spare time because I think its fun. I was looking at the computer because I was making sure I had the lyrics right, and also alot of people get creeped out if your stare into the camera the whole time. I just do this for fun, so I wont be investing in anything like lights lol, and I actually cant really walk around, my room is tiny. I do have a mic stand, but if im not playing an instrument, whats the point? Also I lol'd really hard at the constipated comment.
Basically: Get better. You're not very good at screaming, but that may be in part because you are young, so instead of sounding bad ass, you sound like a child screaming for something it wants. Know what I mean? Plus, outward screams not done right REALLY sound like crap.
-Get your band together than do it -MEMORIZE YOUR GOD DAMN LYRICS -Dont stand close to the camera then -Get a bigger room if yours room is to small, like your garage, if you don't have one, your grass, if you dont have grass, your basement, if you dont have a basement, your freacking roof, if you dont have a roof, the highway... -and why would you lol at the constipated comment? It was true...
I have the lyrics memorized, I wanted to make sure I didnt screw them up though as I have not known about this band very long. Also its freaking cold outside, I cant do a cover in a garage or outside until the weather is nicer. I like what I like, you like what you like. Probably, but unfortunatly screams are pretty fround apon by most vocal instructors since they dont really know anything about it (its pretty modern.) I dont think they would be able to teach me anything besides better breathing techniques.
Well, they are frowned upon due to their complete lack of musical talent whatsoever. People don't need to know about screams to understand that you are not even making an attempt at hitting any notes whatsoever with your voice. Go read up on good singers. Also, for the one point that you did try to sing, I think you might be tone deaf.
Just gonna throw my two cents in before it's over. 1. Honestly, it wasn't good man. The screaming was more like raspy screeching. The singing was like people sing in their car. It's not real. 2. (to not you) Screaming is a form of vocal expression just as much as singing. To be able to PROPERLY scream and do it every day on tour and not hurt your body is quite a technique, and to be clear, very talented. Most people who scream over music do not learn anything about it... so no, they aren't very talented. However, saying that screaming in general is not a talent, and shouldn't be taught is ignorant.